Search results for "kawà"

antog 1v To purposely disturb or jostle something or someone. Ogtu-uran ta to og-antog to duma ta su ogko-on kid on; ogpukawon ta. We purposely disturb our companion because we will eat now; we awaken him/her. [such as when wanting to awaken someone] see fr.: dugnal 1. 2vs To be jostled. Ko ligad ki no ogkakois ta ka lamisaan, ogka-antog su nawo-il. If we brush against the table as we pass, it is jostled because it moved. 2.1vs To be disturbed as by a touch, a noise or a movement. Ko ogkoirogò ki to mo-ugtu no du-on ogkakagi, ogka-antog ki no ogkapukawan ki. Ka doromdom ta ka na-antog. If we sleep at noon and there are those who are talking, we will be disturbed and we will be awakened. It is our thinking which was disturbed. Na-antog ka lapinid to nabus-ugan to woig no pigsogod si Elena. The wasps were disturbed by having water poured on them and then Elena was stung. 3v To jog someone's memory; remind. Ko du-on utang to duma ta no konò ogbayad, og-antogan ta to og-insò. If one of our companions has a debt which [he/she] doesn't pay, we jog his/her memory by asking. Magi-insò ka igbogoy ku no babuy kaniu, ig-antog ku to doromdom nu ko kalingawan nu ka kanak? The pig which I am giving to you is being used to open the door to inquiry to jog your memory (lit. thinking) if you have forgotten that which is mine [that is, an unpaid debt for help with a bride price]? [such as when a debt has not been paid.] 4adj To disturb someone emotionally. Na-antog ka goinawa rin to bayungbayung dò kandin. Natokow ki su warò ki no-inso-i. His emotions (lit breath) were disturbed by those were were just making [false] accusations. We were taken by surprise because we had not been asked [about it]. [that is, to have negative emotions triggered by some incident]

damuluan n A kind of large, hard bamboo. [This kind of bamboo is used to make curved combs, saluroy "bamboo zither", and rafts because ma-antow they float well.] see fr.: kawayan; see fr.: bontung.

kawad 1n Large fish hook used to catch carp, mudfish or large eels. [Term used upper Liboganon River; Langilan.] see: kitang 1; see fr.: kitang 1; see fr.: bunnit 1; see: bunnit 1. 2v To catch [a fish].

tangkò 1v Facing, front. 2In front of. 3n The front of; in front of Takas sikan, du-on ogpati-ulug dii to tangka-an ta. After that, there was something that just caused to drop in front of us. 4v confront Ko ogsupmatan ta, oghondiò ki to baloy rin no diò ta ogtangkò kandin. Unawa ka supmat to ogtangka-an nu su ogkagion nu sikandin. If we confront [someone], we go to his house and there we will confront (lit. face) him. The [word] supmat is the same as that you are confronting (lit. facing) him because you speak to him. 5v To face, as someone whom one has wronged. No impo-umow on kandin oyow ogtangkò to sikan no pigtakawan din. And then he was called so that he would face that person from whom he had stolen see: sondit 1; see: supmat 1. 6v With negative: Not to give audience to, that is, not to see someone. Konò ogtangkò su dakol ka ogtalabawon din woy ogpalpalaguy sikandin. She would not give audience to him because she had a lot of work and also [because] she was avoiding (lit. running from) him. [Context of next example is of a woman who has pledged herself to marry someone so will not see another man who is trying to gain her attention.] 7v To point towards a given direction, as of footprints or compass Og-ikulon ta ka komos ko hondo-i ogtangkò. We will follow the footprints in whatever direction (lit. if where) towards which they are pointed. Ka tinurù din ka ogtangkò. Its pointer (lit. index finger) is what points toward a given direction. [The second example is DB's comment re a compass.] 8v To stand in front of Layun kow tangkò dini kanak.. Always stand in front of me...; show your face to me.. 9v To be facing each other as in a group. Ko diò ki to kalibulunganan, su ogpokogtangko-tangkò ki to ogpitow, ogpokog-iom-iom ki. When we are gathered together there, because we are looking at each other in front of us, we keep smiling at one another. 10To face each other. [Of two people ?? (Can it be two or more people/groups??)]

ubus 1v To use up all of something; to be all gone. Kagi to otow to, “Konò kad ogparagas su warò homoy diò to Patil su no-ubusan.” The person said, “Don't continue because there is no rice in Patil because it has been consumed. Ka nasalapi to bulu rin, no-ubus to otow no nigsaligan din. The money earned from his bamboo was used up by the person whom he had entrusted [with the sale]. [In the following example, the rice was consumed because it had all been purchased.] see fr.: tibò 5. 2v With negative: Finish, as weeding or cutting a field. Ogkagi rin to ogkara-at ka homoy rin su konò ogko-ubus no oghilamonon. She would say that her rice will be wasted because she cannot finish weeding [her field]. Ko banta-an to tagtu-un to kamot no ogpabuligan din to moon-ing no mgo otow oyow mgo tatolu no allow ogko-ubusan on to ogga-ani. When the owner is about to begin [harvesting his] field, then he has many people helping him so that in about three days [they] can finish harvesting it. [For other tasks, as washing dishes, the term would be kapongaan “complete”.] see: ponga 1. 3v All without exception; completely. Ogpatokawan to og-alamaraan oyow ogko-ubus dan oghimatoy They cause [the house/village] to be taken by surprise when they have banded together in mass to attack so that they can kill all without exception. Ogsulungan dan ka songo baloy no og-ubuson on ogpanhimatoy. They will attack a house and then they will completely kill off [everyone]. Agad to nataga ka mgo otow to koddì ka tagtu-un to sikan no pinamula, pig-ubus dan abata ka impamula ku no bontung. Even though the people knew that I was the owner of those plants, they totally cut down [all] the bamboo which I had planted. Woy ogkohingarani to og-apu-ung ka Liboganon ko ogpangubus to napù to pogsamba. One wouldn't say the Liboganon River was at high tide unless all of the flat area has been completely [covered] by flooding. see: tibò 1. 4At least a hundred. 5v To be used up befoe one gets something. Ubusan ka. It will be used up before you get any. 6Take all.
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