Search results for "halandon"

kagalang-galang [kagalang-gálang ] (der. of galang) adj Honourable (as in term of address galang Kung gimuyatan sida ay pay kagalang-galang nak tawo. If you look at him it seems like he’s an honourable person. syn: halandon. (sem. domains: 4.5.5 - Honor, 9.3 - Very.)

halandong hari [halándong Hári] exp Your majesty, royal highness the King. kagalanggalang na hari Kag inra halandong Hari ay nagbisita sa ibang lugar. Their royal highness the King visited other countries. (sem. domains: 4.5.5 - Honor, 4.6.1 - Ruler, - King's family.)

halandon [halándon] (irreg. infl. halanron) adj Honorable; respectable distinguished, important; your majesty (person or family visitor). kagalang galang Kag amo bisita ay halanron kada amo nak gador ging-istimar it maado. Our guests are distinguished people so we really esteem them highly. Halandong tawo kina si Pedro. Pedro is a respectable person. [Used in addressing a king.] syn: kagalang-galang. (sem. domains: - Government official, 4.6.1 - Ruler, - Foreigner, - Politics.) comp. amo halandong hari

amo halandong hari [ámò halándong Hárì] (comp. of halandon, hari) exp Our distinguished, noble, excellent, honorable King; your highness, majesty, excellency (as of a title for a person of honor like a king, governor or distinguished guest). [term of address] (sem. domains: 4.6.1 - Ruler, 4.3.2 - Admire someone, - Title, name of honor.)