i-'i-Student1??? > vinEngTo transfer a thing or action to someplace or into a use leading to a desired end, purpose or goal.BolLitra nin ika' sa u'na nan puon nin sarita' ket mag'in yan sarita' nin mangibarita' nin kimey a gagarawnen nin gaw'en. Gaw'en a kimey nan si puon nin sarita'.Fili-IloI-/Iy-.Ibalaybay koy pini'pian.I hung out the wash.Isa'pang mo a byas.Put the rice on to boil.ecc09/24Pending2??? > vinEngTo use something as an instrument to accomplish something.BolMangusar nin sayay bagay basi konan puon nin sarita'.Itaga' ma a beneng. Use the bolo to slash with.This sense generally has a noun as its root.Pending3??? > vinEngTo transfer something for a purpose.BolGaw'en a kimey basi konan puon nin sarita' para sa raruma.Ipangalap ma nin inumen na a anak. Get a drink for the child.PendingPerf.ni--Cmpdipa-ipaNG-mangi-pai-unspec. comp. formika-iki-ika-ika-n > pattEngIndicating reason or purpose or quality for the base.IloI-.Pendingiki-Student'i-k`in > ger1EngAn event that includes a relationship and a response to another person as defined in the root.BolIrgon usaren no main nin ipagwa' o baritaan yay sayan tawo nin no magwa' si'yaynay mangwa' sa sayan gawa'. FilPaki-.IloPannaki-.Nikisalamat ya konan Dios.He gave thanks to God. Pending2EngA request to another person to become involved with a need in a situation as defined in the root.BolIdawat nin ipagwa' sa raruman tawo no matkap nin sitwasyon.FilPaki-.IloPaki-.Ikiibi ma pay surat ko konan busat mo.Could you please give my letter to your brother.voe06/23PendingFil inflpaki-ipa-Student'i-pa-??? > vinEngAn active transfer of a state to a goal.BolSarita' nin ilamo' sa u'na nan saya et nin sarita' nin mamapa'ka' sa sayay gaw'en.FilIpa-.IloAgpa-.Ipapakanda' koyay rilo ta abas anay udas na.I will have my watch repaired since it is now giving the wrong time.PendingCmpdmaipa-ma-ipaNG-Student'i-paŋ-v > vinEngThis affix changes the root so as to identify instruments used to perform the action of the root.BolUsaren nin instruminto nin irgo sa rabay nin gaw'en.FilIpang-.IloIpang-.Ipanustini kwa a rway ribo ko sa matkap nan busat ko.I used my two thousand peso to support my brother in his needs.Pendingmangi-Studentma-ŋi-EngActor focused action of transitioning the base form.BolSarita' nin mami nin gawa' nin manili sa rabay nin ibarita'.FilMag-.IloAgi-Andi' ka mag'alangan nin mangikasal kona ni Maria. Don't waver about marrying Maria.PendingPerf.nangi--Atl. is mampangi-
i'ban'`i-banStudentPuon:ebanvinEngTo sneeze, to expel air suddenly and violently through the nose and mouth.BolMinganga a mananglap nin siri ba'yo ipugso nin iliwa' sa a'rong tan bebey.FilBumahin.IloAgbaen.I'ban nayna bungat abir sa adapan ran tutawo.He just goes ahead and sneezes even right in front of people.ecc09/24Team approved
i'bat'`i'-batStudentPuon:ubatvinEngTo give a response or answer to something.BolSi ibi nin ubat sa tepet.FilIsasagot.IloIsungbat.Kai na tanda' no ani a i'bat na sa tepet nan maistra.He did not know what to answer the teachers question with.Kasan mimbron mangi'bat nin "Andyak" konan lider ta mading'ey sara.There is no member of a group that responds the leader with "I don't like it" for they will be embarrassed.Antitepetecc08/16; voe1/20; ecc05/20; ecc09/24Team approvedKndSPerf.ni'batSpch var.iyubatActmangi'batDer.mai'batmangi'batmai'batStudentma-'`i'-batvstEngTo have a response to something.BolMaibi nin ubat sa tepet o bale' sa sari-sarita'.FilMaisagot.IloMaisungbat.Nag'adal ako nayabi pigaw main nin mai'bat ko sa iksamin.I studied last night so that there would be things I could respond with on the exam.voe1/20; ecc03/22Team approvedmangi'batma-ŋ`i'-bat*Go toi'batvaEnggive a responseIloMangisungbat.dcc
