Search results for "idit"

wayat aber usang kidit [wayat aber usang kidít] say Undefiled, innocent, without wrongdoing (lit. not even one fingertip). (sem. domains: 4.3.5 - Honest.)

kidit [kidít] n Pinch measurement between two, three fingers used in cooking. kurot Usang kidit nak paminta kag ida gingbutang sa sopas. Its only one pinch of pepper was put in the soup. (sem. domains: 8.2.1 - Small.)

idit [ídit] v To proofread and correct written material; edit the writing, work. balik aral Bag-o nimo ipaimprinta kag imbitasyon ay ipaidit anay nimo kung waya sala. Before you print your invitation have it first proofread and correct it so there are no error. (sem. domains: - Publish, - Read, - Written material.)

diskumpyado [diskumpyádo] 1adj Sceptical, doubtful, dubious, suspicious of the claimed truth, validity or trustworthiness of somebody or what they said. (sem. domains: - Disbelief.) 2pv Sceptical, doubtful, dubious, suspicious of the claimed truth, validity or trustworthiness of somebody or what they said. (sem. domains: - Disbelief.)