le'eituthatTaasku ~ na tokolan.Tasku ada di kamar.That is my bag in the bedroom.ile'e, kale'e, kaile'eder.itu (yg di samping)that (over to the side)~ a laigan men notokolanmai.That's the house where we stayed last night.kale'emarider.itu sedang kemarithat approachingPeperai kutung! Ia daa ~ boomo taka.Just wait a bit! That's him coming and he won't be long.kambaale'eder.pergi ke sanago over thereKuu kamba'amo kutung, yaku' gona ~.You stay where you are for a bit while I go over there.rel.ra'a, ro'o, tu'u, nde'ekuwaale'eder.itu di tempat sanathat over there~ na lamari' a nanganaa'anku doi'ta.In that cupboard over there is where I've kept our money.le'eader.itu (yg di samping agak jauh)that (over to the side a bit furhter)le'emarider.datang ke mari (akan)come to here (future)Mai, ~ kutung.Please come here.mbaale'eder.pergi ke sana (lampau)went there (past)Kai tii Nius nopoololo' ~ Balantak.Nius and I went together to Balantak.waale'e, kuwaale'eder.pergi ke sana (akan)go there (future)~ a patukna nomae'anmai ripuan.That's the direction we went a day ago.
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