i'beng'i'-b`ɘŋStudentPuon:ebengvinEngFor something to make a living body thin or reduced in mass.BolPangibwatan nin mabaw'asan o makasa a taba' nan lalaman bana' sa sayay kapapa'sar bilang wadi' masakit, kai makapangan tan raruma et.FilMakapapayat.IloIkuttong.I'beng ran raruma a masakit nin diabetes.Some people are made thin by diabetes.Antitaba'voe1/20; ecc05/20; ecc09/24Team approved
i'bot'i'-botPuon:ubotvinEngTo have fitted or adjusted something to a hole to make it fit tightly.BolAniman a bagay a naisukat ya nin ihusto sa ubot a gindat.FilIbutas.IloIyabot.Ni'bot yay gindat a pusti nan bandira pigaw magsen ya.The flag pole was previously fitted into the hole so it will be sturdy.I'bot tamoy darekdek pigaw gumsen.We fitted the fence slats tightly so that it would become strong.Syn clsipapa'sekanvoe1/20PendingPerf.ni'bot
i'deng'`i'-dɘŋStudentPuon:edeng1vinEngTo take something or someone into a standing position.BolAwiten yay sayay bagay ba'yo nin umdeng.FilItindig.IloItakder.I'deng may anak pigaw tumgen ya nin umakis.Stand up with the child so as to stop him from crying.Antitekre'ecc08/16; ecc05/20; ecc09/24Team approved2vinfigEngTo act, speak, etc. in place of or on behalf of someone.BolIlalaman o iriprisinta yay sayay tawo.FilKumatawan.IloMangibagi.Ibaki' naya ni Gina a asistant na nin i'deng naya sa miting.Gina will send her assistant to represent her at the meeting.Si sikritarya a mangi'deng konan prisidinti sa miting nin PTA. The secretary is the one who stands in for the president in the PTA meeting.Syn clsilalamaniriprisintaRelsandiECC14; ecc08/16; ecc03/17; ecc05/20; ecc09/24 Team approved3vinfigEngTo take a stand defending someone or something.BolIdipinsa o isakit yay sayay bagay bilang say pammemper, prinsipyo tan raruma et.FilPanindigan.IloItakder.Saray abugado na ni Bong a mangi'deng kona sa bista na ta itaw ya sa uspital.Bong's lawyers will act in his place in the court hearing for he is in the hospital.Anttarig'enanSyn clsidipinsaisakitecc08/16; ECC14; ecc05/20; ecc09/24Team approvedPerf.ni'dengAtl. is man'i'dengActmangi'dengDer.mai'dengmangi'dengmai'dengStudentma-'`i'-dɘŋvst1EngTo be able to stand against some opposing force.BolMagawa' a umdeng nin main awit, o usar a parti nin lalaman.FilMaitayo.IloMaitakder.Kai kwa mai'deng a tuod ko ta masakit ya.I can't stand putting weight on my knee because it hurts.Syn clsmabangon 1able to raise upecc03/22Team approved2figEngTo be able to stand up for, support, or defend something.BolMasustini a nibarita' o nipangako'.FilMapanindigan.IloMatakderan.Si madunong nin tawo, mai'deng nay inirgo na.An intelligent person is able to stand up for what he has said.voe1/20; ecc03/22Team approvedmangi'dengma-ŋ`i'-dɘŋ*Go toi'dengvaEngrepresent s/oFilKumakatawan. Ipagtanggol; panindigan.IloMangibagi. Mangikanawa; mangitandudo.dccPerf.nangi'dengAtl. is mampangi'dengmangingi'dengma-ŋi-ŋi'-d`ɘŋnEngA representative or stand-in for someone.BolSayan umakto o mangiriprisinta konan sayay tawo o pinarsa.IloMangingipatakder.Na'kit ko nin nabok yay babayi nin say daya' ran tutawo nan Dios a saray pinati nin mangingi'deng kona ni Jesus.I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the people of God who they were killed as representatives of Jesus.Syn clsmangiriprisintarepresent s/tDCC3,23Pendingpangi'dengpa-ŋi'-d`ɘŋgerPendingpangingi'dengpa-ŋi-ŋi'-d`ɘŋgerEngThe act of taking a stand for something or person.BolGawa' no pa'no nin tarig'enan o i'deng a raruman bagay o pinarsa.IloPangipatakder.Ibibilin na ni Judas a pangingi'deng nin Pammemper.Judas gives instructions to stand up for the Faith.DCC11,23Pending
