Search results for "pakyang"

paywa [páywa] n Dead, dry palm frond used for firewood. palápà syn: pakyang. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

pakyang it batag [pákyang it batág] n Banana leaf (including stalk). Kag ida inghibo sa sayog nak kwadan ay pakyang it batag. What she is scrabbing on their bamboo floor is banana leaves. [Used to wrap food before cooking, to polish floors, to heal tinea when heated etc.]

pakyang [pakyáng] n Coconut frond that is green, especially the end that joins to the trunk (which is likened to "flat nose"). sanga Kag ida ginggagamit nak panggatong ay pakyang it nidog. What she used for fuel was the coconut fronds. syn: paywa. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)