چاپ1cháp11nclap (of hands)2ndance stones; a circle of stones around which dancing takes place3ntraditional Balochi dance4npalm (of hand)چاپ جَنَگcháp janagچاپ جنگv. itrclap
چاپۆکchápókچاپوک1ntechnologyprinter; a machine for printing text or pictures, especially one linked to a computersyn.پْرِنٹرprenthar2njournalismeducationprinter; a person whose job or business is commercial printing
چاربۆگchárbógچاربوگadjlinguisticsquadrisyllabic; (of a word) having four syllables
چاربێلیchárbéliچاربیلیadj./advmedicineqid; four times a day; an abbreviation used in medical prescriptions for the Latin quater in die or "four times a day" both meaning "take four times every day"quater in die
چارپادchárpád1nzoologyanimaltetrapod; quadruped; a four-limbed animal2adjfour-legged; four-limbed
چارپادَگchárpádagچارپادگ1adjcharpai; a four-legged bed frame2adjfour-legged; four-limbed
چارپانچchárpánchnfork; an implement with four prongs used for lifting food to the mouth or holding it when cutting
چارکتابchárketáb1n./adjreligionnon-believer; a non-believer in all four Middle Eastern mythologies of Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Islam2adjreligionheavenly cursed and unlucky
چارکِتابیchárketábiچارکتابی1nreligionnon-believer; offensive word for a person who does not believe in any of four Middle Eastern mythologies of Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Islam2na cursed and unlucky personsyn.بَدبَهتbadbahtبێبَهتbébahtبێتالِهbétálehشومّshumm