Bolinao - English



sasaStudentpposEngA significant supporting phrase for the related action or item, generally acting as a non-focus locative phrase marker.BolUsaren yaytin sarita' nin mangitudo' nin lugar o diriksyon o udas nan kimey o sayay pangyayadi'.FilSa.IloIdiay.Maalilbi' ya sa gawa'-gawa' na a sayay tutuon anak nan Dios.A true child of God can be recognized by his deeds.Syn clskon-koniRel. toa2nin 1A tertiary grammatical marker for direction, time or indirect object. The phrase initiated with this marker contains a significant supporting item for the related action or item.ecc01/25Team approvedPreS
sa kabteksa kab-tɘkPuon:kabteknEngFive katan'ay, five bound stalk of unthreshed rice each composed of 6 ping'ey.BolLima katan'ay a pari mabilang yan nakabtek.FilIsang kabtek; limang bugkos.IloSangabtek.Lima nin katan'ay= sa kabtek.Five tan'ays = on kabtek.RC90Pending
sa katawosa ka-t`a-woPuon:katawotawonEngFor one person at a time to do something.BolBarang sayay tawo, kada sayay tawo o sayay tawo.FilIsang tao.IloMaysa a tao; iti maysa a tao.Sa katawo tamo' a rumuran sa sayay bisiklita.Only one person at a time can ride on a bicycle.DCC3,24Pending
sa lugarsa lu-g`arid. oflugarphrEngTo be in its place or order or just what is needed.BolIti sa sitwasyon nin manepeg o kusto.FilSa ayos; sa lugar.IloSimpa.Main sa lugar a pamibilin na ni Rose konran a'nak na.Rose's instructions to her children was right on.Syn clsbagay 2kusto 1manepegDCC3,24Pending
sa sain udetsa s`a-'in 'u-d`ɘtid. ofedetetphrEngIn that case then, for that reason.BolBana' konan siin.FilKung ganon.IloNo kasta ngarud.Wamo a kai saraynadti, sa sain udet nibwat saraynan nako sa America.You said they are not here anymore, in that case they they have left for America.Syn clsbana' sa 1kanya'RC91; DCC3,24Pending
sa'bitsa'-b`itStudentnEngHanging things such as pictures or decorations on hook on a wall.BolAniman nin bagay a nakakatin.FilSabit.IloSab-it.Abaw a pangwan sa'bit sa ba'yon bali na.There are a lot of places for hanging things in their new house.Syn clskatinRel. tosukbitjcd10/17; ecc11/17; voe8/21Team approvedDer.isa'bitmana'bitmisa'bitsa'bitanisa'bit'i-s`a'-bitvinEngTo place something on some kind of a hook.BolIsukbit o isungat a sayan bagay.FilIsabitIloIsab-it.Isa'bit na ni Juan a baskit sa dani nin namasakan nin gubida.Juan hung the basket close to where the ceiling was nailed.Andi' kamo nin mangisa'bit nin payong sa teben dudungawan.Don't hang the umbrella next to the window.Syn clsisa'laydrape over neckisukbithangisungatentangle s/tRel. topangatinansalanggashieldDCC6,22PendingPerf.nisa'bitmaisa'bitma-'i-s`a'-bitvstEngTo be hanging draped over something.BolMagwa' nin maisungat sa sasa'bitan o raruman bagay.FilMaisabit.IloMaisab-it.Syn clsmaisungatbe snagged on s/tPendingmangisa'bitma-ŋi-sa'-bitvaEnghang on a hookPendingpangisa'bitanpa-ŋi-sa'-bi-tangerPendingmana'bitma-n`a'-bit*Go tosa'bitanvaEnghang on s/pIloMangisab-it.DCC5,22pana'bitanpa-na'-bi-t`angerEngHook, Something hanging as by a peg.BolNikatin a pana'bitan pigaw nakakatin sa ta'gay ket kai ra masinan pusa' a kuna' a isa'bit; Pana'bitan.FilBitin; sabit.IloPangisab-itan.Main nin pasak nin nika' ra nin magwa' ran pana'bitan