i'dol'`i'-dolPuon:edolvinEngTo bump the top of the head on something above it.BolIgket yay ulo sa bagay no ata'gay ya dyan si pigketan.IloTukno.No itaw ya sa sirong nin katri si Roel, gagarawnen nayan i'dol a ulo na.When Roel is under the bed he purposely bumps his head.Syn clstugtog 2PendingDer.mai'dolmai'dolma-'`i'-dolvstEngTo have happened to bump the head.BolMaigket o maitugtog a ulo.FilMauntog o bumundol ang ulo.IloMaitukno.Mai'dol yan ulo na sa purta mi ta ata'gay yan tawo.He bumps his head on our door since he is a tall man.Syn clsmaigketbe hit w/ forceGenmaitugtogbump s/t solidlyvoe4/20Pending
i'lab'`i'-labStudentvinEngPass something though a low fire or heat to prepare it for use such as to soften a leaf.BolIrangrang yay sayay bagay sa buga' a duta nin apoy o baya bilang wadi' bulong batag pigaw kumulaney ya. FilIsalab.IloIdadang.I'lab moy bulong batag ta ipamunggos nin suman.Pass the banana leaves through the fire for we'll use them in wrapping the rice dessert.Mangi'lab yan bulong nin kusay a baying ko ta ilawok na sa amris na.My grandmother passes the chive leaves through the fire since she will mix them with her lineament.Syn clsirangrangRelkumulaneyRC90; ecc05/20; ecc09/24Team approvedAtl. is man'i'labActmangi'labDer.mangi'labmangi'labma-ŋ`i'-lab*Go toi'labvaEngpass through fireIloMangidadang.DCC6,22
i'met'`i'-mɘtStudentPuon:emet1vinEngTo intentionally or without concern, lose something needed or of value.BolMangyadi' nin si sayay bagay ket mabarang ya bana' sa ambo' kuston pangasikaso o pangiyilag kona.FilIwala.IloPukawen.Andi' ma i'met in si kwarta mo.Don't lose that money of yours.Syn clsmakasaecc01/23Team approved2vinEngTo dump and so lose a liquid or something that flows.BolIbu'bo' o itampal a likido bilang sa ranom tan raruma et.FilItapon.IloIbelleng.I'met moy nadinep nin ranom rapeg pigaw kai ra balyan nin ilek.Dump out the collected rain water so that the mosquitoes don't infest it.Duka' a mangi'met nin main sabon nin ranom sa tanaman.It is bad to dump soapy water on plants.Syn clsibu'bo'isiboyitampalvoe1/20; ecc05/20; ecc01/23; ecc09/24Team approvedPerf.inmetni'metActmangi'metDer.mai'metmangi'metmai'metma-'i'-mɘtvstPendingmangi'metma-ŋi'-mɘt*Go toi'metvaEngdiscard s/tIloMangibelleng.dccpangi'metpa-ŋi'-m`ɘtgerEngThe process of discarding a liquid.BolPrusiso nin pangitampal, pangibarang o i'met a raruman bagay.FilPagbuhos.IloPangipakbo.Linumwa' saray bulati bana' sa pangi'met ra nin ranom nin main sabon sa luta'.The worms came out of the ground because of their discarding the soapy water there.Syn clspangibarangpangitampaldiscardingvoe06/23; DCC11,23Pending
i'pos'`i'-posStudentPuon:upos1vinEngTo use up something such as food or money.BolUsaren ana nga'min a bagay nin main bilang wadi' kwarta tan raruma et.FilIubos.IloIyibus.I'pos moynan ipanimplan kapi a asukar ta daite' anan tuloy.Put all the sugar in to sweeten the coffee since it is a very small amount.ecc09/24Team approved2vinEngTo put one's full effort and resources into a task.BolUsaren a main sa anggawan nin magwa' bilang wadi' mababa', pwirsa , kaingaran tan raruma et. FilSairin.IloIyibus.I'pos moy mababaan mo sa pag'aadal mo.Put your all into your studies.Syay mangi'pos nin kesaw nan maningkap ta ama ya.He is the one to put his full effort into making a living since he is the father.DCC10,19; ecc05/20; ecc09/24Team approvedPerf.ni'posAtl. is man'i'posActmangi'posDer.mai'posmangi'posmai'posma-'`i'-posvstEngTo have something consumed in doing something.BolMaiyusar a bagay anggan sa kasan matra'.FilMaipaubos.IloMaibos.Ket si'kami, mai'pos mi a udas mi sa kadadasal tan sa pangangakay nin minsahi nin nangibwat konan Dios.As for us , we will devote our time in prayer and in the ministry of the message from God.Mai'pos na sarbay ma'kitan na sa sugal.He consumes all his profits on gambling.voe4/20Pendingmangi'posma-ŋ`i'-pos*Go toi'posvaEngexert allFilMag-ubos.IloUbusin.dcc
