Ata Manobo - English



ga-angga-ang v To sit in such a manner as to be improperly exposed, usually of children but can apply to an adult who is not being aware of his/her position. [Does not apply to someone standing at a height who may be inadvertantly seen by someone at a lower level.]
ga-an 1adj Fast, quick. Ka otow no og-arasan, agad maintok ka ogkagion ta, maga-an ogkabolù. The person who gets provoked, even if what we say is small, he/she will be quick to become angry. 1.1adv Soon. Agad na-an su maga-an a rò oglibong. That's all right because I will just return soon. osyn: dani 1.2. 1.2adj Easily. Ka siin no atop no ninipisi, maga-an ogkakomi ka ogkadi-okan ta to ig-atop. As for aluminum roofing which is very thin, it easily becomes dented when we step on it as we are using it to make a roof. Maga-an ogkasundug ka goinawa. His/her emotions are easily (lit. quickly) upset. 2vs To hurry up a project; rush. Ig-agpas nu ighatod. Igpamaga-an ta igpahatod.” Hurry up and take it [to its owner]. We have [them] hurry to have it taken [to its owner]. see: ana-ana 1. 2.1vs To be rushed. see: ana-ana 1.
ga-ani v To harvest a grain such as rice or millet. [Contrasting abat with ga-ani, DB says with abat, the whole lawa i.e trunk or stem is removed, but when one harvests rice, one just gets the bogas grains] spec: sanggì; spec: abat 1.
ga-as n Kerosene.
gaapun n Long ago, the old days, the past. see: dongan 1.
gabas 1n To saw such as for sawing wood Du-on gabas noy no tatamporoy to atop. We had a saw which was an instrument for cutting off roofing. 2vt To saw something. Du-on otow no niggabas to kayu no togop ka ogtablonon din. There was a person who was sawing togop wood into boards.
gabà v To be cursed, esp. in regard to stewardship or rice and camote crops. Gaba-an ki to homoy. We’ll be cursed [for wasting] the rice. Oggabà ka kalayag The kalayag spirit will punish. [It is like one is ogkasuli-an "revenged" for some fault or insult.] see: busung 1; see: lu-od 3.
gabi-i n Yesterday. Ka gabi-i no allow ka allow no nigligad on. Yesterday (lit. the yesterday day) is the day which has [just] passed.
gabi-i no songo allow phrase Day before yesterday. Allow no nigligad to gabi-i no allow. Day before yesterday.
gabò 1n Slight cut or scratch such as from bamboo or twigs along path. [If one is scratched by bamboo, twigs or labod sharp leaves, that is gabò. However, a scratch from an animal's claws is kalus, not gabò.] gen: palì 1. 2vs To be scratched or nicked.
gagas 1v To clear away debris or spider webs from any area using any instrument such as a broom, a rake, a stick or even ones hands. Ko oggagasan ta ka lama, agad nokoy ka igkois to mgo lapok no ighatod ta diò to mariù. When we clear debris from the yard, anything can be used to shove aside the fallen leaves and then we carry it to a far [place]. [One can clear trash from any place including a yard, a house, a field, a steam that is cluttered. Does not include washing a floor.] 2vs To be cleared of debris. Ka nagagasan no bo-ugan, nalimud ka mgo lagut diò to ilis. As for a stream that was cleared of debris, the debris was gathered together at the side [of the stream].
gagow 1v To temporarily satiate someones hunger by giving some already-cooked food to eat until more rice is cooked or the meal, is served such as when a guest arrives who is too hungry. Ko du-on ogdatong no otow no oggutasan, ogbogayan to iggagow no nasamò no ko-onon oyow ogtago-od no ogko-on. No ka tagbaluy, ogsusugba pad man dò to igpako-on no oghutuk. If someone arrives [at someone’s house] who is hungry, he is given something to eat from the leftovers to temporarily satiate his hunger. Then the host/hostess cooks again that which he/she will feed t[heir guests] Igggagow ku to gutas ku no ogko-on to do-isok oyow igtaantan ka gutas ku. I [eat something] to satiate my hunger and so I eat a little so that my hunger will be held off (lit. distracted). 2Eat something to temporarily satiate hunger. Nakagagow ad to ko-onon. I had to eat some food to temporily satiate [my hunger]. 3v ?? Ko napolis poron ka pa-a nu no agpas ka nakagongon, no nagawa kad on poron. Warò ka rod nakaparagas no no-ulug to hagoran. When your foot almost slipped [from the step] and you quickly grabbed something, you were almost .....??.... You didn’t quite continue to fall from the stairs. 4v To be startled, scared??? Amana ka so-ini no hagoran no makagagawa no ogko-ulug a poron. This stupid stairway which [scares??] so that I nearly fell.
gakap (dial. var. go-un) v To leave water; climb up on bank from the river. [Kapugi go-un]
gakapan deriv n Bank of river; beach.
gakgak n A sleeveless undershirt.
gakit 1n Raft. [May be made of wood or bamboo.] spec: gantung. 2v Make a raft.
galang 1n The sharp edge of a knife. 2adj Sharp. 3vs To be sharpened. Ko og-abatan ka bulu, ko ogkagalangan, sikan ka arab. When one cuts down bamboo, if it is sharpened it, that is [what is called] arab. 3.1vs To be sharpened very sharp, enough to cut the hairs on one's neck.
