yasog nimo [yásog nímo] expression - Convert to subentry An expression meaning “your testicles” and said to naughty or noisey child to make them be quiet. bayag mo Yasog nimo, siling it usang anak sa kapwa nida anak. “Your testicles” said the child to the other child.
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yasog [yásog] n 1Male reproductive organs, private parts. (sem. domains: - Male organs.) 2Testes; scrotum. bayág; súpot ng bayág (sem. domains: - Male organs.) comp. batakon it yasog
hupa [húpà] vi To stop or die down (as of wind or rain); to go down or become smaller (as of swelling). tila Apahupaon anay nako kag uyan bago ako magpaeskul. I’ll let the rain stop first before I will go to school. Naghuhupaey kag yamhungon nak yasog ni Brandy. The swollen testicles of the dog, Brandy are becoming smaller. syn: pundo₁, ruyog, tungon 1, tungon 2, humpay, pigil, ampat, punro₃ 1, pundo-pundo 2. (sem. domains: - Stop something, - Stop moving.)
batakon it yasog [batákon it yásog] (comp. of batak, yasog) id Cowardly, puisillanimous (as of the English expression "no balls"). [lit: pulled-up testes] duwag Aya baga gikahadlok sa ruyom nak pay ikaw ay batakon it yasog. Don’t be scared of the dark like you’ve got small balls. (sem. domains: - Cowardice.)