Bolinao - English



a2'aStudentpposEngThis marks the primary item that is being referenced in the clause or sentence. In English it is sometimes marked by intonation or other highlighting.BolUsaren yayti sa u'na nan si sintron mampag'irgwan sa sayay grupo nin susarita' a magwa' nin ngaran nin bagay o tawo ya o kimey o sarita' nin mamin ritrato.FilAng.IloTi.Nayadi' nayna nga'min ni Nena a gawa' na.Nena has finished all of her work.Syn clssiRelnin 1saECC; ecc10/19; ecc05/23; ecc08/24; ecc01/25Team approvedPreSenclity/[V]_
a-'a-Studentn > adjEngChanges a locative noun to an adjective.BolNo igalet yayti sa u'na nan sarita' nin mangibarita' nin kami'nan mag'in yan sarita' nin mangibarita' nin kapapa'sar.FilMa-.IloNa-.Adayo' a Ibali sa Bolinao.Manila is far from Bolinao.a- is attached to a qualifierababo, ata'gay, araremecc02/22; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approved
a'lo'`a'-loStudentnEngPestle, a rounded piece of wood about five inches in diameter and six feet long used to pound or grind substances in a mortar or thresh rice in a trough.BolPinalimpek nin putol kayo nin main pinadaite' nin gaga'getan sa butlay nin usaren ipambayo sa a'song o ipanaltag sa bilog.FilHalo.IloAl-o.Kustoy byat nan si a'lon man'ipambayo kon irik.The pestle that I am using to pound unhusked rice in the mortar has the right weight.GenipambayoSpectaltagRela'songbilog 1Rel. tobayoECC14; jcd07/17; ecc10/18; ecc10/19; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approved
a'nak'a'-n`akStudentPuon:anaknEngReferring to specific children individually, not just a group.BolUsaren yaytin tumukoy sa sinusa'sa sa abaw, ambo' grupo nin ua'nak.FilMga anak.IloAnnak.Si Ligaya a kaka sa sarba konran syam nin a'nak na ni Gorio.Ligaya is the oldest of Gorio's nine children.Antmatua 1matuntawoecc02/16; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approvedMassua'nak
a'nem'a'-n`ɘmStudent1nEngSix, the number following five.BolSi sumunor nin numiro kona nin lima.FilAnim.IloInnem.A'nem ray salay nan manok.The chicken had six eggs.synsaisClfbìlangECC14; ecc10/18; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approved1M1.1nEngSixty.BolA'nem a pulo'.FilAnimnapu.IloInnem a pulo.A'nem a pulo' saray iskwila na ni Madam Edith.Madam Edith has sixty students.1.2nEngSix hundred.BolA'nem a yasot.FilAnim na raan.IloInnem nga gasut.A'nem a yasot nin pisos a naglakuan nan nakalap nan barisaway ni Baloy.Baloy sold the crabs he caught for six hundred pesos.1.3nEngSix thousand.BolA'nem a ribo.FilAnim na libo.IloInnem nga ribo.Masurok nin a'nem a ribon katawo saray naapiktawan nan bagyon Ompong.There were more than six thousand people who were affected by typhoon Ompong.Cmpdlabin'a'nemDer.ika'nemkaka'nemmi'nemika'nemStudent'i-k`a'-nɘmpattEngSixth in succession.BolSi sumunor sa numiro o pwisto nin ikalima.FilIkaanim.IloMaikainnem.Ika'nem ya sa syam a mibubsat si Ambrosio.Ambrosio is the sixth of nine siblings.ECC14; ecc09/16; ecc06/20Team approvedmaika'nemma-'i-ka'-nɘmvstEngTo be sixth.FilPang-anim.IloMayka-innem.Tepe' yabina sa udas nin maika'nem marnge' a tangtang.Every six o'clock in the evening, the sound of the bells are heard.Pendingkaka'nemka-ka'-nɘmEngOne sixth.FilIka-anim.IloKaka-nem.Pendinglabin'a'nemStudentla-bin-'a'-n`ɘmnEngSixteen.BolMasurok nin saya sa labinlima o mapulo' tan a'nem.FilLabing-anim.IloSangapulo ken innem.Labin'a'nem nayna ni Khie sin napalabas a bertdi na.Khie was sixteen on her last birthday.Clfbìlangnumberecc08/17Team approvedmi'nemStudentmi'-n`ɘmvrEngTo do the same thing six times.BolGaw'en yan a'nem a parso a sayay bagay.FilAnim na beses.IloMamin-innem.Mi'nem ya nin migatas sa sayay awro a abing.The infant feeds on milk six times in a day.rc; ECC14Team'nem
