Abau - English



lohruw1vtalk, discussHakwe kiap se lohruw-a e le.I came in order to talk to the officer in charge.lanio ohruw-ago visit
lohuwnvwater level risesHu aiopey hay nuw-ohuwn enkiawkeyn wayr.The big flood remained at its high water level.hyo ouh hokwe hu se hieyn lohuwnhe became well-built and stronghu lohuwnthe water level rises
lohyamove away, clear offKwa lohya ha e, ka pa nake.Go out of the way, a car is coming now.
loiow1vcurse, put under a curseUwr sohokwe hyo su se nak-oiow.The man put his coconut tree under a curse.
loiow2vjumploiow hreik - lour hreikjump over
lok1ncane, used to fasten blinds to wall
lok3vsufferaw loksuffer pain
lok4vmove?, some action of movingloksow, lok kumney, lok yayclimb down, go down, pull and placear-ok noksink (from high place going down)Hano yeyk hokwe hu ouon mon akorok nok.My canoe has sunk under water.
lok2vstand? (derived from 'lorok'???)
lok-a-lokvview negatively, blockHunkwe now sehe kair sasow e, payhokuaw hakwe lira lok-a-lok.You should remove that tree, because I am blocked in my view because of it.Hakwe hne nion liy non-wayr ley, payhokuaw hunkwe hane kokwe lira lok-a-lok.I will not stay with you anymore, because you view me as an undesired person.
lok-hnon-a-hnonvsteer, find wayHakwe yeyk se hiok ok-hnon-a-hnon ion ley. (spelling might be wrong)I am steering the canoe upstream.
lok-ohyavmove out, go out of the way,Nyo seme ka-me ok-ohya ha e, wosion mon.Get those boys out of the way on to the sand.
lok-pa-lokvdirty, stainHano owh hokwe ahney hom si low lok-pa-lok yay kow.The birds dirtied me with their excrement
lok-sahrorvunwrapUr yia-now ko sehe kiy-ok-sahror nok, hane kow.Unroll this vine around the fire wood and give it to me.
lok-sanionvgo out in a groupHomkwe howk lokin e lok-sanion.They went in a group to beat (beat poisonous vines to catch fish) the lake.me oksanionsent off, tell them to move
lok-saseynvlose weightHomkwe worimnow me pese la o, owh lok-saseyn lak.Do not eat this big kind of eel, it would be good if you started to lose a lot of weight.
lok-saunkeynvsurroundUwr homkwe huok liwak ok-saunkeyn nayr.The men have positioned themselves surrounding the pig in the night.
lok-yawvgather, bring along togetheruwrsa me me huonok okyaw.pick up people and bring them together.nekie okyawgrab them to bring together
lokhapush in, penetrateHakwe yeyk nonow se now-ho non ka-lokha ir.I am trying to push in a chip of timber in the hole of the canoe.
lokhreHiykwe hanekwe meinowon ke kow e nak-okhre lokruok, hakwe sawk lonok pa.He tried in vain to give me some money, but I did not take it.
lokhyawn-a-hyawncontrol/bewitchHuok hano hokwe niohney piaparaw hom mon okhyawn-a-hyawn.My pig is completely controlled by evil spririts.
lokiamavdivideHomkwe howk ke lokiama okinThey divide themselves to hit the lake with the poison ropeUwrku somokwe homkiaw-aw lokiama nakrok.They divided themselves into two groups
lokiamaunvmarkHuok mokwe kosi non kwa lokiamaun kow.Mark the pig with some ground (done for protection of pig against bad local influence)
lokianvhitNwoh sohokwe now non kwa lokian paw e.Hit that dog with a stick that it sounds.
lokiankovhitNow-kweim hok hano i-heir sok lokianko ha.The tree branch hit the front of my leg.