i'ras'`i'-rasStudentvinEngTo take along with or convey something or someone someplace or bring forth something into an environment.BolAwiten o ika' ya sa sayay lugar a sayay bagay o tawo.FilDalhin.IloItugot.I'ras mayti si tinapay kona ni baying mo.Take this bread to your grandmother.Main nin tutawon nangi'ras nin ua'nak kona ni Jesus.There were people who brought children to Jesus.Antibati'Syn clsika'iyaterSpecawitenThis has more the feel of accompanying something.ecc03/17; ecc05/20; ecc09/24Team approvedGrefarasPerf.ni'ra-ni'rasni'rasIntsi'ra-i'rasni'ra-ni'rasActmangi'rasDer.ikii'rasipai'rasmai'rasmangi'rasmi'raspakai'rasikii'ras'i-ki-'i'-rasvinEngplease carryFilPakidala.IloPakiawit.Ikii'ras ma pay bag ko no mako ta sa palingki.Could you please carry my bag when we go to the market.Pendingipai'ras'i-pa-'i'-rasvinEngTo have something brought someplace.IloInpaawit.Kinayaban nako nin si priso nin si Pablo tan nipai'ras nayadti ti nin tumububa'yo ta main kano nin ibarita' na komoyo.I was summoned by Pablo, the prisoner, and he had me bring this young man here for he has something to say to you .PendingPerf.nipai'rasmai'rasStudentma-'`i'-rasvstEngTo be carried off someplace.BolMa'wit o maika' ya sa sayay lugar a sayay bagay o tawo.FilMadala.IloMaitugot.Kai ko nin mai'ras a arusip ta kasan pangwan.I can't carry the sea grapes anyplace since there is no container.Syn clsma'wit 1able to carry s/tvoe1/20; ecc03/22Team approvedmangi'rasma-ŋ`i'-ras*Go toi'rasvaEngconvey s/tFilMagdala.IloAgawit.dcc6/22Perf.nangi'rasmakapangi'rasma-ka-pa-ŋ`i'-rasviaBolMakabitbit o makapangawit nin raruman bagay sa keen o gaw'en.DCC4,23Pendingmi'rasStudentm`i'-rasvrEngTo bring something along.BolMangawit nin bubagay nin magwa' awiten sa keen o sa saya lugar.FilMagdala.IloAgitugot.Mi'ras kan Biblia mo no mako ka sa kapilya.Bring your Bible when you go to church.voe03/24Pendingpakai'raspa-ka-'`i'-rasgerEngThe capability of carrying something off to another place.BolMangyadi' nin awiten a sayan bagay sa saya et nin lugar o sa sakalakon lugar.IloPakaitugot.Say pakai'ras nin pinalingki sa isla ket pag'idapan tepe' mapres.The conveying of the thing to be marketed from the island takes a lot of effort each time that it is windy. Pendingnikai'rasni-ka-i'-rasvinEngTo be forcibly moved or carried off to someplace else.IloPannakaitugot.Nga'mi-nga'min, mangibwat kona ni Abraham angga kona ni David, labin'a'pat a nisusunor a kapamilyawan; labin'a'pat anamaet mangibwat kona ni David anggan sa nikai'ras ran Israelita sa Babilonia, tan labin'a'pat a lamang anamaet mangibwat sin nai'ras sarayna sa Babilonia angga sin naiyanak ya a Cristo.All in all, from Abraham until David, there were fourteen successions of families; there were likewise fourteen from David until the Israelites were carried off to Babylon, and even so fourteen also from after they were carried off to Babylon until the Christ was born.Pending
i'roy'`i'-royPuon:iroyvinoccoldEngTo take up the bamboo or wood entry ladder.BolSay lakasen a kawayan o kayo nin aydan.FilIlawit.IloIliktad.I'roy ray aydan nin tutawo no mibwat saran bali.The people pull up the ladder when they leave the house.Syn clslakasenDCC2,19Pending
