Browse Vernacular - English
T , tnhuruf yang kedelapan belas dalam abjad Balantakthe eighteenth letter of the Balantak alphabet
taa'santaa'der.nkatawordSian biai' ~ wurung Balantak men inti'ionku.There's not many Balantak words that I know.
ta'adannbambu duri, js bambuk.o. bamboo
taakmataakder.amasak ; matangripeKoini'i bolusukon montumbeimo ~.The durians are just about ripe.
taanvberhentistopHM/NM 9 Marc 99Mama'ase' ~ kodi-kodi' timbang balai desa.Minta berhenti sedikit waktu di depan balai desa.Please stop for a short while outside the village meeting house.mantaander.vbertahanendure ; last ; hold outYaku' sianta momoko ~ dumodongo na tampat memel.I couldn't endure living in a cold place.mantaankonder.vmenghentikan ; menahanstop ; hold up ; haltKita tio ~ oto.We must stop that car.
ta'anmanta'ander.vmemasangfasten ; tie up~ puka'fasten a dragnet
taangkasi'ningkir, js tikus yg hidup di atas pohon, dan dalam dongeng dicertakan sebagai makhluk yang sangat memiliki tipu muslihatk.o. tree-mouse which lives in the tree tops
taangkiosdial. var.tangkiosnbelimbing asamk.o. sour star fruit
taantadu'nulat yang hitam dan kuningk.o. butterfly larva, black and yellow
taapimantaapider.vmenampiwinnowBoroki'na kaekae' ~ pae.His wife is winnowing the rice.
taasi'pbukanno ; notKitap kani'i ~ na ko'omuu.Buku ini bukan milikmu.This book is not yours.
ta'aturder. ofaturatidy ; in order
taawanmantaawander.vmenggendong (peluk)carry, holding to chestIa ~ utusna men itiu'na.She carried her youngest brother at her chest.
tabangnjs bungak.o. flower
tabangkaardial. var.tabalesa, tabangkera', tabangkore'aberhamburan ; berserakanscattered about ; in a messPakakasna ~ na laigan.Barang-barangnya berhamburan di rumah.His belongings were scattered about the house.
tabangkasder. ofbangkas2apaying the consequences of wrongdoing.Alia mungurusa'i upana mian dako' ~.Don't destroy other people's things or you'll pay the consequences.Alia mungurusa'i upana mian dako' ~.
tabe'dial. var.tabea'ppermisi, pernyataan tata kramaexcuse me, respectful request for attentionNm~! Yaku' dauga' lumiu kutung.Permisi! Saya mau lewat.Excuse me, may I please pass?mantabe'ider.vmenghormatipay respect ; honourSanda' kosoro'anna anak sikola, raaya'a dauge' ~ guruna kutung.Every time school children are dismissed, they pay their respects to the teacher before leaving.
tabingalabandel ; badungnaughty ; rebelliousAnak men ~ iya'a nomukul lulusanna.Anak yang bandel itu memukul temannya.That naughty child hit his friend.
tabo'matabo'der.atebal ; gompyokthick ; denseTibuk tumampopo' tamban ~.The smoke billowed thickly.