a'pat'`a'-patStudent1nEngFour.BolSi numiro nin sumunor konan bilang a tulo.FilApat.IloUppat.Nagbakasyon ako nin a'pat nin awro.I took a vacation for four months.ClfbìlangECC14; ecc10/19; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approvedKndS1.1nEngforty.BolA'pat a pulo'.FilApatnapu.IloUppat a pulo.A'pat a pulo' pisos a bilin saya galon nin inumen nin ranom sa isla.The price of a large container of water on the island is forty pesos.1.2nEngFour hundred.BolA'pat a yasot.FilApat na raan.IloUppat nga gasut.A'pat a yasot saray ungot nin nakalawit sa puon ungot ko.Four hundred coconuts were taken down from my coconut trees.1.3nEngFour thousand.BolA'pat a ribo.FilApat na libo.IloUppat a ribo.A'pat a ribon pisos a swildo sa sayay bulan nin katulungan sa bali.The monthly salary for a house helper is four thousand pesos.KndSDer.ika'patkaka'patlabin'a'patmag'a'patmi'patpi'patsippa'patika'patStudent'i-k`a'-patpattEngFourth in succession.BolMaibilang nin sumunor konan tulo.FilIkaapat.IloMaikapat.Ika'pat ya si Juan konran mibubsat nin lullaki.Juan is the fourth among his brothers.ECC14 DCC2,22Team approvedSpch var.ikaa'patkaka'patka-k`a'-patptcpEngOne forth.BolSayay purok a natao sa a'pat nin paryas nga'min a sukat nin ibat sa masibulot a bagay.FilIka-apat na bahagi.IloMaysa kapat.Kaka'pat a tao ko sa naglakuan nin kuna'.One forth was my share of the sale of fish.DCC5,23Pendinglabin'a'patStudentla-bin-'a'-p`atnEngFourteen.BolSi numiro a sumunor konan bilang a labintulo.FilLabing-apat.IloSangapulo ken uppat.Napalabas a labin'a'pat a taon, nako ako anamanaet itaw sa Jerusalem.After fourteen years, I returned to Jerusalem.ClfbìlangnumberECC14Team approvedikalabin'a'pat'i-ka-la-bin-'a'-patpattEngTo fourteenth.FilIkalabing-apat.IloMaikakatorse.Ikalabin'a'pat a awro mi anan iti sa butlay nin Taaw Mediteraneo nin man'iyanur-anor nan bagyo.It was our fourteenth day in the middle of the Mediteraneo Sea being drifted by the storm.Pendingmag'a'patStudentmag-'a'-p`atvi1EngApproximately four.BolAmbo' nin iksakton bilang nin a'pat.FilMag-apat.IloAg-uppat.ECC14Team approved2FilINCEngTo become four.BolMag'in a'pat ana a bilang wadi' say idad.FilMag-aapat.IloAg-uppat.Mag'a'pat a taon yaynay ari ko no sumunor a bulan nin Mayo.My little brother turns four this coming May.ecc03/22Team approvedmi'patStudentm`i'-patvrEngFour times multiplication.BolA'pat a parso.FilApat na beses.IloMamin-uppat.Uunuren, wanti e: Say kapiknga' nin kayamanan ko ket ibi ko konran pubri, tan isubli' koynamaet nin mi'pat nin ka'baw konran sinaur-saor ko a sinaor ko konra.Lord, it's like this: One half of my riches I will give to the poor and I will also return four times as much to those for what I have cheated them of.Mi'pat ma tamo' nin magwa' usaren in si baldi pigaw mausar rayan lamang nin raruma.It is only possible to use that pail four times so that another pail can also be used.ECC14Team'patpi'patStudentpi'-p`atadvcollEngThe fourth time relating to frequency.BolIka'pat a parso.FilIkaapat na beses.IloMaikapat.Pi'pat naynan mag'iksamin sa Nursing Board Examination ni Roslyn.This is the fourth