Search results for "kahalihan"

kahalihan [kahalíhan] (der. of hali) n Relatives. kamag-anak Tanan nidang kahalihan ay ida ingbuligan tong sida ay magyaman. He helped all his relatives when he became rich. (sem. domains: - Family, clan, - Cousin.)

balsamo [bálsamo] vt To embalm a dead body. bálsamó Ingbalsamo it ruhang dominggo katong minatay agor indi magbaho habang inghuhuyat kag pag-abot it mga kahalihan. The dead person was embalmed for two weeks so it wouldn’t smell bad while waiting for the arrival of the relatives. [This is done to prepare the body for up to nine days of the wake, during which the body is laid out, family and friends visit the home, donate money, hold religious services and play table games etc. ] (sem. domains: - Plant product, - Corpse, - Medicine.) der. balsamador , der. pabalsamo , der. pangbalsamo