Search results for "tamika"

tamika [tamíkà] adj Abundant. marami Tamika kag inra duma. They have abundant rootcrops. syn: duro 1, ramo 1.

ramo₂ [rámò] 1adj Many; much. Maramo sidang kaamiga roto sa Nasuli. She has many friends in Nasuli. syn: duro 1, tamika. 2vi To become many; to increase in amount. Nagraramo ka ida duko nak waya’t namamatay. Her piglets are increasing because none are dying. Nagpaparamo kami it mga tawo bag-o magtuna it miting. We are waiting for the number of people to increase before starting the meeting. 3vbt To obtain many; to have much of something. marami Aramuan nako it bakay it santoy ngasing nak barato pa. I’ll buy many santol fruits now that they are still cheaper. der. paramo

duro [dúro] 1adj Many; a lot. marami Kaduro nak tawo sa baylihan tong Sabado. There were many people at the dance last Saturday. syn: ramo 1, tamika. (sem. domains: - Many, much.) 2vt To get, make, become many or numerous. Aduruhon nako it baoy kag santoy. I’ll get a lot of santol fruits. (sem. domains: - Increase.)