nin payong.They took a nail to make a hook from for the umbrella.RC89; DCC10,23Pendingmisa'bitmi-s`a'-bitvrBolMisungat sa sasa'bitan o pisungatan a raruman bagay.Relmisungatcaught momentarilyPendingsa'bitanStudentsa'-bi-t`anvlEngTo hang something on a hook someplace.BolMangisungat nin sayay bagay bilang wadi' sa pasak o raruma et.FilSabitan.IloSab-itan.Sa'bitan ran tutawo nin bandiritas a kalsada tepe' pista.People hang banners along the highway each fiesta.Mana'bit yan rubir muskitiro si Juan ba'yo ya ma'lek.Juan hooks up the rope of the mosquito net before he sleeps.Syn clsisungatentangle s/tkatinanstrap onto s/tDCC6,19; ecc12/22Team approvedActmana'bitsasa'bitanStudentsa-sa'-bi-t`annEngHook, that which a hanging item is attached to.BolParti nan saya bagay nin panga'getan o si usaren no ika' ya nin ikatin a bagay.FilSabitan.IloPagsab-itan.Nabari' yay sasa'bitan kon bag sa ka'bwan laman na.The hook for hanging my bag on broke because of the abundance of its contents.Rel. toikatinhang s/t on s/tjcd10/17; ecc11/17; voe11/24Team approved
sa'bitansa'-bi-t`anStudentPuon:sa'bitvlEngTo hang something on a hook someplace.BolMangisungat nin sayay bagay bilang wadi' sa pasak o raruma et.FilSabitan.IloSab-itan.Sa'bitan ran tutawo nin bandiritas a kalsada tepe' pista.People hang banners along the highway each fiesta.Mana'bit yan rubir muskitiro si Juan ba'yo ya ma'lek.Juan hooks up the rope of the mosquito net before he sleeps.Syn clsisungatkatinanDCC6,19; ecc12/22Team approvedActmana'bitDer.sasa'bitansasa'bitanStudentsa-sa'-bi-t`annEngHook, that which a hanging item is attached to.BolParti nan saya bagay nin panga'getan o si usaren no ika' ya nin ikatin a bagay.FilSabitan.IloPagsab-itan.Nabari' yay sasa'bitan kon bag sa ka'bwan laman na.The hook for hanging my bag on broke because of the abundance of its contents.Rel. toikatinhang s/t on s/tjcd10/17; ecc11/17; voe11/24Team approved
sa'laysa'-l`ayStudentnEngAnything that is worn around the neck, draping over the shoulders, such as a neck scarf, rope or towel.BolBagay nin isalapday sa abaya o sa nidmang nin abaya nin nasakop yay teen ket laylay ya sa babon kerep.FilSaklay.IloPanuelo.Main sa'lay ko pinirmi ta pinggat main ipamunas ko no nanaynget ako.I always have a neck towel so that I will have something to wipe with when I sweat.RelisalapdayDCC9,20; ecc12/20; ecc12/22Team approvedGreflaylayDer.isa'laymisa'layisa'layStudent'i-s`a'-layvinEngTo drape something over neck or shoulder such as a neck cloth or shawl.BolIpababo ya sa abaya o teen a sayay bagay bilang wadi' kapa, twalya o raruma et.FilIsampay sa balikat o batok.IloBakklayen.Isa'lay yay panyo' sa abaya.Wrap the shawl over your shoulder.Mangisa'lay yan bag sa abaya na no mako ya mag'adal. She drapes her bag over her shoulder when she goes to study.Syn clsisa'bithang on hookDCC6,19; voe5/20; ecc05/20Team approvedActmangisa'laymangisa'layma-ŋi-s`a'-lay*Go toisa'layvaEngdrape over neckIloMangiba-lay.DCC3/22pangisa'layStudentpa-ŋi-s`a'-laygerEngThe process of draping of a something around the neck area or over something.BolPangika' nin bagay sa partin lalaman nin maisa'bit o maisalangga pigaw madali' yan ika' o galaten no rabay.FilPasanin.IloIsakad.Saray