time for Roslyn to take the Nursing Board Examination.ECC14; DCC12,18Team approvedpi'patenStudentp`i'-pa-tɘnvoEngTo divide into four pieces.BolGaw'en nin a'pat a saya bagay a masibulot o pikngaen o taw'en nin mi'pat.FilPag-apatin.IloPagkapaten.Pi'paten may in si tinapay pigaw mabyan kamon a'pat.Divide that bread into four pieces so that it can be given to you four.Genpikngaendivide in twoDCC12,18; DCC11,20; voe07/24PendingPerf.pini'patsippa'patsip-p`a'-patadjEngIn group or groups of four, foursome.BolDupong o grupo nin a'pat katawo o myimbro.FilTig-apat.IloSag-uuppat.Nipagwardyawan naya sa a'pat a grupo nin sundalo' nin sippa'pat a barang grupo tan misusubray sara.He caused him to be guarded by four groups of soldiers with four members each and they were taking turns.Pinatawiran nasara ni Rudy nin sippa'pat nin iktarya nin luta' a tuloy a'nak na.Rudy gave as an inheritance four hectares of land to each of his three children.ECC14Team approved
a'rong'`a'-roŋStudentnEngNose.BolSi parti nan lalaman nin usaren sa pinnawa tan pangngangot.FilIlong.IloAgong.Say a'rong ran Pilipino ket ambo' tuloy nin masarpit.The noses of Filipinos are not too pointed.whrupa 1Membulong 1.3Rel. toparngesECC14; jcd07/17; ecc10/18; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approved
a'song'`a'-soŋStudentnEngA large wooden or stone bowl shaped mortar used with a pestle for pounding grains such as rice or corn.BolBato o matib'ey nin kayo nin kinutkutan sa butlay anggan kapikngaan a pambaywan nin nagsikabarang usar a a'lo.FilLusong.IloAlsong.Binabayo ra a irik sa a'song angga sin byas ana.They pounded the unhusked rice in the mortar until it was husked rice.Rel. toa'loMortar.jcd10/17; ecc10/17; ecc10/19; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approvedDer.a'su-a'songa'su-a'songStudent'`a'-su-'a'-s`oŋnEngSmall wooden or stone mortar.BolDaikleng nin a'song nin kasabyan pambaywan nin rikado bilang sa bawang tan raruma et.FilAlmires.IloAlmires.Pambaywan yan rikado a a'su-a'song.The small mortar is for pounding spices.SpecalmirismortarECC14; jcd07/17; ecc10/18; ecc10/19; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approved
a'su-a'song'`a'-su-'a'-s`oŋStudentPuon:a'songnEngSmall wooden or stone mortar.BolDaikleng nin a'song nin kasabyan pambaywan nin rikado bilang sa bawang tan raruma et.FilAlmires.IloAlmires.Pambaywan yan rikado a a'su-a'song.The small mortar is for pounding spices.SpecalmirisECC14; jcd07/17; ecc10/18; ecc10/19; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approved
a+lengthen first letter-'a-StudentSpato, quantifiern > adjEngA Spanish prefix used on numbers to form a price or number per item.BolIkwa yayti sa tarana' nin irgon mangibarita' prisyon barang saya nin abaw a bagay, o kantidad para barang saya nin abaw nin tawo.FilTig.IloSag.Abbayinti a sayay kilo nin kamatis.It is twenty for each kilo of tomatoes.ecc05/18; ecc10/19; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approvedSpnFaddosakkinsiaddosStudent'ad-d`osadjEngTwo pesos for one item.BolBarang saya sa sayay klasi nin bagay ket rway pisos a prisyo na.FilTigdos.IloSagdudos.Addos a mangga.Each mango costs two pesos.ECC5/14; jcd07/17; ecc10/18; ecc11/18; ecc06/23; ecc08/24Team approvedakkinsiStudent'ak-k`in-siadvEngFifteen to each thing such as the fare in a jeep or cost per item bought.BolSay bili nin barang sayan abaw a parihon bagay, o say pliti nin barang sayan pasairo sa ruran.FilTigkikinse.IloSagkikinsi.Say barang sayay kasisyawan kaalaki nin kuna', gumli nin akkinsi.Each medium-sized fish is valued at fifteen each.ECC11/15; ecc02/18; ecc10/19; ecc06/23Team approved
