kumangkon [kumángkon] n 1Nephew, niece; child of a brother or sister. pamangkín [These are ZD (as of any gender related by birth or marriage) i.e. descendants one generation below (-1) somebody's siblings. They are considered to be in the same generation as their lineal children (-1).] (sem. domains: - Nephew, niece.) 2Second cousin; child of a first cousin (any gender). [These are MZDD (as of any gender related by birth or marriage) i.e. descendants one generation below (-1) somebody's first cousins. They are considered to be in the same generation as their lineal children (-1).] (sem. domains: 4.1.9 - Kinship.) 3Third cousin; child of a parent's first cousin (any gender). [lit. nephew/niece] [These are MMZDD (as of any gender related by birth or marriage) i.e. descendants one generation below (-1) somebody's parent's cousins. They are considered to be in the same generation as their lineal children (-1) though in actual fact they are in generation 0.] (sem. domains: 4.1.9 - Kinship.) comp. apo sa kumangkon