unkawkbe under or in somethingSok hiykwe yeyk so ompok mon ho-a-ho unkawk. (or: wonkawk)The snake laid curled up under the middle part of the canoe.unkawk suebe hidden in or under something
unkeynvlengthen?Hiykwe hyo ok mokwe meipey nuwsor unkeyn unkeyn.He makes a very long speech.
unownfire place, made of clayunow losunspec. comp. formto mold (out of clay) a fire place.unow-mayrunspec. comp. formfire place side
uronnheart, thinkingHakwe uron non.I think sensibly.Hakwe uron kamon non.I have an idea, plan.Uron imnok amnok peie nanpanan o.Do not have second thoughts, do not hesitate.Aw-ok sokukwe hyo uron se mon sasian.This argument got him heated up.uron imnok amnok2unspec. comp. formhave second thoughts, objectionsuron kreys nonunspec. comp. formdivided between two opinionsuron lieunspec. comp. formheart is beating fast, short of breathuron lopa lwakunspec. comp. formfeel pity, compelled? to helpuron lowk2unspec. comp. formfeel pity, feel sympathy with,uron owh yia loum2unspec. comp. formbeing very angryuron sawn lopa3unspec. comp. formwith no fear, courageous, recklessuron sese2unspec. comp. formshort of breath; astma; long foruron yaprue lwakunspec. comp. formbeing positive, feeling goodHano uron-pi kounspec. comp. formapple of my eye, my beloved