yapasak [yapásak] vi To fall with a noise, thud or splash. bagsak Nagyapasak kag botelyang ‘shampoo’ sa planggana. The bottle of shampoo fell with a splash into the wash basin.
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yabunok [yabúnok] 1n The thud sound when something falls. (sem. domains: - Fall.) 2vi To cause a loud sound when a falling object lands; to thud; (as of a belly-flop, hitting an animal). bagsak Ako narunggan nak nagyabunok kag lata. I heard that the can fell and created a loud sound. (sem. domains: - Fall.)
wasak₂ [wásak] 1sta To be destroyed; to become broken; to raze to the ground. Nawasak it bagyo kag tulay. The bridge was destroyed by the typhoon. syn: distruso 2, bagsak 4. 2vt To destroy something; to break something. sira Awasakon it mga tawo tong pader. The people will destroy the wall.
umpok₂ [úmpok] v To take out one’s anger on somebody, something else (as of substitute for the real cause, target). bagsak Kag ida kahangit ay sa ida anak gigpaumpukan. He took his anger out on his children.
tugpa₁ [túgpà] vbt To land on, in something (when falling or jumping). bagsakan Nagtugpa sa lanas kag ida bulador. His kite landed on the ricefield. Waya nida natunrugi kag ingtugpaan it ida natama nak pispis. He didn’t know the place where the bird that he shot landed.
timi [tímì] 1adj Dented; crushed; out of shape (as of metal, plastic); deformed. tupi Timi tong ako nabatong regalo. The gift I received was crushed. syn: pi-pi 1.2, timi 3, yupi. 2sta To become dented, crushed, etc. (as of tin, plastic) Natimi kag planggana nak nahuyog sa hagran. The washbasin that fell down the stairs became dented. Natimi kag balde tong nabagsakan it ragkong-bato. The bucket became dented when the big rock crashed down on it. 3vt To dent, crush something intentionally. Ingtimi nida kag inra kaserola dahil sa kahangit sa ida asawa. He dented their cooking pot because of his anger at his wife. syn: timi 1, pi-pi 1.2, yupi.
rugsak [rúgsak] v 1To throw down forcefully; to bang something down as when angry. bagsak Ida gingrugsak tong ida raya sa sayog dahil abang bug-at. He just threw down his things on the floor because they were too heavy. (sem. domains: - Angry.) 2Glottal stop, abrupt speech. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.)
pabagsak [pabágsak] (der. of bagsak) 1adj Hard landing (as of after a fall from a height). (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) 2n A bribe. lagay Nagtao si Romy it pabagsak nak usang libo sa gwardya para makaliwas tong inra mga raya. Romy gave a bribe of one thousand pesos to the guard so that their goods could be discharged. (sem. domains: - Bribe.) 3adj Hard slap of something (as of slapping one's hand into the hand of somebody else, or slapping money into somebody's hand). (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) 4n The cause the downfall of somebody. (sem. domains: - Fall.)
maado [ma-ádo] (der. of ado) adj Good (as of well-made objects, nice people, one's health, pleasant weather or successful events); excellent; nice; moral (Banton, Odiongan). magalíng; mabúti; matalino Aber maado ka sa klase kung perming palta ay mabagsak ka. Even if you are good in class, if you are always absent you will fail. syn: bali8 1. (sem. domains: 4.3.1 - Good, moral, 8.3.7 - Good.) comp. ayos yang maado ra sa waya
langkob [lángkob] 1vi To slam shut with force (as of a door). Naglangkob kag hagran. The door slammed shut. 2vt To slam a door shut. ibagsak Ato alangkubon kag hagran agor makikibot sinra. We wil slam the door so that they will be frightened.
distruso [distrúso] 1adj Greatly damaged, ruined, spoiled, broken, destroyed (as of animals getting in and eating a somebody's crops, garden etc.). (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.) 2vi To greatly damage, ruin, spoil, break, destroy something (as of animals getting in and eating a somebody's crops, garden etc.). sira Ingdistruso it karabao nina Myrna kag uma nina Paz. Myrna’s carabao destroyed Paz’s farm. syn: wasak₂ 1, bagsak 4. (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.)
bugsak [búgsak] 1n Heavy downpour, cloudburst of rain (as of gusts of wind and rain). bagsak Waya nakabiyahe kag mga eroplano pa Baguio dahil marako kag bugsak it uyan. The airplane wasn’t able to fly to Baguio because of the heavy downpour of rain. (sem. domains: - Rain.) 2v To have a downpour, cloudburst of rain (as of gusts of wind and rain). (sem. domains: - Rain.)
bagsak [bágsak] 1vt Collapsed; fallen down (as of a collapsed, destroyed building in an earthquake or bombing). (sem. domains: 7.9.3 - Destroy.) 2vt Fallen, failed (as of a person of status or the failure of one's ambitions etc.). (sem. domains: 4.4 - Prosperity, trouble, - Low status.) 3vt To fall, collapse conspicuously and with damage (as of a building collapsing); to crash down when falling from a height. (sem. domains: - Fall, 7.9.3 - Destroy.) 4vi To fall suddenly and extremely in status or rank (as of a leader or kingdom falling). bumagsák Nagbagsak sa sayog tong kisami it kag nadamaan ni Badlong it kag sinray nagpapakando. The ceiling crashed down onto the kuyungan floor when Badlong stepped on it when they were fixing the roof. syn: wasak₂ 1, distruso 2. (sem. domains: 4.4 - Prosperity, trouble, - Low status.) 5vi To fail in a subject, course of study, exam. (sem. domains: 3.6.4 - Class, lesson, - Study.) der. pabagsak