mamalingki ket mabistay pangisa'lay ran bangkwang.It is nice for those that are shopping to sling their woven bags over their shoulders.DCC11,18; voe07/24Pendingmisa'laymi-s`a'-layvrEngTo wear something draped around the neck or over the shoulder.BolMikwa nin main awiwis sa raruman partin lalaman laloy na sa partin abaya tan takyay.IloAgpanuelo.Misa'lay yan alakin bangkwang si Maria no mamalingki ya.Maria hangs a large woven bag over her shoulder when she goes shopping.DCC3,22Pending
sa'le'sa'l`ɘ'oldEngA buffer or protective medium that is used to separate and insulate something from something else.BolBagay nin ika' sa butlay nin rway bagay pigaw maipurok sara o mami nin prutiksyon sa saya tan saya.IloRatip.Main sa'le' nin papil no mangibyahi nin maluto' nin batag.There is a paper buffer between the ripe bananas when being transported.Used in relation to farming.DCC3,24PendingDer.isa'le'mana'le'misa'le'-sa'le'sa'leansuma'le'isa'le'Student'i-s`a'-lɘ'vinEngTo insert something between other things.BolMangisalpak o mangika' sa butlay ran rway bagay.FilIsingit.IloIratip.Isa'le' moy papil isen sa libro.Insert the papers in the book.Mangisa'le' akon papel sa butlay ran rway libro.I will put a piece of paper between the two books.Syn clsiseksekshove into s/tisingitinsert at frontisu'pekinsert into s/tisuksokinsert betweenRel. tomibabale'alternately do s/tDCC1,20PendingActmangisa'le'Intsisa'le-sa'le'maisa'le'ma-'i-s`a'-lɘ'vstEngTo be placed in between things.BolMaika' sa butlay nan rway bagay o sa butlay ran nisusunor nin bubagay.FilMaisingit.IloMairatip.Maisa'le' ya sa prugrama a padiskurso nan sayay kapitan.The speech of the captain is squeezed into the program.Syn clsibutlayanput betweenisigpitclampvoe09/24Team approvedPerf.naisa'le-sa'le'Intsmaisa'le-sa'le'mangisa'le'ma-ŋi-s`a'-lɘ'va1Enginsert s/tFilIsingit.IloIsap'it.dcc2EngTo mediate between two parties.BolSay kastikador konran rubari' tan rubari'.FilIpagitna.IloAgisalpak.Sawanin, itaw ya sa adapan nan Dios ta pigaw nin syay mangisa'le' kontamo kona.Today he is there before God in order that he would be the one to mediate between us and him.DCC1,20Pendingmangingisa'le'ma-ŋi-ŋi-sa'-lɘ'nEngA mediator, one who is positioned between two things..IloMamagkapia.Sawanin mangingisa'le' yadtaw para kontamo ta Sangkata'gayan nin Padi' tamoya anggan-angga nin kapadan nikapadi' na ni Melquisedec.Now he is the mediator for us there since he is our Highest Priest forever as characteristic of the priesthood of Melchizedek.Syn clsurganisadororganizerPendingpaisa'le'pa-'i-sa'-l`ɘ'vacEngTo have something inserted such as in a line of people.BolMako sa butlay o sa pisa'lan ran rwa ray mikadani nin bagay o tawo.IloAgpaitingnga.Si anak ra nin Juan tan ni Juana ket paisa'le' ya konra no ma'lek sarayna.When they sleep, Juan and Juana's child gets between them.DCC8,23PendingPerf.pinaisa'le'nipaisa'le'ni-pa-'i-sa'-lɘ'vinEngTo cause something to be inserted someplace.IloNagpaitingnga.Pendingmana'le'ma-n`a'-lɘ'*Go tosa'leanvaEngput between s/tIloMangiratip.DCC3,22misa'le'-sa'le'mi-s`a'-lɘ'-s`a'-lɘ'vrlEngTo do something alternately with someone with time in between occurrences.BolGaw'en nin mibabale' o kasa-kasalakon