wa2nsoul, spiritHakwe wa non.I have a soul.Hakwe hne wa leyunspec. comp. formI am very happy with you.
wainthe front wall or the back wall of a housea-wai2unspec. comp. formfront/back of the house
wakeynvbe in waterHakwe hnekwe ompow non lo wakeyn ey.I will shoot with my bow when in or near the water.
wakianevcutSun sokwe kiywakianeCut that black palm sheet
wakiawkvsit down insideNyo prueyn hiykwe woyo-hne ley wakiawk nerie, ki sapa mon.A certain boy sat in a fenced place in the bush, to watch a fowl nest.
wakiawk-keynvsit downmnuw mon wakiawk-keynsit on the mountain
wakinakinvshakeHiykwe hane makwey wakinakin nok, hekweyr kweyr.He shook his head about me and laughed.
wakuwsouwithout fight, passiveUwr sohokwe wakuwsouThis man is very passive
wanohvcome over, cover (invisible, not controllable)Hanekwe peik wanoh yay.The illness came over me.Hanekwe niohney piaparaw wanoh yay.The bad spirit came over me.
wanpownmustard, (the plant is called 'wan')wanpow-maunspec. comp. formthe mustard leaves
wanpruwcut in pieces? slices?Hokwe sawk pion se lei wanpruw nok nok, yia mon kekie hi hrohro way, sey eir mon.She took and cut the meat in pieces and put them in the basket over the fire to dry out.
wanyayvexpose yourself to steamHunkwe now-ma kowp se kein neyh nok, wanyay, hno owh mon.Pick green leaves and cook them (mumu) and then let the steam effect your body
waposvrefuse, rejectHakwe hyo aiai me po me wapos say kow hain.I refused his food and left him with it.
waposaposvrefuse, rejectHakwe hano aiai me peie me waposapos oYou should not always refuse my food.
warvmove upwardslway war2unspec. comp. formblow causing something to move upwards
war-a-warvwave, sway (light items)Howniy hokwe pey-ma me lway war-a-war.The wind causes the reeds to sway.lway war-a-warunspec. comp. formblow wind
wareiadvhide the truthHakwe senkin lira, hunkwe hano huok se hin, sawk hunkwe hane me warei-arei kow.I saw that you shot my pig, but you try to hide the truth.warei-areiunspec. comp. form