Search results for "ilok"

usgang [úsgang] sta To fall, sit down suddenly on ones posterior. natapilok Naghapros kag ida hawak dahil napausgang sida sa batuhon nak lugar. Her waist became painful because she fell down on her posterior on a stony place. syn: sumpo.

tsupi₁ [tsúpì] vt To deceive; to cheat of money. niloko Ingtsupi ako nida rutong ako nabakay nak baro. I was cheated by her when I bought the dress.

tamilok [tamílok] n Long worm in hardwoods (with the appearance of the umbilical cord of baby). Inggwa it mga tawo nak nagkakaon it tamilok. There are people who eat long worms in hardwoods.

run-an [rún-an] vt To touch with the hands; place one’s hands on somebody. kalabit Ako namalayan nak inasagnat sida it kag ako run-an kag ida ilok. I noticed that he has a fever when I touched his armpit with my hands. syn: haphap, kapkap, pig-on, ramgo 2.1.

pilok [pilók] n Eyelash. pilik-matá

piloka [pilóka] n Bangs; fringe. piloka

patong magilok [patóng magílok] n Bamboo species which has rough skin. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

isay [isáy] 1n Swollen lymph nodes, glands. Naghahapros kag ida isay sa ilok kada waya sida nakabunak. Her lymph node in the armpit is becoming painful so she wasn’t able to wash clothes. (sem. domains: 2.1.7 - Flesh.) 2vi To have enlarged lymph nodes. kulani Ingisayan sida sa ilok. She had enlarged lymph nodes in her armpit. (sem. domains: - Skin disease.)

ilok [ílok] n Armpit. kilikíli (sem. domains: - Arm.)

gilok [gílok] 1n Skin, hairs on plants that cause an itch (as of fruits like mabulo, bamboo shoots). Kag mabulo ay di gilok. Mabulo fruit has skin which causes an itch. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2n Rash, hives, itchy skin from plants. (sem. domains: 2.1.4 - Skin.) 3v To get a rash, hives, itch from the skin of plants. kati Halin kamo hina sa puno baka kamo magilukan hina. Get away from the tree in case you get an itchy rash. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)