mabuot [mabú-ot] (der. of buot₃) adj 1Kind; gentle; nice; good; polite (as of someone with all the good character and personality qualities. It is also said of God). mabait Kag mga tawo kuno sa Bantoon ay mga mabuot. They said that the people in Bantoon are kind and hospitable. (sem. domains: 4.3.4 - Do good to, 4.9.1 - God.) 2Alert; responsive; good; happy; well behaved (as of a contented baby). (sem. domains: - Baby.) 3Sensible, polite, responsible, mature for one's age (as of a well behaved child). (sem. domains: - Intelligent.) 4Tame, quiet (as of animals that won't bite, charge somebody). (sem. domains: 1.6 - Animal.)