Browse Vernacular - English



Umayam n River near the Agusan Davao boundary.
Umayamon n People of the Umayan river area.
utukan to sampow phrase
u-ud n A tip ?? No nasu-sù ka linas to lawa-an taman diò to u-ud no nasilaban dagas no nagangu on. The bark of the lawa-an tree was loosened all the way to the tip [of the tree]. Ka otow no nigpamuyù to u-ud to mundù su oggulayon din woy nigpamupu to u-ud to katumbal. A person asked for the tip(s) of the camote [leaves] and he cut off the tip(s) of the red pepper [leaves]. [as that of a stem with a leaf; a tree; or the upstream end of a raft.]
u-ud ?? see fr.: tipù 2.
u-us v To chew and suck on, as sugarcane. Og-u-us ka mgo batò to tirò. The children are chewing|and sucking on on the sugarcane.
uak n A crow.
ubal phr.: allow to ubal. n monkey
uban 1n White or grey hairs. Du-on ban to miow. The cat has white hairs. 2deriv n Someone who is white or grey headed.
ubat 1n lie 2v To lie; tell an untruth. 3v To be deceived No-ubatan ka goinawa nu to pogsalig now. Your were deceived by that which you.trusted. see: gawoy 2. 4adj false, make-believe, as a story 5v To lie to or deceive someone. [When translating the story of Ananias, one TA objected to this term being used of Ananias' untruth to God because God knows everything and cannot be deceived. (The wording was not adjusted, maybe because from the context you know that the lie was revealed.)] 6Ubat nu. Your lie. (= You are lying.)
ubatan see fr.: libù.
ubi n A [camote-like] tuber with climbing vine. Edible.
ubud phr.: mata to ubud. 1n Palm heart [The palm heart or soft center of many palms and some other plants are edible including the following palms: pula, hugyup, kaglas and niug “coconut”, some rattans as palasan, tubu, anokot, pulitì. Also the center of the banana tree is also called ubud and is edible. However, the palm heart of some other palms and rattans such as the ka-anan are poisonous.] 2v To fetch edible palm heart. Ogpanubud ka? Are you going after ubud? 3adj Of people who are very ambitious to go after palm heart. 4Very white-skinned person.
ubun-ubun n A white breasted dove with red head. Ko ogkagi ka ubun-ubun, ogkagi to bagu-bù, huun, huun, huun. When the ubun-ubun dove calls it says, “bagu-bù, huun, huun, huun.” see fr.: bagu-bù.
ubus 1v To use up all of something; to be all gone. Kagi to otow to, “Konò kad ogparagas su warò homoy diò to Patil su no-ubusan.” The person said, “Don't continue because there is no rice in Patil because it has been consumed. Ka nasalapi to bulu rin, no-ubus to otow no nigsaligan din. The money earned from his bamboo was used up by the person whom he had entrusted [with the sale]. [In the following example, the rice was consumed because it had all been purchased.] see fr.: tibò 5. 2v With negative: Finish, as weeding or cutting a field. Ogkagi rin to ogkara-at ka homoy rin su konò ogko-ubus no oghilamonon. She would say that her rice will be wasted because she cannot finish weeding [her field]. Ko banta-an to tagtu-un to kamot no ogpabuligan din to moon-ing no mgo otow oyow mgo tatolu no allow ogko-ubusan on to ogga-ani. When the owner is about to begin [harvesting his] field, then he has many people helping him so that in about three days [they] can finish harvesting it. [For other tasks, as washing dishes, the term would be kapongaan “complete”.] see: ponga 1. 3v All without exception; completely. Ogpatokawan to og-alamaraan oyow ogko-ubus dan oghimatoy They cause [the house/village] to be taken by surprise when they have banded together in mass to attack so that they can kill all without exception. Ogsulungan dan ka songo baloy no og-ubuson on ogpanhimatoy. They will attack a house and then they will completely kill off [everyone]. Agad to nataga ka mgo otow to koddì ka tagtu-un to sikan no pinamula, pig-ubus dan abata ka impamula ku no bontung. Even though the people knew that I was the owner of those plants, they totally cut down [all] the bamboo which I had planted. Woy ogkohingarani to og-apu-ung ka Liboganon ko ogpangubus to napù to pogsamba. One wouldn't say the Liboganon River was at high tide unless all of the flat area has been completely [covered] by flooding. see: tibò 1. 4At least a hundred. 5v To be used up befoe one gets something. Ubusan ka. It will be used up before you get any. 6Take all.
