Ata Manobo - English



takbà n A small basket with a cover.
takdang v To plant one’s spear firmly into the ground when not holding it.
taking v To die in childbirth.
taklubu n Large white bracelets made of hard shell.
takombò n A musical instrument made of la-ak bamboo, and open in one end; it has two strings with an offcenter bridge over an oval hole. It is beat upon with a small slender piece of bamboo, and plucked at the same time. The open end is held against the stomach and bounced off the stomach for resonance.
takonlod v To capsize, as a raft. Katakonlod ka gakit. The raft may capsize.
takorog v To climb a mountain going straight up. ant: tupang.
takow 1v To steal. Susì ian igtakow to ubal. The monkey will steal the key. Nigtakow to ubal ka susì. The monkey stole the key. see fr.: purut 5; see fr.: purut 6. 2n Thief. Takawon sika ubal. That monkey is a thief.
taksì v To harvest abaca.
taktak v To shake out as salt shaker, powder can or lime container. see fr.: padpad 2.
takub n Pig’s house.
takubung n A marmot, a very large rodent resembling a woodchuck. Ka takubung, ngaran to ambow no daddakol no lukosan. A takubung is the name of a very large male rodent. Ka mgo lugì to tabunan to takubung, ogpoglawanglawangon diò to diralom to oghimuan dan to salag. The holes of the marmot’s mound is connected underneath to the places where they make their nests. [Mormots are social animals similar to woodchucks which live in a hill with burrows which connect the nesting areas for various members of the extended family. It's home is in a mound called a tabunan. They are categorized as rodents which belong to the squirrel family but they are much larger.] gen: ambow 1.
takuyan n A small square woven bamboo basket, sometimes holding about a ganta of rice though sizes vary greatly.
takù n A female pig; sow.
talabau v Work. see: hulin.
talad phr.: ingkatalaran ... ka goinawa. 1v To share; divide into shares. Niggupal on woy nigtaladtalad dan on woy impa-abin dan ka ulu to nigbaba to sikan no babuy They cut the meat up and then divided it nto shares and then they had the person who carried the pig on his back take the head. Wà ki matalari. They couldn’t share with us. [DB said katoinan implies sharing something previously prepared, contrasted to talaran, talad which he said may be done on the spur of the moment such as when people are eating rice and someone asks for a ganta. When a wild pig is caught, the custom was to share equal portions to all the houses in the village. There would be no charge. This sharing is also done with fish and other kinds of meats (especially those obtained by hunting) but not so often of rice except for a family in need.] see fr.: sagap 1; see fr.: toin 2; osyn: toin 1. 2v To distribute, as pay ??. 3Late ??
talag-uyamu see fr.: tamong 4.
talagdok 1v To stand up habitually (also used of tail of animal carried straight out when it runs.) 2To have small thighs (used as an insult.) 3n A kind of wood.
talagtamong to gu-os₃ phr. of: gu-os. (lt Guardian of the house ties.) A black and yellow striped house lizard said to be poisonous.
talagtamong to gu-os₂ phr. of: tamong. Small black and yellow lizard with red tail. Talagtamong to gu-os Guardian of the house ties [A small black and yellow lizard with a red tail that lives in the house; said to be poisonous.]
talagtamong to gu-os₁ phrase Black and yellow house lizard
talam v To talk or move in one’s sleep. Talamon si Buling. Buling twitches in her sleep.
talangas n A locust. [Grasshoppers are eaten by many people.]
talantan v 1To be busy, or occupied with something. [DB says if it is important, it isn't called katalantan or if it is something which you purpose to do, it is not called talantan. If that which occupies you obstructs what you intended to do, thny you have been natalantalan.] cf: balagoy; see fr.: talogon. 2To be distracted. see fr.: aloy 1.
talap 1v To make a mistake. see fr.: lagap. 2A mistake.?? see: sayop 1. 3v To be confused. 4v To confuse someone.