yagtik [yágtik] v To have one’s bones make a cracking noise when moving; to crack (as of the noise of moving bones). tunog Nagyagtik tong ida hawak tong maghakwat sida it pangarga. His lips cracked when he carried all the cargo.
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yagot-yagot [yagot-yagót] adj Crunchy, crisp, half cooked (as of vegetables). malutong Abang lasa kag yuto nidang chopsuey dahil nagyayagot-yagot pa kag mga utan. Her cooked chopsuey is very delicious because the vegetables are still crunchy.
yagpar [yágpar] adj Wide. lapad Abang yagpar katong mga tela nak ingparaya sa ida halin sa Amerika. The clothes which were sent to her from Amerika are very wide.
yagor₂ [yagór] v To chase, pursue, go after somebody. habol Ingyagor pang gador ni Doggie kag manok nak ida narakop. Doggie really chased that chicken which he caught.
yagor₁ [yagór] vt To chase something or somebody. humábol Maley ato ayaguron tong tiyo. Come on, let’s chase the puppy.
yagmaw [yágmaw] n Food scraps, slops in liquid (as to be used for animal food). kaning baboy Karako kag ako yagmaw nak natipon para sa mga baktin. I have collected a lot of food slops to be feed to the pigs.
yagitnit₂ [yagítnit] v To make the sound of creaking and cracking earth, walls (as in an earthquake). Pay nagyagitnit kag inra bayay nak semento tong maglinog. It seems that their house got a sound of creaking and cracking walls during the earthquake. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.)
yagit [yagít] adj Poorest of the poor. yagit Abang ramong yagit nak mga anak sa Maynila. There are many children who are the poorest of the poor in Manila.
yaghag₂ [yághag] v To open up and leave spaces between; to separate, draw apart (as of teeth weaving, flooring). Kag ida ngisi ay nagyaghag pagkatapos mabunot kag mga bag-ong. Her teeth open up and left spaces between after her molars were pulled.
yaghit [yághit] n Vine used to tie thatch, baskets etc. (sem. domains: - Weaving baskets and mats, 6.5.3 - Building materials.)
yaghag₁ [yághag] v To use something sparingly, make go a long way. layo-layo Ayaghagon yang nimo kag pagtahi para buko maakas it bunang. You just use it sparingly when you sew it so as not to consume too much thread.
yaga₃ [yága] v To look with anger. dilat Ingyagahan ni Lisa tong anak nak nagtitibaw sa habig it karsada. Lisa looked with anger at the child who is crying along the street.
yagadaw [yagádaw] 1n Going out for fun; gadding-about. syn: gala 3. 2adj Constantly going out; gad-about. 3vbt To go around for fun; to gad-about (this can be for good or bad purposes). gala Sige yang sidang nagyagadaw aber waya’t tsinelas. She kept going around even without slippers om. syn: wardi-wardi, gala 1, yad-aw₂.
yaga₂ [yága] v To give a nasty, frightening look at somebody. nanlilisik na mata Nahadlok magsuyor tong mga anak sa inra bayay dahil nayaga tong inra lolo. The children were afraid to enter their house because their grandfather gives them a frightening look.
yaga₁ [yága] vbt To stare at somebody; to fix somebody with one’s eyes; to look hard at somebody. titig Ingyayagahan ako it buang-buang. The crazy person stared at me. Asing nagyayaga sa ako katong tawo, hangit siguro. Why is that person staring at me, he’s angry maybe. Pag nagpapasaway kag mga anak inayagahan yang nako sinra ag natungon. When the children are trying to get attention I just look hard at them and they stop. [Carries a bad connotation.]
yag-ok [yág-ok] n Drink down in one breath, gulp. lagok Usang yag-ok yang ni Jack tong usang basong kape. Its just took Jack one gulp to down the glass of coffee.
yadog₂ [yádog] 1adj Long distance, far away, away from a certain place (as when throwing something). malayo Kayadog kag natugpaan it tong bola pagbakoy nida. The ball went for a long distance when he hit it. syn: tawin. (sem. domains: - Far.) 2v To make something go a long distance, far away. (sem. domains: - Far.)