Ata Manobo - English



ngadngad v 1To press and rub something against something else (esp. sharpening an instrument). Igngadngad ta ka kamanga to mgo mo-irob, wasoy, woy ko ilab oyow ogmagalang ka galang din. We press and rub the sharpening stone against the bolo, axe or knife in order to sharpen its edge. Ka ngadngad, sikan ka igdakosol ka mgo mo-irob diò to kamanga. The [word] ngadngad “press and rub against”, that is when a long knife bolo is pressed against a sharpening stone. [The components of meaning iinclude holding tsomething in one's hand and pressing down.] see fr.: ngasngas. 2To rub someone's head or body against an object. Du-on otow ko ogkabolù to duma rin, maga-an oggongon to ulu to duma rin no igngadngad din to so-og. Ogpakangadngad ki ko ogkagongonan ki no igpandakosol ki to oggongon. We will be pressed and rubbed against something if we are held onto and pressed down while being held. see: ngasngas.
ngalap 1n Any meat or fish that can be eaten. Ka alongaping, ian ka ogbo-ot to og-alap to lawa to sikan no ngalap. The fin by the fish's ear is that which determins the the movement (lit. carrying) of the body of that fish. 2v To go fishing; catch edible water creatures. Ka ambung, ian ka ogkasabukan to ogngangalap. The ambung, that is what the fisherman puts his catch of fish [shrimp, etc] in. [such as fish, crabs, shrimp and edible frogs and shellfish.] 3v To catch an edible water creature. Ogpamitow ki to ogngalapon ta no bakbak no du-on anak. We search for edible frogs which we can catch which have offspring. 4v A fishing or hunting device, such as a fishing pole, hooks, net or trap. Ka otow no warò biala rin woy ko sigay, bogyas, warò ngangapoy rin. The person who doesn't have a biala or sigay fishing net has no fishing device.
nganga 1n Opening or doorway with open door, other than entry into the house. 2v To open the mouth.
ngangang v To cry out, scream Ko ogsubla ka ogbosik no al-al, ogpakangangang ki to masakit. When the intensity ?? of the throbbing is excessive, we involuntarily cry out from the pain. spec: kulus.
ngangngang v To squeal, yelp, yell in pain for fear.
ngaran 1n A proper or common name including the designation of animals. Ka tibò no mgo otow, du-on mgo ngaran to tagsagboka kanta. All people, we each have a name (lit.there are names of each one of us). Agad to mgo ayam, mgo ulod-ulod, mgo manukmanuk, mgo ngalap to woig, tibò du-on mgo ngaran dan no ian ta ig-umow ka kandan no mgo ngaran su sikan man ka igsabi ta kandan. All domestic animals, [various] creatures, birds, fish (lit. [edible] creatures of the water), all have their names and that is what we use to call them by their names because that is of course how we refer to them. 2v To call something by some name or term. Du-on kayu no ogngaranan to gisois no ian igpanomog diò to homoy oyow ogko-obolan. There is a woody-plant which is called gisois and that is what is burnt by the rice so that it will be smoked. 3To name. 4To call each other by name.
ngarog 1n Smell, odor. Ogku-on ta to mo-init no woig no og-oloron ta ka bituka oyow ogka-awò ka ngarog We get hot water and we soak the intestines so that the odor will be removed. 2v To smell something. Ka asu no maki-ambow no ogpammu-od, ogngarogon din dò ka ngarog to ambow diò to tabunan. The dog which hunts rodents, it smells the odor of the rodent in the mound. 3v To smell something. Ko ogpakangarog ka boi to ogtutungon, ogka-awò ka goinawa rin to ko-iniat din to sikan no lukos. If the woman happens to smell that which is being burned, her affection which desires that man will be removed. 4v To sniff out a scent, such as to discern its source. Panhingarogi kun ko hondo-i ogligkat ka ogngangarog. Please sniff out the scent to find out the source of that which is smelling. Pangngingarog ka. You smell it out. 5v Have someone sniff out a scent.
ngasngas v To scrape one's body against something. Ogkapalis ka lawa ta ko og-usungon ki no ogpakangasnas ki to tanò. Our body will be abrased if we are pushed and happen to be scraped against the ground. see: ngadngad 1; see fr.: ngadngad 2.
ngiawngiaw n Children’s game (“Ring Around the Rosy”).