i'sad'i'-s`adPuon:asadvinEngTo plant by using a pointed stick to dig a hole.BolUsaren a maserey nin kayo a ipangali nin ubot sa luta'.FilGamitin ang matulis na kahoy sa pagtanim ng palay.IloIbalutbot.I'sad moyon maong a irik pigaw ararem a nakaimulawan.Plant the rice well so that the place where it is planted is deep.GenpangmulaPendingGrefi'sedPerf.ni'sad
i'sar'i'-s`arStudentvinEngTo drop a load with great force (e.g., a sack) so as to settle its contents.BolIpababnak yan maksaw a man'awiten o man-ga'getan.FilIbagsak.IloIsaltek.Andi' ma nin i'sar a balatay mon pasig.Do not drop with great force the large clay jar you are carrying.Mangusar nin pwirsa no mangi'sar nin sayay bagay.Force is used when a thing is set down hard.Syn clsida'salidusaripababnakecc04/16; ecc05/20; ecc06/20; ecc09/24Team approvedActmangi'sarDer.mangi'sarmangi'sarma-ŋ`i'-sar*Go toi'sarvaEngdrop w/ forceIloMangisaltek.DCC9,22
i'sed'i'-sɘdPuon:sedsedvinEngTo put into a hole with the aid of sharp pointed piece of wood.BolUsaren a maserey a kayo nin ihustu-husto nin maong sa ubot no imula pigaw kai ma'kan ayep.FilIhoyo; maghoyo; maihoyo; ibukay na mabuti.IloIyabot; iakbel iti abot nga usaren ti natirad a kayo.I'sed moyon maong a irik pigaw kai ra madumog manok.Put the rice seed directly into the hole so that the birds will not discover them.RC91PendingGrefi'sad
i'sok'i'-s`okvinEngTo hit the head downward on something.BolIyu'na yay ulo nin dumket sa luta' o ranom.FilIsalpok.IloItiro ti ulo iti daga.; Idunpar.I'sok nayay ulo na sa pannabunan konan asawa na sa akis na.She pounds her head on the grave of her husband as she cries.Syan lamang a mangi'sok sa ulo na.He is the one who hit his own head.Syn clsibangga'RC91; DCC5,19PendingGrefusokActmangi'sokDer.mangi'sokmi'sokpai'sokmangi'sokma-ŋi'-sok*Go toi'sokvaEnghit head on groundFilIsalpok; nasalpok; ibunggo.IloIdunpar.dccmi'sokm`i'-sokvrEngTo hit one's head on the ground, also for an airplane, boat or kite to hit its top or forward part on the ground. To bend down one's head and hit it against the ground.BolPakakanabo' a mu'na yay ulo.; Matumba a mu'na yay ulo nin migket sa luta' tan animan a pakaigketan.FilNahulog na ulo ang nauna; Sumalpok ang ulo; nasalpok ang olo sa bato.IloMaduyok.Sin nanabo' ya, ni'sok yay ulo na.When he fell, he hit his head on the ground.Rel. toisudsodfall head firstRC 87 RC89PendingPerf.ni'sokpai'sokpa-'i'-sokvacobsrareEngTo have someone head hit on ground.IloPaiyusoc.Pending
i'teng'`i'-tɘŋPuon:etengvinEngTo pass the time to a particular event.BolSi kaanrwan panaon nin pakausar o kuri nan sayay bagay.FilItatagal.IloIbayag.Saya taon et a i'teng nan siti si gatas mi'sa ya masida'.The expiration time of this milk to its spoilage is one year.Rel. tokurivoe1/20; ecc05/20Team approvedSpch var.iyeteng
i'wab'i'-wabPuon:uwabvinEngTo yawn.FilHikab.IloSuyaab.Maksaw a i'wab na.His yawning is loud.Pending
i'yag'i'-y`agvinEngTo burst out with emotion either sad or joyous.BolIbusngaw nin maksaw a kaingaran yupa' sa akis, ilis o raruma et.FilBumunghalit.IloIriyaw.I'yag ray ilis ran mampamantay tilibisyon no magustwan ray wana ni Wally.The television watchers burst out in laughter when they like what Wally says.Kai ya mading'ey nin mangi'yag nin akis na si Baste.Baste is not ashamed to burst out in his crying.ecc05/20Team approvedPerf.ni'yagActmangi'yagDer.mangi'yagmangi'yagma-ŋi'-yag*Go toi'yagvaEngburst out w/ emotionIloMangiriyaw.dccpangi'yagpa-ŋi'-yaggerPending
