Browse Vernacular - English



bogong adj Strong, such as a bow, a spring which cannot be stretched, or the trigger of a pig trap which springs with great force. Ko iam ka ganat, konò ogkakanat su mabogong. Kò ki ogpakalogon. If a spring is new, it cannot be stretched because it is very strong. We cannot manage [to stretch it].
bogon dial. var. of bonok
bogoy v 1Give. 2That which is given; gift see fr.: walas 2. 3Have someone give something [to oneself]. Pabogoybogoy a. I’ll have something given to me. see: buyù 1. 4Permit, allow. Warò nigbogoy to ogpatongà ka sikan no bakotin. He didn't allow [him] to take half of those piglets.
bogsil n Small water bird. which has a black head, black feathers on its back, a red breast, and a very long bill and white at the end of its tail, but it has short legs. It feeds on water creatures.
bogsoy n Paddle of canoe.
bogyas n A conical-shaped fish trap made of smooth bamboo strips which is baited at the smaller end to attact small fish or shrimp. A smaller inner cone of sharpened stakes permits creatures to enter but prevents their escape. Ka bogyas, ogpu-un to bulu ka poghimu no sagboka no ighingutol to mgo ngalap to woig. The cone-shaped fish trap is made from bamboo which is one way to catch water life. see: bubu; cf: salangat.
bohog n Warning. Ogkapanoy ka goinawa ta. Inat to du-on bohog tahan to goinawa ta. We prepare ourselves ahead of time. It's as if we have had a intuitive warning. see: bogbog 1; see fr.: bogbog 1.
bohow 1n A carried lunch 2v To carry a lunch to eat later. 3Cool off something.
boi 1n Female; woman; spec. unmarried woman. 2Female [used only of a woman who is getting married.] 3n Female companion.
boian n Female of animal, bird or other creature.
boka 1v To start to crack or break the soil as camotes which are growing under the surface of the soil but cannot yet be seen. Ko ogboka ka mundù, ogbotu ka tanò di konò pad ogkito-on ka bogas. When the sweet potatoes start to break through the soil, the soil cracks but the fruits cannot be seen yet. 2v To bulge and crack the soil as by sweet potatoes near surface of ground. Ko ogboboka ka mundù, lagboy ogkito-on ka bogas. When the sweet potatoes bulge and crack the soil, they can really be seen. Ka mundù, ogboboka ka bogas din. As for the sweet potatoes, they are brulging and cracking the soil. 3Very many are bulging and breaking the soil. 4adj A few.
bokad 1v To open up as a book Ka otow no ogbasa to diblu, bokaron din ka ogbasa. A person who reads a book, opens [it] up to read. see fr.: bokò 2.3. 2v To unfold, as a letter Ogbokaron. [It is] being unfolded. 3Lift off, as a rock. Du-on otow no ogpanikop to kumang no ogbokad to batu oyow ogkapurut din ka kumang. A person who is catching crabs with [his/her] hands, lifts the rocks off so that he/she can pick up the crab(s).
bokal v 1Expand as a flower; widen as an opening, enlarge, spread, burst forth as sunshine. Ka homoy, tahan on ogbokal diò to diralom. As for the rice [plant], it naturally spreads out at the base. Ogbokkal ka allow. The sun is bright (bursts forth). see fr.: bukakang. 2Sit with legs spread out. [It is considered to be not appropriate, or modest, for a woman to sit in this manner.]
bokas v 1To initiate a conversation, or a discussion such as that of a marriage arrangement. Ka oghun-a ogkagi, sikan ka ogbokas to alukuyan. The person who is first to speak, that is the one who initiates the discussion. 2To release, as trigger of a trap. Ko ogkabokas on ka bagwanan to balatik, du-on on ogsagad no babuy. When the trigger of the pig trap is released, a pig which has been caught. see: basikal. 3To block as an inlet from a river so as to drain area and catch fish in traps. Ka otow no ogngangalap to siak to woig, ogbokason din ka og-atangan din ka siak oyow og-otì on. A person who is fishing on a tributary of the river blocks the tributary so that it will dry up. [The common thread of meaning may be that the blocking of the river initiates the trapping of the fish, someone walking into an ambush, initiates/sets in motion the act of spearing an enemy, and the person who speaks first, initiates the conversation. A person who is angry, lets loose with angry words and/or a physical attack. (In the latter case, ogtokow his words take others by surprise.] see: atang 1. 4To vent, as anger in such a way that people are taken by surprise. Ka otow no nabolù, nigbokas ka nigkagi; nigparagas nigkagi. Nigma-agbot to nigkagi su ogkatokow ki. The angry person, vented [his] anger; he went right ahead and spoke. He spoke loudly because we are taken by surprise. see: tokow 1. 5To be the recipients of an angry outburst. Moirap ko ogbokasan ki to kagi. It is difficult if we are the recipients of [someone's] angry outburst. 6To strike. Ka otow no oggopas, ogbokas to usig ka ogpilak. The person who is lying in ambush, strikes [his] enemy when he spears [him].