ubut 1n Camote or corn which has been chewed on by a rat. Nig-ubut to ambow to mundù. The camote has been chewed by a rat. 2Small, flying insects that are especially prevalent in rainy weather and warm around outside the houses.
udling 1n Exhortation, advice or teaching. Ka udling, sagboka no ig-anad woy igsapad to mgo maro-ot no mgo batasan. As for advice, it is a type of teaching or rebuke for bad conduct. [A meeting is often held for exhortation and law-giving; to exhort; to command.] 2v teaching Ka otow, og-udling to anak din to maroyow no batasan. As for a person, [he] teaches good conduct to his offspring. 3v To give advise, instruction. 4Nig-uglingan dò ka atoboy din to “Kai ka.” He commanded his sister, “Come here.”
ug-ug 1v To dump, as dirty laundry, trash. Ka mgo otow no ogmangali to mundu, og-ug-ug to mundù diò to woig su oglu-an dan pad The people who digs sweet potatoes, will dump the sweet potatoes into the water because they will wash them first. Ko ogkabus-ug ka sabow, ogko-ug-ug ka tagù. When soup spills, the contents fall out. see fr.: busbus 2. 2vs Spill, drop out, fall, as from a container. Ogmaligoton [ka bo-bò to tagu-anan] no du-on galow oyow ko ogtagù ka ngalap, konò ogko-ug-ug. The [mouth of the container] is made to be narrow and has sharp points so that when water-creatures go inside, they cannot drop out. Ko ogko-ubus din on to pogbus-ug to batu, ogko-ug-ug on. When he has finished dumping the rocks, they fall [to the ground]. osyn: bus-ug 2. 3Valley with a small stream
ugat 1n A vein, artery, nerve or tendon. Wà pad ugat. She has no veins yet. (spoken of a small baby indicating that it has no strength.) [Of the example below, DB says the baby has veins but they cannot be seen yet.] 2deriv n Having many visible veins. Ka otow no ugaton, ogkito-on ka ugat to bolad din su oggatow on. As for the person who has many visible veins, his veins can be seen because they protrude. 3adj To be stringy. Ka mundù no ugaton, woy on ogkito-on ko ogkasugba-on. As for a stringy camoty, it isn't seen until it is cookedl 4v To be stringing, as of a camote. 5deriv n Stringy, as of vegetables.
ugdang v To begin a speech or discussion.
ugimas A well-chewed chunk of tobacco.
ugis n Albino Ka ugis no antabun, warò solug no batok su tibulus no mapotì. The albino antabun heron has no mixture of design because it is completely white. [Such as a white chicken but term applies to any animal or even a human who is albino and born without pigment.]
ugpa-an 1n Place, dwelling place, location, country Oghalin a pad to songo ugpa-an. I'm going to move to another location. Ko ogko-ongkoran ka sikan no ugpa-an, warad otow no ogdinogon ta no ogkakagi. If that place is abandoned, there will be no more people whom we will hear talking. 2n Dwelling place, country. Ko oghalin ki diò songo ugpa-an, mgo agpot ki rò. If we move to another country, we are just aliens. 3v To live or move into a house. Ka otow no nighimu to baloy rin, og-omotan din to oghiponga ka oghimu su ugpa-an din on. The person who is making a house will work hard to finish making it because he will move in.
ugpit v To scrape rattan to make tyings.
ugpò 1v To live somewhere, that is to dwell there. Ka abu-on, dakol no manukmanuk no og-ugpò to koilawan The abu-on is a large bird which lives is the forest. Og-alam a to baloy no mamalu-ag ko warò otow no og-ugpò. I will chose a wider house if no one is living [there]. see fr.: tolon 3. 2v stay Ko malayat ka pog-ugpò nu, sikan ka agpot su nig-amut ka If your stay is long, that is [the meaning of the word] “alien” because you have joined [them]. 3v living situation Di ko du-on ka igpangalasag, konò ki ogka-agkapan ka og-ugpò su ogmabogat ki to og-ugpò. But if there is a means of defense, we who are living there won't feel insecure because our living situation will be secure (lit. heavy). 4n Dwelling place, country. 5To occupy oneself in the house. 6v To sit in a row. Manuk no mangu-ugpò to hantal din. The chickens are all lined up on the roost.