-kupronsaya ; -kume ; myLulusan~ pore a noana.Teman saya baik hati.My friend is kind.
-maipronkamiwe, us, our, belonging to us (exclusive)Ale'~ sianta oloa na kampung.Kebun kami tidak jauh dari kampung.Our garden is not far from the village.
-napron-nya, dia punyahis, hers, it, their, theirs, oflaigan~ anakkurumah anak sayamy child's houseatop~ laiganatap rumahroof of houseRelated wordsna, ni
-poppun ; saja ; sedangkaneven ; contrary to expectationUle'na ale'na tongko' titiu'; boo kaanon~ sian sukup.Hasil kebunnya hanya sedikit; untuk dimakan saja tidak cukup.The harvest from his garden was very little, not even enough for their own food needs.
-sipnantilater ; some time in the near futureAi yaku'~ a mae' na pasar.Nanti saya yang ke pasar.Later I'll go to the market.
-tapronkitaour ; us ; we (inclusive)Lolo'on~ mau mbaria a rae'anna.Kita mengikutinya kemanapun ia pergi.We'll follow him wherever he goes.