Search results for "duro"

traidor [tráidor] 1adj Traitor; two-faced. syn: siwat. 2vt To betray somebody. dóble-kára Waya nako gusto nak atraiduron kag ako amigo. I don’t want to betray my friend.

tamika [tamíkà] adj Abundant. marami Tamika kag inra duma. They have abundant rootcrops. syn: duro 1, ramo 1.

ramo₂ [rámò] 1adj Many; much. Maramo sidang kaamiga roto sa Nasuli. She has many friends in Nasuli. syn: duro 1, tamika. 2vi To become many; to increase in amount. Nagraramo ka ida duko nak waya’t namamatay. Her piglets are increasing because none are dying. Nagpaparamo kami it mga tawo bag-o magtuna it miting. We are waiting for the number of people to increase before starting the meeting. 3vbt To obtain many; to have much of something. marami Aramuan nako it bakay it santoy ngasing nak barato pa. I’ll buy many santol fruits now that they are still cheaper. der. paramo

muhmog [múhmog] n Crumbs; broken pieces (as of crackers). durog Karamong muhmog kag tinapay sa lata nak ida nabakay. There are many broken pieces in the can of biscuits which you bought.

mogmog [mógmog] v To break, free, crumble up particles by hand (as of lump of cooked rice before frying). durog Amogmogon anay ninro kinang kan-on bag-o sabagon. You have to break up particles of that cooked rice before frying it.

iniduro [inidúro] Phonologial Variant aniduro

durog [dúrog] n Plant species; Squash, pumpkin variety (as of with yellow, orange flesh). durog (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

duro [dúro] 1adj Many; a lot. marami Kaduro nak tawo sa baylihan tong Sabado. There were many people at the dance last Saturday. syn: ramo 1, tamika. (sem. domains: - Many, much.) 2vt To get, make, become many or numerous. Aduruhon nako it baoy kag santoy. I’ll get a lot of santol fruits. (sem. domains: - Increase.)

dalimaso [dalimáso] n A red rash (as of resembling measles). tipdas Mas duro pa kaysa guyos it ako likor it kag ako ay tiprason; Ilam ara kung dalimaso kato. More plentiful than the pox marks on my back when I had measles; I don’t know if it was maybe the red rash. [This is a severe red rash which may perhaps describe scarlet fever or shingles. It is not so commonly used nowadays, so whether the disease is no longer common or whether more Western names are being used, is not certain.] (sem. domains: - Skin disease.)

baliog [balí-og] (der. of liog) 1n Something hung, wrapped around the neck of a person or animal (as of a scarf, stole on a person or collar on a dog). (sem. domains: - Dog, 5.3 - Clothing.) 2vbt To put, tie something around the neck of a person or animal. Nagbali-og sida it pisi sa ida iro nak aguduron. He put a rope around his dog’s neck because he’s going to take him along. (sem. domains: - Dog, 5.3 - Clothing.)

aniduro [anidúro] (Phonologial Variant iniduro) n Toilet bowl (as of the porcelain bowl that holds the seat and water seal in the U bend that joins to the sewer). (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.)

mumog [mumóg] 1vi To fall apart; to break up into small pieces. To crumble , siparate into particles with the hands, as of cold rice, food. syn: wagas. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.) 2vt To break up into small pieces. durog, mumog Inamumog anay nako kag paig nak kan-on bag-o sabagon. I break up the cold rice into small pieces before frying it. (sem. domains: 7.9 - Break, wear out.)