gaansə̂1vtencourage; induce; force to2vtmake an effort; take courage3vtcoerce; forceBɛɛ Mâŋkaʼà a tɨ tuu mə yu ka waʼa ŋki tso, ò gaansə̀ yi. A tuu aà ǹtoò.If Mankaa is refusing to go to carry water in the stream, you should force her to. She is disobedient.
gaansə mɨtɨɨ̀vtbe courageous; make an effortŋ̀gàànsə mɨtɨɨ̀making an effort; being courageousto make an effort; to be courageous
Gabrieln.prop1Gabriel“Mə̀ nɨ Gabriel yìi mə a təə nɨ a nsi miʼi Nwì aà.“I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God"Lk 1:19
gàgɨ̀tə̂viresist; refuse to take instructions (especially an animal)
gəʼətə̂v.adjbe forlorn; be sadBɨ maʼatə mu a tɨgə ŋgəʼətə ntswe tsiʼì yù.The child was left alone and he sat feeling sad/forlorn.gəʼətə ntswêv.adjbe lonely; be sad