Akawaio-English Dictionary



auroꞌsa (poss: ayauroꞌsaai) n a variety of wild calaloo
ausarako var. of kaisarako
ausin (var: apʉsin) nom 1someone willing Ausin pe iyesi. He is willing. 2someone excited
utausinpa (der.) vr excited
uya postp 1Agent marker for transitive verb phrases; acts as a postposition in a passive translation, as in, "The dishes were washed by me." Parapi ton koruka uya. I am washing wares. 2I, as subject of a transitive sentence Pon ton utuꞌkunapɨtʉ uya. I am washing clothes.
auya you-subj
iya he, she, it-subj
awaiꞌkara n old clothes, full of holes
awaiꞌna vi be or become melted or turned into a liquid state Ikasiꞌ awaiꞌnaꞌpʉ. The fat melted.
awaiꞌnan nom something clear or transparent Awaiꞌnan pe tuna esi. The water is clear. opp: ikuꞌ .
awanakʉiꞌ adv in the morning Awanakʉiꞌ ina utɨ mɨrɨ. We will go in the morning. opp: ukoꞌmamʉ 3 .
awanapairɨ n tomorrow Awanapairɨ ina utɨ soꞌsi taꞌ. Tomorrow, we will go to church. cal: mʉꞌkuꞌ koꞌmamiyau, koꞌmamiyau, serɨ, awanapairɨ, awanapairɨ eꞌmaꞌpʉ .
awanapairɨ eꞌmaꞌpʉ day after tomorrow cal: mʉꞌkuꞌ koꞌmamiyau, koꞌmamiyau, serɨ, awanapairɨ, awanapairɨ eꞌmaꞌpʉ .
awara n 1a variety of tree with hard, sour fruit 2the fruit of the same tree
awara akʉ n a variety of bird, blue in colour, similar in variety to the green sɨkɨi
aware n (non-possessed) opossum Metachinus nudicaudatus
awarimɨ n (non-possessed) a variety of poisonous, colourful snake that lives in the bush
Aweiꞌka nprop the name given to one of the head creeks of the Upper Mazaruni River
awen n a bay of water along a river syn: kupai .
aꞌweta (var: aꞌkweta) vi 1be or become full Maꞌwetayan peꞌ? Are you full/satisfied? 2satisfied
awɨrɨ postp 1during, with aworon pe teꞌsan those who are with him 2through Paarʉ mɨrɨ awonsiꞌkɨ Sairas utɨꞌpʉ Anꞌpiꞌpores mɨrɨ awonsiꞌkɨ Aꞌporoniya pata ton awɨrɨ. Paul and Silas went through Amphipolis and Apollonia places.
awɨron (attrib.) n
awɨron (attrib. of awɨrɨ) n
awɨrɨ postp 1during, with aworon pe teꞌsan those who are with him 2through Paarʉ mɨrɨ awonsiꞌkɨ Sairas utɨꞌpʉ Anꞌpiꞌpores mɨrɨ awonsiꞌkɨ Aꞌporoniya pata ton awɨrɨ. Paul and Silas went through Amphipolis and Apollonia places.
awɨron (attrib.) n
awoino n a traditional variety of necklace
awon n leader tanporon kon pata awon all the leaders
awonsiꞌkɨ 1conj and . . ., mɨrɨ awonsiꞌkɨ, . . . . . ., and . . . 2postp from Aqaba awonsiꞌkɨ iyeꞌsaꞌ mɨrɨ. He has come from Aqaba. syn: ponsiꞌkɨ .
aꞌwoꞌpʉ (poss: ayaꞌwoꞌpʉrʉʉi) n a rotting tree trunk, standing or fallen