kado n 1Kapok tree; silk cotton tree. bulak-kahoi [The fibers from the seed pod are extensively used for stuffing pillows and mattresses and are excellent for these purposes. Employed in making life preservers. Kapok oil, an oil resembling that of cotton-seed is extracted from the kapok seeds. The oil is used for the manufacture of soap and as a substitute for cotton-seed oil. The young leaves are eaten as a leafy vegetable. They are very good sources of calcium and iron. The tender fruit is used as an emolient. The bark is employed as a vomitive. Brewd into a decoction it is regarded as a specific in febrile catarrh] Ceiba Pentandra 2Kapok, as of the cotton-like fiber, padding, used in pillows, cushions. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)