Akawaio-English Dictionary



eꞌsepo var. of eꞌseporo
eꞌseporo (var eꞌsepo) (der. of eporo) 1) vr meet each other 2) vi find each other 3) vi be realized Ɨꞌrɨ kuru eꞌkuꞌtoꞌ oton iweyu eꞌseposaꞌ ikamanin pe? What will happen to show the time is about to be realized?
eporo (var: epo; var: eꞌpo) vt 1find Uyeporoꞌpʉ iya ꞌnokon. He found us. 2discover 3receive 4realize 5get, as in birthing children, becoming a mother Umunkɨ amʉꞌ man kamoro pona rʉꞌkwɨ uneporosan. My children, those I got/gave birth to.
eꞌseporo (der.) (var eꞌsepo) 1vr meet 2vi find 3vi realize
eꞌsereka vi sneak, to be sneaky or act sneakily Iyeꞌserekaꞌpʉ. He sneaked.
eseremekʉ vt 1rebuke Sises eraꞌtɨꞌpʉ toꞌ eseremeꞌseꞌna. Jesus turned to rebuke them. 2say something in a serious manner Toꞌ kʉseremekʉi. Don't talk to them. Toꞌ eseremeꞌkɨ. Talk to them. 3in a general way, speak
eseru (poss: ɨeseru) n 1habit, way of doing things toꞌ eseru their habit 2sense 3wisdom 4tradition 5character 6will
eseruꞌtɨ (der.) vt wisdom
eseruꞌtɨ (der. of eseru) vt give someone wisdom ɨeseruꞌtɨtoꞌ uya I give you wisdom
eseru (poss: ɨeseru) n 1habit, way of doing things toꞌ eseru their habit 2sense 3wisdom 4tradition 5character 6will
eseruꞌtɨ (der.) vt wisdom
eꞌsesenkuka vr clear one's throat
eseꞌtɨ (der. of eseꞌ) vt give a name to someone or something Eseꞌtɨ uya serɨ Moisiꞌ tukaiꞌ. I name this one Moses.
eseꞌ (var: eꞌseꞌ; poss: ɨyeseꞌ) n 1name Goliath iteseꞌ Goliath (was) his name 2tribe, the name by which one belongs to a particular culture and language
eseꞌtɨ (der.) vt name
useseꞌtɨ (der.) vr name
eꞌseꞌtɨ vt 1take care of something; keep something from falling or spilling Eꞌseꞌtɨtɨꞌ! Take care of it! (a command given to more than one person) 2steer; using a paddle to turn one's canoe 3control
useꞌseꞌtɨ (der.) 1vi steady 2vr standing 3vr control
esi (var: esɨi; var: eꞌ; var: si) vi is, to be, are Kaatʉ piyau Main nɨ esiꞌpʉ. The Word was with God. Pʉsamo Israelite amʉꞌ uya Papa apurɨ esiꞌpʉ. These Israelites had God's faith/faith in God. syn: eꞌnɨ 2, wannɨ .
esikiri nom 1something small 2a small group of something
esimunuiꞌ var. of ɨsimunuiꞌ
eꞌsinka vr hanging Patawon amʉꞌ uya ɨkʉi eꞌsinkasaꞌ ene aꞌtai itemiya pɨꞌ, toꞌ uya taꞌpʉ tiwanoꞌ kon pe, When the residents saw the snake hanging from his arm, they said to each other,. . ..
eꞌsinsinka var. of sinsinka
eꞌsinsinma var. of sinsinka
usiꞌpo vi be stung Usiꞌpoꞌpʉ. I was stung.
eꞌsiꞌpo (der.) vr sting oneself
isiꞌponin (der.) n stinger
eꞌsiroꞌsiroꞌma vr moving, as a baby does
eꞌsiꞌsiꞌma vi itch Ikaꞌnɨ pe upiꞌpɨ eꞌsiꞌsiꞌma. My skin itches terribly.
eꞌsitɨnka vr to be or become stiff, rigid
esɨi var. of esi
eꞌsɨkɨiꞌma var. of eꞌtɨkɨiꞌma
eꞌsɨꞌkʉrʉrʉma var. of sɨꞌkʉrʉrʉ vr be or become heated