largo [largó] 1adj To go straight on by, past. (sem. domains: - Move straight without turning.) 1.1vbt To stay overnight (said when visiting or travelling). tuloy Inglarguhan nako kag ako tiya roto sa Odiongan. I stayed overnight with my aunty in Odiongan. Hariin kamo malargo sa Cebu? Where will you stay in Cebu? (sem. domains: 5.9 - Live, stay.) 22.1vbt To go directly to somewhere; to go past without stopping. diretso Inglargo ninra kag anak sa ospital. They took the child directly to the hospital. Malargo anay ako nak hanagobey. I will go by without stopping now since it’s late in the evening. (sem. domains: - Move straight without turning.) 33.1vt To continue (an activity, job, committment). Inglargo nida sa B.S. medisina kag ida naunang kurso. He continued his previous course to get a BS in medicine (Bachelor of Science degree). Alarguhon nida kag pagpabuyong it anak. She continued having the child treated. (sem. domains: - Move straight without turning.) der. larguhan , der. larguhan , der. malargoy