udas o lugar.IloAgratip-ratip.Syn clsmibabale'alternately do s/tPendingsa'leansa'-lɘ-'`anvlEngTo insert something between things.BolMangisu'pek o mangika' sa pisa'lan.IloRatipan.Mana'le' akon nibaya nin kuna' sa karni nin ipadungo ko sa lamisawan.I put the roasted fish on the table between the meats I was serving.Mana'le' akon sangan arunggay sa man'ialabat kon kayo.I'll squeeze a branch of the drumstick tree into my wood fence I'm making.Daite' a dipirinsya nin udas a nisa'lean ran rway nilumba'.The difference in time between the two runners is slight.DCC3,24PendingActmana'le'Perf.nisa'leansuma'le'su-ma'-lɘ'vchngEngTo intersect with or cut into the middle of a line, coming between things.IloRumatip.Pending
sa'leansa'-lɘ-'`anPuon:sa'le'vlEngTo insert something between things.BolMangisu'pek o mangika' sa pisa'lan.IloRatipan.Mana'le' akon nibaya nin kuna' sa karni nin ipadungo ko sa lamisawan.I put the roasted fish on the table between the meats I was serving.Mana'le' akon sangan arunggay sa man'ialabat kon kayo.I'll squeeze a branch of the drumstick tree into my wood fence I'm making.Daite' a dipirinsya nin udas a nisa'lean ran rway nilumba'.The difference in time between the two runners is slight.DCC3,24PendingPerf.nisa'leanActmana'le'
sa'mels`a'-mɘlStudentnEngA bite sized portion of food.BolSubo' nin kanen nin ipasrep ya sarba a kanen sa bebey.FilSubo.IloSam-el.Madidintek a sa'mel na.His bites are tiny.Syn clssi'ngalsùbo' 2DCC7,23; DCC7,23 PendingGrefumelDer.isa'melmakasa'melmana'melnikasuma'melsumamelisa'melStudent'i-sa'-m`ɘlvinEngTo take the whole or a large amount of something into a wide open mouth.BolIsrep ya sa bebey a bagay nin kanen o sayay bagay.FilIsubo.IloIsam-ul.Isa'mel mayti si sankutsara' a kanen-kanen.Take this spoonful of delicacy in your mouth.Mangisa'mel yan alakin tinapay si Sam ta mabitil yayna.Sam is putting the whole piece of bread in his mouth since he is hungry.Syn clsipasrepplace s/t w/i s/tkayatenbite s/tGenisubo'put in mouthRC91 DCC6,19; ecc07/20Team approvedActmangisa'melPerf.nisa'melmangisa'melma-ŋi-s`a'-mɘl*Go toisa'melvaEngput in mouthFilMagsubo.IloMangis-mel.DCC3/22pangisa'melStudentpa-ŋi-s`a'-mɘlgerEngThe process of putting a large amount of something in the mouth.BolPangisubo' nin alakin kanen o alakin kayat sa ma'kan nin miduman yaynay napno' bebey.FilPagsubo.IloPangisam-el.Umalaki a bebey bana' sa alaki nin pangisa'mel.The mouth is made big because of the large bite being put in the mouth.Bana' sa pangisa'mel na nin alakin tinapay, natulkakan ya.Because of his big bite of bread, he chocked on it.Syn clskurabwide open biteDCC11,18; voe03/22Pendingmakasa'melma-ka-sa'-mɘlviaEngTo be able to have a large amount of something into the mouth.BolMain nin iti sa bebey na. main laman nan bebey.FilLaman ng bunganga.IloMakasam-el.Nakasa'mel yan tinapay sa bebey na.She is able to take a large mouthful of bread.RC91PendingPerf.nakasa'melmana'melStudentma-na'-m`ɘlvaEngTo take a large bite of something.BolMangurib o mangayat nin alaki a bebey o isubo' ya sarba a saya ma'kan.FilMagsubo.IloMangisakmul.Mana'mel ka nin bayawas.Take a big bite of the guava.Syn clskuribenbite s/t offGenkayatenbite