i'yan'i'-yaninfEngTo live together without being married.FilIbahay.IloIbalay.I'yan naya tamo'; kai naya nikasal.She is just living with him; she hasn't married him.PendingGrefyeanAtl. is man'i'yanDer.ka'yanki'yanmi'yanmi'yanka'yank`a'-yanptcpEngSomeone who is living together with someone as her husband or his wife without the benefit of marriage, common law wife or husband.BolSi lalaki o babayi a nikidinep ana konan sayay babayi o lalaki a kwinta mitraasawa sarayna a kai sara nin nikasal.FilKapisan; nakikisama (nang hindi kasal).IloKabbalay.Syn clskabitillicit sex partnerRel. tokilalakiadultery by a womanECCPendingki'yanki'-y`anvrlEngTo be living with a live-in spouse.BolMayi sa raruman tawo nin mabyay nin bira'mon mitrakalamo' o mitraasawa bale' kai nikasal nin purmal.FilMakisama.IloKabbalay.Si Rose ket ki'yan ya koni Ron ta makwarta ya si Ron.Rose is living-in with Ron since Ron is monied.Syn clskikalamo' 2marryDCC5,23PendingAtl. is mangki'yanmangi'yanma-ŋi'-yanvaEngTo live with another person as a spouse without being legally married.IloMangibalay.Kasalanan a mangi'yan yay lalaki konan babayi.It is sin for a man to live illegally with a woman.Si tawon main malaria na sa kayadi' na mangi'yan sabtan amot na.When a person is sick with malaria, after he chills he has a high fever.Pendingmi'yanm`i'-yanvrEngTo live together without legally being married (live-in).BolMipasaya magkabyay a bilang mitraasawa bale' ambo' ligal.FilKirida; kalunya; Magpisan; magsama na hindi kasal.IloAgkabballay; agkab'balay; makikab'balay.; Mangikab'balay.Mi'yan saraynan sayay bulan kai sara et nikasal.They lived together for one month without legally being married.RC90 RC91PendingAtl. is mampi'yanmi'ya-mi'yanmi'-ya-mi'-yanvrEngTo live around together.IloAgkakabbalay.Bantog ya bana' sa abaw itaw nin alalakin kumirsyo, abaw a klasin rilihyon, tan bana' a lamang ta abaw saray lulalaki tan bubbayidtaw nin mi'ya-mi'yan tamo'.It was renowned for its vast commerce, for the many kinds of religion, and sadly/incidentally/ironically because of the great number of men and women there that just lived together outside of marriage.Pending
iad'i-'`adPuon:*advinEngTo add something to something.IloInayon.Pending
ias'as'i-'as-'`asPuon:as'asvinEngTo scrape something across something.BolMamiasa' nin bagay sa rubari' tan rubari'.IloIyas-as.Mangias'as akon kutsilyo sa bato nin asaan.I scraped the knife across the sharpening stone.Ias'as ko a tadem nan kutsilyo sa pangasaan pinggat tumadem.I scrapped the sharp edge of the knife across the whetstone so as to sharpen it.DCC4,23PendingActmangias'asDer.maias'asmangias'asmaias'asma-'i-'as-'`asvstBolMaipunas nin maasa' a raruman parti nin bagay.Syn clsmaiyasa'DCC4,23Pendingmangias'asma-ŋi-'as-'`as*Go toias'asvaEngscrape acrossIloAgias-as.dcc
iasinso'i-'a-s`in-soPuon:asinsovinEngTo make things advance.BolPakababa' nin umaligwas, gumista o magprugriso.IloIasinso.Pagse-pagsenen moy nakem mo, ambo' bana' ta nati ya si tatay mo ket kasaynan iasinso mo. Strengthen your mind; it's not because your father died that you aren't getting ahead.DCC4,23Pending
iayos'i-'`a-yosStudentPuon:àyosvinFilEngTo arrange for and make an orderly arrangement or relationship.BolIkwa sa mabistan unong o uksoy a bubagay, magwa' lamang a rilasyon.FilIayos.IloIyurnos.Iayos moyoy panis no isubli' moyo sa pangwan.Straighten out the stick brooms when you return them to their holder.Pasalen saray a'nak nin mangiyayos agamiren ra.Train children to put their things in order.Syn clspakandaen 1DCC9,19; voe1/20; ecc05/20; ecc06/20; ecc09/24Team approvedAtl. is man'iayosActmangiyayosDer.mangiyayosmangiyayosma-ŋi-y`a-yos*Go toiayosvaEngput in orderIloMangisimpa.dccSpch var.mangiayos