aabriwan'a-'ab-ri-wanPuon:abryanabrinFilEngA place in something where it can be opened such as a door, window or mouth of something.FilBukasan.Ilopaglukatan.Pending
aadyan'a-'a-dy`anPuon:adyanadinEngA hiding places.BolLugar no adti ya mako nin umadi a sayay tawo lalo yaynay sayan main nin mampal'isan o mampalaywan.FilKublihan; taguan; pagtaguan.IloPaglemmengan.Piikapan ya tana sawanin nin duka' a uispirito tan dudimunyo, tan aadyan yan sarban klasin nikasama' tan duka' a mumanuk-manok tan uayep.It is now just the residence of evil spirits and demons, and the hiding place of all kinds of filthy and evil birds and animals.ECC14Team approved
aak'a-'aknobsEngThe powder or small pellet like excrement of wood boring beetles or wasps.BolKayon rumok.FilMaanay.IloNaanay.Si kayo nin aak, kai yayna magwa' usaren.The wood that is termite eaten cannot be used for anything.Antsigat 1Syn clsmarpokRelrumukenPending
aanakan'a-'a-na-kanPuon:anaknEngThe uterus.FilUtero.IloUtero.synpianakanRel. tokapunenPending
abab'`a-babStudentnEngThe shell of a coconut.BolSi matib'ey nin parti nan ungot nin nakaigaletan nin bunot tan laman.FilBao.IloSabot.Kaaram-aram, inmadi ya si pag'ong sa abab.Promptly, the turtle hid in the coconut shell.SpecbitakanwhungotRel. tobunòtlaman 2.1ECC14; ecc10/18; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approved
ababo'a-b`a-boStudentPuon:babo1adjEngShallow, said of the sea, a hole, cut or wound.BolAmbo' nin ararem bilang sa taaw, ubot, sugat tan raruma et.FilMababaw.IloNarabaw.Ababo a ranom nan ilog ta maka'ti sa baybay.The water in the river is shallow for it is low tide in the sea.Antararem 1kantiladoECC; ecc10/18; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approved2adjfigEngLack of depth in knowledge, understanding, commitment, etc.BolKurang sa masadag nin pakatanda', pakataros, didikasyon o dibusyon.FilMababaw.IloNarabaw.Ababo a pakataros na.His understanding is shallow.Antararem 1.1Syn clsparawpawecc; ecc05/23Team approved1+abababoDer.ababwenkaababwanumababoid.ababo a lwa'ababwen'a-bab-w`ɘnvoEngTo make something shallow.BolAndi' gaw'en nin ararem.FilBabawan.IloRabawan.Ababwen moya tamo' a kalyen moyon ubot.Just make the pit you are digging shallow.Antararmenmake deeppaararmenmake deeperECC14Team approvedkaababwanka-'a-ba-bwanptcpEngThe shallowness of the sea, a hole, a basket, etc..BolParti nan baybay nin daite' a ranom na.FilPinakamababaw.IloKinarabaw.Sarba moyon ua'nak nin maryo' sa baybay, iti kamo sa kaababwan.All you children who will bathe in the sea, stay in the shallows.AntkaararemandepthECPendingumababoStudent'u-ma-b`a-bovchngEngTo become shallow.BolMabaw'asan kararman nan sayan bagay o mag'in nin ambo' ararem ta makwan yan laman o mabaw'asan o maglatan yan ranom.FilBumabaw.IloRumabaw.Umababo a ranom nan bubon no tyimpon amot.The water in the well becomes sallow in hot season.Antumararem 1become deeperRel. toka'tilow tideDCC10,20; DCC1,21PendingPerf.inmababoAtl. is man'umababo
ababo a lwa''a-ba-b`o 'a lw`a'id. oflwa'ababolwa'phrEngTo be prone to crying, the tears are on the surface and about to come out at the slightest thing.FilMababaw ang luha.IloNarabaw ti lwa.Ababo a lwa' na kanya' di'kleng bagay tamo' umakis yayna.He is prone to crying and so even the smallest thing gets him started.Pending