galan v power ?? [DB said this term was used by the older people but isn't known by the younger ones]
galat₁ 1adj Wide-spread, far apart. Du-on batò no magalat ka ngipon din. Ka ngipon din, du-on olatan no ma-awang. There is a child whose teeth are far apart. His teeth have open spaces between them. [Does not mean loose as an item of clothing that is too big.] see fr.: tago-urò. 1.1adj Loosely woven, not close together Ko oghimu ka to bogyas, magalat. Magalat ka lawa to bogyas; magalat ka galow. When you make a fish trap, it is loosely woven. The body of the fishtrap is loosely woven and the prongs are also far apart. [Fish traps, nets and screen are all magalat because there is space between the strands of rattan, nylon or wire. These items are built strongly, the pieces intertwined but not solid.] 2v To leave behind in someone's care, esp. of a child Ko oglo-ug ka inoy to batò no oghilamon, ipagalat din ka anak din diò to songo otow no ian ka ogtamong. When the mother of a child goes to weed [her field], she leaves her child in the care of someone else and that person watches over him/her. 3v To take care of someone left behind Si Taganay ka niggalatan to anak ni Lita. Taganay is the one who took care of Lita's children who were left behind. 4v To leave something behind for someone, such as food for a child Ka inoy, oggalatan to homoy no igpalugaw no igpako-on to anak din. A mother leaves rice behind for gruel to be fed to her child. 5vs To leave behind (involuntarily) Ko ogkamatoy ki, ka mgo kalaglagan ta ogkaggalat dò no konò ta ogka-alap diò to kamatayon. When we die, our possessions are simply left behind and cannot be taken where we will be after we die.
galat₂ v 1To care for someone who has been left behind. Si Taganay ka niggalatan to anak ni Lita. Taganay is the one who took care of Lita's children who were left behind. see: tanudtanud . [Especially applies to children who are left behind in someone's care. lf someone is watching the child while the mother is nearby the term used would be tantanuran.] 1.1To leave a child in the care of someone such as when the parent must work in the field. Ko oglo-ug ka inoy to batò no oghilamon, ipagalat din ka anak din diò to songo otow no ian ka ogtamong. When the mother of a child goes to weed [her field], she leaves her child in the care of someone else and that person watches over him/her. osyn: tamong 1, tanud 2.1. 2To leave something behind for someone such as to leave food for a husband or child while the mother is away. Ka inoy, oggalatan to homoy no igpalugaw no igpako-on to anak din. A mother leaves rice behind to be made into gruel to be fed to her child.
galong 1n A groove or v-shaped knotch as made in a felled or fallen palm tree trunk as when cultivating the edible grubs of various bettles. Oggusi-on tad ka galung ta no pula no ogkito-on tad ka moon-ing no alibutod no og-aliboodbood on. We split open the pula palm tree which we have notched and then we see many white grubs which are squirming. 2v The process of notching a palm log such as when cultivating grubs. Sikan no lawa to pula, oggalungon noy. As for the body of that pula palm, we will knotch it to cultivate grubs. Ogtagaran ta to tatolu no bulan woy ta ogpitawon ka piggalung ta ko du-on on alibutod. We will wait three months before we look at [the log] which we have knotched to cultivate grubs [to see] if there there are now white grubs. see: bangbang 2.
galow n The sharpened spikes inside a fish container and certain traps which prevent the catch from spilling out or escaping. Ka poghimu [to bala-an] ligkat to lawa pohondiò to bo-bò, ogmaligoton no du-on galow oyow ko ogtagù ka ngalap, konò ogko-ug-ug. As for the construction [of the fish container] from the body to the mouth, it is narrowed and has [a cone of] sharpened spikes so that the fish and shrimp (lit. water creatures) cannot fall out. [Sharpened spikes, usually arranged in a cone shape, are used in certain fish containers, monkey, to prevent the live catch from falling out or escaping.]
galugu n Seed wart. see fr.: mata to po-it.
gamak 1n One large fistful of something, especially food. Ka gamak, dakol no pogpurut to ko-onon. A fistful is taking a large handful of food. 2vt To take a large fistful of something, especially food but can apply to taking other items as marbles or jacks. Maniò to piggamak nu ka ko-onon to moon-ing ki man. Why did you take a huge fistful of rice when we are really many? Amana to ogko-ubusan ki su oggamakon on ka ko-onon. It isn’t fair that [the food] is being consumed [so we won’t have enough because [someone] takes a huge fistful of rice.
gamowgamow n A female spirit with long hair which lives in the water. Ogkabaya-an ka to gamowgamow, ian nu igdaralu su nataboran ka to malayat no bulbul din. When you happen to encounter the gamowgamow spirit, the reason for your illness is because you become tangled up in her long hair. [They believe that if an adult or child gets tangled in the hair of this female spirit while bathing, it will cause them to be ill. They also believe that unless a special spirit ceremony if performed to remove this illness, the person may die. The believe a withered calf is one form of this illness but any illness following bathing is suspect.] see: agpu-unan 1; see fr.: agpu-unan 2; see fr.: agpu-unan 1; see fr.: limuan.