ngilam 1v To be alert, prepare for attack. Si Apù Amasig ka nignangonnangon kanak to ogngilam ki su du-on ogpoko-uma no mangayow. Grandfather Amasig was the one who was repeatedly telling me that we will be alert because raiders will come. osyn: anam. 2n Time to be alert Ko ogka-agkapan, ogkohonat kow kunto-on diò to Maambago su ngilaman pad to mangayow. If [you] feel unsafe, pick up everything and leave now for Maambago because it is a time to be alert for a while for raiders.
ngilu 1adj Sour. Du-on ogkako-on ta no maporos unawa to ibò, mangilu ko ogpakakagat ki. There is something we eat that is astringent like the ibò fruit, it is sour when we bite it. 2v To have one's teeth be on edge as from a scraping sound. Mangilu ko ogpakakagat ki woy ogpakapiyong ki to kangilu lagboy to ngipon ta. It is sour when we bite it and we have to shut our eyes in that it very much sets our teeth on edge. 3vs Of a grating sound that sets one's teeth on edge. Ko du-on ka ogkagis to bulu to mo-irob, lagboy no mangilu to pogdinog ta. If someone scrapes bamboo with a large knife (bolo), the sound very much sets our teeth on edge (lit. very sour). 4adj A kind of pain.
ngingi v To dribble saliva, drool.
ngipon 1n Tooth. Ka nabarutan a to ngipon no warò a nakako-on to mo-ugtu woy mahapun, natabolog a. The time when my tooth was extracted and I didn't eat at noon and afternoon, I was dizzy. 2v To teethe Du-on batò no maga-an ogngiponi. Some children are quick to teethe. 3v kernels as the individual kernels of corn on a cob. No du-on songo ngipon to agoloy no songo niglopow duma to bayokbok. And then there was a kernel (lit. tooth) of corn which came out along with some sand.
ngisak v 1A wide grin as a person who is laughing. Ka otow no lagboy ogginganga ka ogngisi su naragò lagboy sikandin, ungod ogpakangisak. A person whose mouth is wide open as he laughs because he is very amused, he continually happens to grin. 2Grimace, as baby monkey as when frightened. Ka ubal, ogpangngisak ko ogkita to otow. A monkey grins when it sees a person. [A monkey "grins" when it screeches, but the "grin" itself does not apply to its screech. (It's "grin" does not indicate that it is happy but rather, when it is afraid.) By contrast, a person grins when they are laughing.]
ngisi 1v To laugh. see fr.: dindinog-oy; see fr.: gimon. 2v Something that is laughed at Du-on otow no du-on natagaan din no nangnangonon no ogkangisian. There was a person who knew a story which one happens to laugh at. [that is, a funny story.] 3v To laugh. Niggongonan dan ka bolad to hipanow ka ompù no dagas no nangngingisi ka mgo batò. They held the front feet (lit. hands) of the small frog and then the children and then the children were laughing [The following example is of children who were violating the anit taboo by playing with a small frog and laughing.] 4Du-on otow no du-on natagaan din no nangnangonon no ogkangisian su ka ogdinog, songo ogpakangisi to sikan no nangnangonon. There is a person who has a funny story (story that can be laughed at) because the person who hears it, will also have to laugh at that story.
ngolat v To raise one's eyebrows Ka ubal, ko ogkita kanta, ogpangongolat to kiloy. If a monkey sees us, he will raise his eyebrows. Ko du-on otow no ogkatagbu ta, ko og-insa-an ta, “Oghondo-i ka,” ogtabak to ogpangongolat. If we happen to meet a person [on the path], [and] if we ask [that person], “Where are you going?”, he will answer by raising his eyebrows. [As in examples below, the verbal form of this word can be used with or without making kiloy “eyebrow” explicit.]
ngosngos v Whine, whimper of a dog. Ka asu ko ungod ogkohikoti, ungod ogngosngos. A dog if it is always tethered, it always whimpers. [Sound made either when unhappy or when it sees it's master.]
ngotngot see fr.: korol.
ngoyngoy n A kind of cicada. Ka ngoyngoy no mo-ilag ka gotok, sikan ka ogkagi The cicada which has a transparent belly that is the one which makes a noise (lit. talks) [There is a kind that makes a noise in contrast to omud which is a silent cicada. The latter kind is roasted and eaten because it is fat. The kasakasa is a small cicada which makes a noise in the afternoon.] see fr.: lialia 2; spec: kasakasa, omud.
ngula adj Rude, unmannerly, vulgar girl.
ngulug adj stubborn ??? Mgo mangungulug no mgo otow; mgo maro-ot no mgo otow; otow no konò ogpamminog. People who are stubborn ???, bad people, people who won't listen. [TA's comment re persons described in Titus 1:9, people that don't listen even if you prove that what you say is true.]
nguog n Nose mucus.