ababwen'a-bab-w`ɘnPuon:ababobabovoEngTo make something shallow.BolAndi' gaw'en nin ararem.FilBabawan.IloRabawan.Ababwen moya tamo' a kalyen moyon ubot.Just make the pit you are digging shallow.AntararmenpaararmenECC14Team approved
abagat'a-b`a-gatStudent1nEngA wind from the southwest that brings rain.BolSi siri nin nangibwat sa panrupan nin bagatanan a mangawit nin rapeg.FilHabagat.IloAbagat.Mapres yay abagat nin awit nay marges nin rapeg.The southwest wind blows hard bringing strong rain.ECC14; ecc02/20; ecc05/23; ecc08/24Team approved2nEngSouthwestern direction.BolSi bandan panrupan nin bagatanan.FilTimog-kanluran.IloAbagatan a laud.Makubpal a gunem sa abagat kanya' nin pihon rumapeg ya.The clouds are thick from the southwest so for sure it is going to rain.Rel. topanrupantimogClfdiriksyonECC14; ecc02/20; ecc05/23Team approvedGrefbagat
abagatan a baytan'a-ba-ga-tan a bay-tansay. ofbaytanbagatananbaytanphrEngSoutheasterly.Bolabagatan.FilTimog-silangan.IloAbagatan.Syn clsmamatimogwhdiriksyonPending
abagay ana'a-ba-g`ay 'a-nasay. of*abagayana*abagayintrjoldEngAn expression of vain regret or despair over something or someone wasted or lost.BolIbalikas yayti nin pangibusngaw nin kaingaran a napirdyan no main nin na'met o nakasa, o no naimaima sa inilalwan.FilSayang.IloIlala.Abagay ana! Nakaibwat yaynay Five Star.Too bad! The Five Star bus has left.Syn clskawaensayangECC14; ecc09/22Team approved
abagayen'a-ba-ga-y`ɘnPuon:*abagayvoEngTo appreciate something.FilHalaga.IloIpateg; amuogen.Pending
abaho'a-b`a-hoSpabajodown, below1infoldEngTo come down from something such as a tree, or a vehicle.BolKumayupa' sa ruran.FilBumaba; umibis.IloBumaba; agdissaag.Umno saray abaho?How many will get off (from the bus)?AntsapwatSyn clskumayupa'umarawas 1ECC14Team approved2infoldEngTo go down in price.BolKumayupa' o gumuda a prisyo nin bubagay bilang sa ungot, kupras, tan raruma et.FilBumaba.IloBimmaba; binasit.Nangibwat sin abaho ana a prisyo nin kupras, kasaynan mangupras iti sa Bolinao.From when the price of copra went down, no one here in Bolinao is making copra anymore.Syn clsgumudaECC14Team approved3intrjoldEngUsed as a warning to watch out for something falling.BolAbaho, sarita' yayti nin usaren nin pammatalad no main nin bagay a nanabo'.FilAbaho.IloAbaho.Abaho! Umilag kamo konan nanabo' nin pasak!Watch out! Avoid the piece of steel that fell!Not used with this sense in Santiago Island.ECC14Team approvedCfbaho
abaka'a-ba-k`aStudentnMusa TextilisEngAbaca, a banana plant that grows in wet areas and its hard fiber is known as Manila hemp which is used for rope and various kinds of paper.BolMula nin bakas batag nin mabyay sa madutak nin luta', say lanot nin pala'pa' tan upas ket gaw'en bag, tsinilas tan raruma et.FilAbaka.IloAbaka.Binyan nako ni Neri nin tsinilas nin abaka sin ibat ya sa Bicol.Neri gave me a pair of slippers made of abaca when she returned from Bicol.Rel. tosinamayGrown in Bicol; not an important item in Bolinao.ECC14; ecc10/19; ecc05/23; eccc08/24Team approved
abakada'a-ba-ka-d`aTgabakadanEngThe former romanized order of the alphabet for Tagalog.BolLitra a naunong sa alpabiton Tagalog.FilAbakada.IloAbakada.Si sayay mag'adal nin mamasa, adalen na yapo' nin mu'na a abakada.The one who learning how to read is to first learn the alphabet.Syn clsalpabitoECC14; jcd07/17Team approved