paka-pakavkeep talking with no resultsHakwe Apau mon ley e me pakapaka wayr.I kept talking (in vain) about going to Abau.mon pakapakaunspec. comp. formwaste time in continuous talking
panapanlikenessHromkwe hyo ney se lira menkin, hromkwe senkin me, "Hiykwe orih hiykiaw panapan nuw-wak"When we saw his son, we said, "He is the exact likeness of his father."
pankawhow many, to what extent, some time?Hunkwe huok pankaw mo?How many pigs do you have?Homkwe pankaw ley mo?Are you going sometime?Homkwe pankaw pankaw ley mo?How many of you are going?Homkwe eyrowpar pankaw ma-hokruw a?Will there be some other meeting in the afternoon?"pankaw" can be used as an adjective or as an adverb.pankaw pankawunspec. comp. formhow many?pankaw ... aunspec. comp. formwill there be some time?
panokewhyHunkwe hano huok se panoke hin kow so?Why did you shoot my pig?
panpaniownicolourful light,Napuar sohokwe panpaniowni se hieyn nakyar.That star shines with a colourful force.
papasee offHakwe hye Grin Riva mon hiy-iau papa ha.I brought him away seeing him off at Green River.ley papa haunspec. comp. form
papawadvfriendly, gently,Hiykwe hane me papaw hye su kow e.He talked me gently into giving him a papaw2unspec. comp. formgive comforting friendly talk