Mkaa’ Bibliography
Ewané Etamé, Jean. 1995. Lexique Mkaa’–Français et Français–Mkaa’. Yaoundé: SIL.
Hedinger, Robert. 1980. Lʼalphabet baneka provisoire Baneka (Mbo) alphabet proposal.
Hedinger, Robert. 1981. Des paradigmes verbaux du mboó (baneka). Verb paradigms of Mboó (Baneka).
Hedinger, Robert. 1983. Des listes Swadesh de 200 mots (27 variétés) des langues mbo, autrement appelées les langues manenguba. Swadesh 200 word lists of 27 varieties from the Mbo cluster of the Manenguba languages.
Hedinger, Robert. 1984. A Comparative-historical Study of the Manenguba Languages (Bantu A.15, Mbo Cluster) of Cameroon. London: University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies. PhD thesis.
Hedinger, Robert. 1985. Double reflexes of PB stops and the lenis/non-lenis distinction evidence from proto-Manenguba and Akoose. Conference paper 16th WALS Congress Yaoundé.
Hedinger, Robert. 1987. The Manenguba Languages (Bantu A.15, Mbo Cluster) of Cameroon. London: University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies.
Hedinger, Robert. 1994. Bakossi Alphabet and Orthography Statement. Unpublished ms. SIL, Yaounde, Cameroon.
Hedinger, Robert et Sylvia Hedinger. 1980. Lisez et écrivez la langue mbo/Read and write the Mbo language. Yaoundé Mbo Students Association of the University of Yaoundé.
Hedinger, Robert, Sylvia Hedinger et Ekandjoum Joseph. 1981. Petite grammaire de la langue mboó. Yaoundé: Association des étudiants mboó de lʼUniversité de Yaoundé.
Njang, Ebot Jonas. 1972. Ekibi ehua Mienʼge. Addis Ababa: Mienge collections.
Nzanga, Blandine. 1980. Quelques considérations phonologiques du sambo, en vue de lʼélaboration dʼun système dʼécriture mbo. Univ. Yaoundé, Mémoire de Maîtrise.
Same Eveline. s.d. Esquisse phonologique du manengouba. Univ. Yaoundé, FLSH Mém. Maîtrise.
Spielmann, Kent. 1998. Mkaaʼ orthography review (Bakaka). Yaounde, Cameroon: SIL.
Spielmann, Kent. 1998. Aperçu sur lʼorthographe du mkaaʼ (bakaka).
Spielmann, Kent. 1998/2003. Mkaa’ Orthography Review (Bakaka). Yaounde: SIL.
Tadadjeu, M and E. Sadembouo. 1984. General Alphabet of Cameroon Languages. Department of Linguistics and African languages. Yaounde: F.L.S.H. University of Yaoundé.
Troyer et al. 1995. A Rapid Appraisal Survey of some of the Manenguba Speech Varieties (also known as MBO cluster). Yaounde: SIL.
There is also a collection of hymns, translation drafts of the Gospels as well as of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. For more details contact [email protected].
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