Akawaio-English Dictionary



wanamari (var: waramari; poss: awanamarii) n 1mirror Wanamari eꞌkwɨꞌpɨꞌsaꞌ. The glass/mirror broke. 2glass
wanapu n a general term for weeds
wanapʉimɨ n (non-possessed) a variety of lemon grass Cymbogea citratus
wanawana n a variety of wasp that lives in the ground and has a reddish back Wanawana uya turʉꞌ anɨꞌpʉ. The wasp ate the fly.
Wanawon nprop 1the name of a settlement on the Kukui river; boundary between Jawalla and Pipiri pai 2the name given the creek near the same settlement
wanmʉra var. of wanpʉra
wanmʉra postp 1behind someone, in back of someone iwanmʉra usauroꞌnɨ talking behind his/her back 2ignorant, without knowing about something 3unconsciously
wannɨ n abscess
wannɨ vi be, exist Epuru wannɨ uyepʉ, ɨurɨtɨꞌ kon, ɨurɨtɨꞌ kon. (the one who is) A leader is coming, welcome him, welcome him. syn: eꞌnɨ 2, esi .
waꞌnoꞌ (poss: awaꞌnoto) n drink, any kind of drink
wanpʉra (var: wanmʉra) something forgotten or left behind wanpʉra rɨ iteseꞌ utɨꞌpʉ. I went for something I'd forgotten.
wansaraimɨ n (non-possessed) preying mantis
wanteima n a type of intestinal disease; gastroenteritis; diarrhea with abdominal pains
waꞌnʉ n 1aunt, direct address, in particular, one's father's sister or one's mother's brother's wife 2mother-in-law, direct address indir add: ewoꞌpʉ . 3mother's cousin, direct address
waꞌnʉpʉ (poss: anwaꞌnʉpʉ) n nephew, to a female
wanʉꞌtɨ vt bother, trouble Tɨwɨ nesii tiꞌsa kʉꞌwanʉꞌtɨpai. Don't bother the teacher any longer.
wapiro n carrying case for carrying multiple numbers of cassava bread cakes together syn: peipan 2 .
Wapisana var. of Wapiyana
wapiya 1conj before ina uya teporo kon wapiya before we find them 2adv first
Wapiyana (var: Wapisana) nprop 1a Wapishana person 2the Wapishana tribe of amereindians in Guyana and Brasil
wapiyaroꞌ n 1(non-possessed) first one wapiyaroꞌ kaꞌpon amʉꞌ iꞌtutoꞌ the first time people were counted 2eldest member of a group, such as siblings
wapu (poss: awapu) (cf: ) n 1shield 2protector 3covering 4shelter 5mediator
wapuꞌtɨ (der.) vt conceal
eꞌwapuꞌtɨ (der.) 1vr excuse 2vi surrounded
wapuꞌtɨ (der. of wapu) vt conceal Tʉmakooi wapuꞌtɨꞌpʉ iya. He hid his wrong/sin.
wapu (poss: awapu) (cf: ) n 1shield 2protector 3covering 4shelter 5mediator
wapuꞌtɨ (der.) vt conceal
eꞌwapuꞌtɨ (der.) 1vr excuse 2vi surrounded
wapʉrʉmʉ vi come out from a pit or depression Tʉwapʉrʉmʉ kon aꞌtai, . . .. When they came out of a pit, . . ..