Beli - English
na1demthis (near speaker)
na2con.relwho, which, where, of (introduces words that identify the previous noun)
na3ncenter of something (hand)
na̱1vstretch, pull back arrow
na̱2vbare, produce (fruit)
na-prepbefore, in front of
nakacon.mainthen, so (introduces important action)
natecon.dep.befwhen (introduces old information to show importance to following important action)
ne1pron.sub.incomp(s)he, they2pron.objhim, her
ne̱ngounspec. comp. form ofne̱ 1
ni1pron.sub.compthey (follows verb and object)Kodi aꞌja̱a ꞌdɔ ni, . . .If they find something, . . .
ni2oththere isꞌDɔ na bïï ndogo kɔtɔ ni.There is this thing that is one place of merchant.
ni3othbe, is, haveJe ŋa̱ ni Hëgë Mitɔrɔ Yicirel.We praise be the Lord God of Israel (Lk 1:68).