Search results for "rapa"
utngan [útngan] v To pull, tug in opposite directions. Sio gani ka indi magkarapa ay it giuutnganan sinrang ruha kung riin nakuripas. Who wouldn’t fall facedown when the two of them were pulling each other in opposite directions because of not knowing which way to go.
una₂ [úna] 1first 1.1nmrl First. una, kauna-unahan Una nak anak sida. He’s the first child. syn: primero. 22.1vbt To be or go first; to put or do something first; to be ahead of others. Ing-una nako it bunak kag ida baro. I washed her clothes first. Aunahan nako sida it bakay it tiket. I’ll be ahead of her in buying the tickets. Igwa’t naunaey nak nagtrato it karne sa amo. There was already someone who was first in taking our order of meat. 2.2vi To cause or allow something to be taken first; to let somebody get, do, know something first or beforehand. inuna, nag-unahan Ingpaunahan nako sa mga anak kag dulse. I’ll let the children see who can get the candy first. Nagpaunahan kami it rayagan. We tried to be first in the race. Ingpaunahan nako it bisaya sida nak indi ako makapali. I let her know beforehand that I wouldn’t come. 33.1loc Front. unahan, harapan Sa unahan it linya sida gitinrog. She stood at the front of the line. 44.1vbt To lead somebody or something. nanguna Ingpangunahan nida kag pagkanta. He led the singing. Ingpapangunahan kami it Balaan nak Espiritu. We are led by the Holy Spiritu. 55.1vt To make the first payment on something that is being purchased on an installment basis. pinaunahan, nagdeposito Ingpaunahan nako it badar kag ako radyo. I made the first payment on my radio. comp. paunang badar , der. ka-una-unahan , der. pauna₁
trapal [trapál] n A tarpaulin or waterproof covering shield. trapal Kag trapal ay inra gintakor sa mga pagarga para indi mabasa. He attached the tarpaulin over the cargo so it won’t get wet.
timbang₁ [tímbang] 1n 1.1vbt To adjust to another person; to keep in good relationship with somebody; to relate, adjust to somebody with care. manimbang Inahirapan si Noli it pagtimbang sa ida asawa ag parti sa ida panugangan. Noli finds it hard to adjust to her husband and her mother-in-law. Nahirapan sida magpanimbang sa mga panugangan nak kapisan sa bayay. She had difficulty in adjusting to the parents-in-law that are with them in the house. 22.1n Partner (as of wife’s role in marriage). id. katimbang sa pagraya it pamilya₂
suli [sulî] 1adj Wrong position, way round (as of shoes or other things); breech birth; backwards; upsidedown. suhi Nahirapan sida sa ida panganay pag anak dahil tong ida anak ay sulî. She had a hard time when her eldest child was born because he was in the wrong position. (sem. domains: - Order, sequence, - Unusual birth.) 2vt To invert; to turn upside down, inside-out, back-to-front. baliktad Asulion nako kag baro pagkatuyog. I’ll turn my clothes back-to-front when I go to sleep. Asulian ka nako’t punra. I’ll turn the pillow inside-out for you. syn: baliskar₁ 2, patuwar, kalikar.
songsongon [songsóngon] (irreg. infl. pasongsongon) adj Upstream; contrary; against the wind, current; headwind. kontra sa hangin Songsongon kag hangin. The wind is against us. Kag bayor ay pasungsungon kada nahirapan sida magbugsay. The waves are against the current and so I had a hard time paddling.
sayudo it kina [sayudó it kinâ] 11.1conj Despite that; in spite of the fact that (as of concession contra-expectation). sa kabila nyan Sa yudo it kina maraog gihapon kita. In spite of that we’ll still win. Kasadya kinang artista hina sa entablado aber sayudo it kina ay namatay yaki kag ida lola. That actress is so happy on the stage inspite of the fact that her grandfather is dead. 22.1conj “On the other hand”; “at the same time”. Kinang mag-asawang kina ay mayaman ney pero sayudo it kina ay nagrayan ra sinra it kahirapan. That couple is now rich but on the other hand they also suffered hardships. Karamo nak mga negosyo kag ida napatulay pero sayudo it kina ay karamo ra kag ida mga utang. He has established many businessess but at the same time he also has many debts.
sayuba [sayúbà] n A spell to remove anger. Ingrapatan sida it ispiritista it sayuba. The faith healer cast a spell on her to remove anger.
sagil-ot [sagíl-ot] vt To squeeze through narrow space; to squeeze between people; to push in. siksik Aya kamo gi basta sagil-ot agor indi kita tanan mahirapan. Don’t just push in and make it hard for all of us. syn: raguso₁. (sem. domains: - Occupy an area.)
rapayan [rapayán] n A chopping board, block used in food preparation. sangkalan Kag rapayan ninra ay napisang. Their chopping board was turned into two.
