âbádvaddAbádé kón áhed ámpē.He added more beans there.âbáde1-ev1add forBádé me chǒm ámīn.Add something for me.2glue, attach, pasteAbádté ediídiŋge á eʼsɛ́d éʼ ndáb.He pasted the picture on the wall of the house.3arrive secondAbádté nyam.He is the second to arrive at the hunted animal.âbádɛn-ɛn1vadd to2vadd with3v.adjbe stuck with4vcome nextBádɛ́n mé ámbīd boŋ désɔ̂l asɔ́l ahɔ́g.Stand behind me so that we can enter together.âbádnɛn-nɛnvinsistmbádagn3additionâbád átev.phrepeat