bokbok v To pound into powder such as corn or coffee. see fr.: binayu 2.
bokidding n 3rd left string of kobbiung.
boklas v 1To remove something, as laundry. Nigboklas to boi ka linobaan din no nigpunpun din on. The woman removed her laundry when she collected it. see: purut 1. 2To be removed from something. Ogboklason to boi ka lagut to ikam no oghiyabon din. The debris is removed from a mat when a woman shakes it. 3To have gone, or to have left for home. Ka napongaan on ka al-alukuyan to nalibulung no mgo otow, naboklas on ka nan-ulì on. Warad on otow. When the discussion of the gathered people was finished, they left for home. There were no people [left].
bokog 1Bone. 2v To choke on something. 3Lump in throat.
bokò 1n Any kind of brace whether on a house or piece of furniture. Ka otow no nighimu to baloy, ka pogpos-ok to suloy, ogkuò to igbokò to igtukog to suloy. As for a person who is making a house, when he set the houseposts [in place], he gets something to use as a brace with which to provide support for the housepost. syn: tukog 1. 22.1v To open, as someone's hand, a book, a door, a lid, two sides of a clam see: pulas. 2.2v To unfold, as a letter. 2.3v To lift off as a lid, or stone which is lifted off of shrimp or crabs in the water or bees under a stone so they can be reached. see: bokad 1.
bol-is n A instrument made from bamboo which is pointed and sharpened on both sides. A small one is used for opening, and cleaning the inside of intestines of an animal being prepared for cooking. A larger one is made from a larger piece of bamboo and is used to scraped the hair from an animal that has been singed after butchering. see fr.: banus 1.
bol-og v To go hunting with a gun or other weapon. Du-on hon-om no otow no nigbobol-og. There were six people who went hunting with a weapon. Tunud, woy ko kommag, salungag ka igbobol-og. Arrow(s), or spear(s), [or] a spear trap are that which are used for hunting. [This word is now used especially of hunting larger game with a gun but can be used of hunting with a spear or bow and arrows. When hand weapons are used to hunt a wild pig, they work together to fense off trails and use a dog to get the pig to run in the right direction and to prevent its escape.] see: panganup.
bolad 1n Arm, hand. 2n paw, (lit. hand) as of a dog or cat 3v to do something by hand Marolag no ogpalupù to bolaron do. (LM) [He] rarely shells corn by hand.
bolat 1n A covering, such as a blanket or mat [This is something that is spread out upon which other things are set in contrast to a blanket that is used to cover something else.] 2v To open, as one's eye, or a flower. Ka otow no nabulog ka mata rin konad on ogkabolat ka mata rin. A person whose eye gets something in it cannot open his eye. 3v Spread out; open to display, open, as a flower
bolbol 1v To be carried by the bubbling current Ko og-apot ka karabaw to dakol no woig, igbolbol dò to woig. If a carabao crosses a large river (lit. water), it will just be-carried-by-the-current. see fr.: logos 1. 2v To be able to manage the current without being carried away by it. Ko konò ogpakatokad ka kalabow, igbolbol to woig no ogka-anlas. Di ko ogpakatokad ka kalabow, songo ogbolbol ka oglapas. If the carabao cannot touch bottom, it will be carried away by the current. But if the carabao can touch bottom, it will manage the current as it crosses [the river]. 3adj Swift bubbly current as at a rapids. Moirap to otow no ogtalipag to mabolbol no woig. It is difficult for a person to coss the swift bubbly current of a river.
boli v Buy.