rapat [rapát] 11.1adj Fits exactly together (as of the parts of a piece of furniture). Abang rapat nak gador kag sugrong it mga siki it bangko. The legs of the chair fits exactly together. 22.1adj At ease with somebody; relaxed with somebody. lapat Karapat kag ako buot kay Toto kisa kay Gadi. I feel at ease with Toto than with Gadi. 33.1vbt To put something flat against another surface; to put something somewhere; to place one’s hand somewhere. lapat Ingrapat it manoghuman kag estante sa ringring. The one who made the shelves put them up against the wall. Rapatan kag imo siki sa sayog - aya gikatin. Put your feet flat on the floor, don’t stand on the ball of your feet. 44.1vbt To apply, use something. lapat Ingparapatan sida it buyong sa bituka. She had medicine applied to her stomach. Nio kag ingrapat nak buyong it doktor? What medicine did the doctor apply?
rapa [rapâ] 1sta To fall forward. Narapa kag anak sa semento pagrayagan The child fell forward on the cement when he ran. syn: mumo₂ 1, rusmo. 2v To intentionally fall forward. mádapà Nagrapa sida agor indi matamaan it bato. He intentionally fell forward so he wouldn’t be hit by the rock. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.) 3v To lie on one’s stomach; to lie face down. Nagrapa kag lapsag sa ako bituka. The baby lay on my stomach. (sem. domains: 7.1.3 - Lie down.)
porgas [pórgas] n Ticks on a dog. pulgas, garapata Asing permi yang nak di porgas kaling ato iro? Why is it that our dog always has ticks on his skin?
palias n hard fruits are gathered and strung as beads, sometimes used as rosaries, sometimes in making bead curtains, or various kinds of ornamental baskets, trays, and similar articles. Seeds are prapared in various ways, and used for food and in manufacture of fermented drinks. Starch obtain from the fruit is considered as a tonic which is restorative in convalescence. A decoction of the roots is given as a vermifuge to children. Indians uses it for stone in the bladder. budlasan Coixlachryma-Jobi
mumo₂ [múmò] 1sta To fall on one’s face into something. sobsob Namumo kag anak sa raga pagkarapa. The child fell on his face in the dirt when he tripped. syn: rapa 1, rusmo. 2vt To thrust somebody’s face into something. Ingmumo sa yunang it anak kag nguso it iro nak nagkagat sa ida. The child thrust into the mud the mouth of the dog that bit him.
lipas [lípas] 11.1vbt To pass over, bypass, overlook. lampasan Amo tan-a si Joy alipasan kung waya namo sida nakita. We would have passed Joy over had we not seen her. Nagutas kag anak sa eskwelahan dahil nalipasan sida it gutom. The child fainted in school because she missed her meal. (sem. domains: 8.1.4 - More.) 22.1v To overcome. Malilipasan rang gador nato kaling mga kahirapan. We shall overcome these hardships. (sem. domains: - Solve a problem.) 33.1vbt To pass by, beyond as of time to eat, sleep etc. nakaraan Pag nalipas kag ako katuyugon, indiey ako makatuyugan. When my sleepness passes, I no longer feel sleepy. Tong naglipas nak semana, ingtakuran kag amo bayay it koriente. This past week our house was attached to the electrical power. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat, 2.4.5 - Rest.) 44.1vbt To ignore; to let something pass by (as of somebody’s comment or time). Inapalipas yang nako kag ida bisaya. I just ignored what she said. Nagutas kag anak sa eskwelahan dahil nalipasan sida it gutom. The child fainted in school because he missed her meal. (sem. domains: - Ignore.)
lasa [lása] 11.1n The good taste of something. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) 1.2adj Tasty; delicious. lasa (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) 1.3vi To become tasty; to make tasty. Naglalasa kag balinghoy pag inaasukaran. Cassava becomes tasty when sugar is added. Alasahon nako kag timpla it utan. I will make the flavour of the vegetables tasty. 1.4vi To perceive, find something tastes good. sarapan Inalasahan ako it batag. I like the taste of bananas. 2(sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) 2.1vbt To taste something. Alasahan nako kung tamaey it nip kag timpla. I will taste to see if the lemon drink is sweet enough. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) der. panglasa₁
kuripas [kurípas] v To go in a certain direction, way. kuripas, takbo Sio gani ka indi magkarapa ay it giuutnganan sinrang ruha kung riin nakuripas. Who wouldn’t fall facedown when the two of them were pulling each other in opposite directions because of not knowing which way to go.
karapat-dapat [karapat-dápat] (dial. var. karapat-rapat) (der. of dapat) adj Deserving; worthy; suitable; fitting. karapat-dapat Karapat-dapat sida maging tresorero dahil sida ay nasasaligan. He is worthy to be the treasurer because he is trustworthy. (sem. domains: 4.3.1 - Good, moral.)