Search results for "kan-on"

yamor [yámor] 1adj Mixed together, as of rice with corn. halo Kag amo kan-on ay di yamor nak mais. Our rice is mixed with corn. (sem. domains: - Food from plants.) 2v To mix with something. Ingyamoran ni Nitay it sari-saring utan kag ida ginisa. Nitay mixed different kind of vegetables in her sauteed dish. syn: partisipar, yakot 1, iba 2, umir 3, yakay 2, halo 1, halo 2. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.) der. nayamram

yakay [yákay] 1vt To mix kinds of rice together before cooking. (The mixing is done with the hands, often on a woven tray and sometimes other grains are mixed in.) halo Ingyakayan nida it mayagkit kag tapoy nak asumanon. She mixed white sticky rice into the black sticky rice mixture. 2n The food mixed with rice. Igwa it yakay nak tapoy kag amo kan-on. There is black sticky rice mixed with our cooked rice. syn: partisipar, yakot 1, iba 2, umir 3, yamor 2, halo 1, halo 2.

uwa [úwà] vt To spit something out of one’s mouth. luwà Ing-uwa tong anak kag kan-on dahil abang init. The child spit the rice out because it was too hot. syn: wa-wa.

udon₂ [údon] 11.1vbt To like something; to be fond of something. nagustuhan Naudon ako it lugaw nak nahaluan it saging. I like rice cereal that has bananas mixed in it. Ida nauudonaney kag kan-on. She’s already learning to like rice. syn: mahilig, mu-ot, gusto 3, hilig 1, gusto 1, yain 3. 22.1v To take effect especially of medicine. hiyang Naudon sa ako kinang buyong dahil nag-ado-ado. That medicine took effect as I’m feeling a bit better.

tubor₁ [túbor] sta To burn food in a pot. sunog Waya ra natubor kag kan-on. The rice didn’t burn. (sem. domains: 5.5.4 - Burn.)

samo [sámò] vbt To moisten rice with a liquid (soup, soy sauce); to sprinkle something with water to moisten or soften something. basa Asamuan anay nako kag inalmedoran nak mga punra bag-o plantsahon. I’ll sprinkle the starched pillow cases with water before ironing it. Asamuan nako’t sabaw kag ako kan-on. I’ll moisten my rice with soup. Waya sida gisamo it tuyo sa kan-on. She didn’t moisten her rice with soy sauce. syn: sabyag, sablig. (sem. domains: 1.3.3 - Wet.)

sabaw [sabáw] 1n Soup; broth. syn: yauda 2. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.) 2vbt To make, add liquid to make soup (the meduim used in water). Juicy sabáw Asabawon nako kag tubi sa isra. I will use the water to make soup for the fish. Asabawan nako kag isra. I will make soup with the fish. Asabawan nako kag kan-on it anak. I will add soup to the child’s rice. [this method of cooking is never used for rice, and more likely for meat, chicken, fish.] (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.) comp. sabaw it butong , der. masabaw

rumaya, manog-rumaya (der. of raya) 1n 1.1vt To include items in a whole. dala Raya tanan kita sa ida imbitasyon. His invitation includes all of us. Raya tanan baga kag yuto nak kan-on ag suyâ? What’s cooked includes cooked rice and the accompanying dish doesn’t it? Buko raya tanan kag suyâ sa kan-on. The accompanying dish doesn’t include cooked rice. Buko raya tanan kag ida ingbadaran it ticket. She didn’t pay for all. Raya kag badar sa iwag it inro plite diling bayay. Your rent for this house includes the payment for the lights. Aray-on sa plite it bapor kag pagkaon. Food is included in the boat fare. 2n Leader; person in charge.

pali₄ [páli] n A fish with yellow on the tail and black rough skin (caught in rocky places). Kanamit nak inihaw kag pali ag isuya sa kan-on. It’s very delicious to eat broiled fish with yellow tail with rice.

mogmog [mógmog] v To break, free, crumble up particles by hand (as of lump of cooked rice before frying). durog Amogmogon anay ninro kinang kan-on bag-o sabagon. You have to break up particles of that cooked rice before frying it.

mahab-as₁ [maháb-as] adj Heavy-handed serving of food. Mahab-as talaga ako magsanrok it kan-on kada ikaw yangey it sanrok. I’m really heavy-handed serving rice so you just take out some to give away.

kumo₃ [kúmò] v To mix by hand. halo Ida akumuan it tuyo ag mantika kag kan-on. He will mix soy sauce and oil with rice by hand. (sem. domains: - Steps in food preparation.)

kumo₂ [kúmò] v To moisten food (with oil, butter, coconut, milk). halo, hinaloan Kinumuan ninra kag kan-on it lana. They moistened the cooked rice with oil. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.)

kan-on [kán-on] n Cooked rice. kánin (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat, - Cooking methods.)

hab-as [háb-as] adj Heavy handed; uneconomical; profilgate; quickly uses up or consumes something. madaling maubusan Si Joanna ay abang hab-as magsukar kada nagkuyang kag kan-on. Joanna is heavy handed with the food when scooping it out so there was not enough rice. (sem. domains: - Lack, - Appearance, - Waste, 6.1.2 - Method.) comp. buko mahab-as

buko mahab-as [bukô maháb-as] (comp. of buko, hab-as) adj Parsimonious; mean; frugal; careful; not heavy handed serving food or money. [lit: not heavy-handed] Si Marit ay buko mahab-as magsukar it kan-on. Marit is not heavy handed in serving food. (sem. domains: - Stingy.)

buhaghag [buhághag] 1adj Kind of rice which doesn't increase in amount when cooked and where the grains just separate (as of a bad quality where the texture is not good). Karako it sabaw kag kinaydo kada buhaghag kung inasukar. The rice was cooked in a lot of water so the grains are fluffy when served. (sem. domains: 8.3.2 - Texture, 8.3.3 - Light, - Cooking methods.) 2v To loosen, separate cooked rice grains (so as to will fill the plate better). Buhaghaga kag pagsukar it kan-on para buko mahab-as. Try to loosen the rice when you scoop it out so that it won’t be used up so quickly. (sem. domains: 8.3.2 - Texture, 8.3.3 - Light, - Cooking methods.) 3adj Loose, "fly-away" ( as of hair when the strands won't stay in place, tied back). (sem. domains: 2.1.5 - Hair, 5.4.3 - Care for hair.) 4adj Loose (as of the texture of soil). (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.)

mumog [mumóg] 1vi To fall apart; to break up into small pieces. To crumble , siparate into particles with the hands, as of cold rice, food. syn: wagas. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.) 2vt To break up into small pieces. durog, mumog Inamumog anay nako kag paig nak kan-on bag-o sabagon. I break up the cold rice into small pieces before frying it. (sem. domains: 7.9 - Break, wear out.)

huyas [húyas] v 1To have water condense, sweat inside a container (as of a container of rice). Aya anay gitakyubi kinang kan-on sa bayunan pag mainit pa dahil kina ay ahuyasan. Please don’t put the lid on the rice in the lunch box when it’s still hot because it will sweat. (sem. domains: 8.3.4 - Hot, 2.2.6 - Sweat, - Wait.) 2To have water seep through, leak from something porous (as of an earthenware water pot). der. panghuyas