s/tDCC10,19; voe01/24Pendingpanana'melpa-na-na'-mɘlgerEngEating with large mouthfuls of food.IloPanagsubo.Pendingnikasuma'melni-ka-su-ma'-mɘlpattEngThe characteristic of eating like a pig.IloKinapapel.Sa nikasuma'mel na, pu'rok a nagagap na.His profit was stymied by his characteristic of eating like a pig.Pendingsumamelsu-ma-mɘlvchngEngTo stuff one's mouth full of food and eat like a pig.BolNapno' yan ma'kan a bebey.FilMuwal.IloIspel; sipipelpel.Andi' ka mag'irgo no sumamel ka.Don't talk when you mouth is full.Rel. topapelshove in mouthvoe5/21Pending
sa'pangs`a'-paŋStudentadjEngFor a food to be boiled using up some of the water.BolPangluluto' nin klasin ma'kan bilang sa byas, kamuti tan raruma et nin ipasbo o ipa'tyan sa ranom.FilSaing.IloSaang.Ma'mot et a ba'yon sa'pang nin saba.The freshly boiled banana is still hot.Syn clsilabeyipasboDCC6,19; DCC9,20; voe02/22; ecc12/22Team approvedDer.isa'pangmakasa'pangmana'pangmasa'pangsa'pangensina'pangsina'pangisa'pang'i-s`a'-paŋvinEngTo put rice, root crops, corn or bananas on to boil.BolIluto' a byas, kamuti, sago, mais, batag, mani, etc. sa ranom.FilIsaing.IloIyapuy; Ilingta.Isa'pang moynay mais ta ika' ta ilako'.Boil the corn now for we'll take it to sell.Rel. tolugawencook rice porridgeGeniluto'put on to cookRC90; voe6/20PendingPerf.nisa'pangAtl. is man'isa'pangmaisa'pangma-'i-s`a'-paŋvstEngTo be boiled down.BolBagay nin magwa' nin maluto' nin mapasbo anggan kumrang o dandani kumrang.FilMaisaing.IloMailambong.Tulon litsi nin byas a maisa'pang na ni Ron sa sayay awro. It is three condensed milk cans of rice that Ron boils in one day.Pendingmakasa'pangma-ka-sa'-paŋviaEngAble to cook rice, has already cooked rice.BolNaluto' ana a nisa'pang nan byas.FilNagsaing.IloNakaapoy; nakaluto ti in'napoy.Nakasa'pang kay nan pangawrwan?Have you cook rice for dinner?PendingPerf.nakasa'pangmana'pangStudentma-n`a'-paŋvaEngTo boil rice or something else if it is specified.BolMangluto' nin byas o mangipasbo sa ranom nin batag, kamuti tan raruma et. FilMagsaing.IloAggapuy.Mana'pang kayna ta yabinayna.It is now late afternoon, cook the rice now.Genipasboboil s/tvoe01/24Pendingmasa'pangma-s`a'-paŋvstEngTo have been boiled.BolMailuto' a ma'kan nin mapasbo nin makrang a bilang sa byas o batag.IloMaisaang.Say byas nin Victoria, mabanglo tan malumo no nasa'pang yayna.Victoria rice is soft and has sweet scent when it has been boiled.RC91PendingPerf.nasa'pangsa'pangenStudentsi-na'-p`aŋvoEngTo boil'pangsina'pangStudentsi-na'-p`aŋnEngBoiled rice unless otherwise specified as to what it is that was boiled.BolNaluto' nin byas a ma'kan ana tan kai natektek.FilKanin.IloInnapoy.Sina'pang a kanen inawru-awro.Boiled rice is the daily food.Rel. tobaawleftover ricejcd10/17; ecc11/17; DCC9,20Team approved
sa'pangensi-na'-p`aŋStudentPuon:sa'pangvoEngTo boil'pangStudent
sa'sasa'-saStudentPuon:saya1advEngSomething done in a distributed action, each taking a separate part.BolBarang saya.FilTig-isa.IloSaggaysa.Saray tuloy mibubsat sa'sa saran bali.Each of the three brothers have their own house.RC87 ECC13Team approved2advEngFor something to be done individually one after another.BolMisusunor o saya-saya nin mangyadi' o gaw'en a sayay bagay o animan.FilIsa-isa.IloSaggaysa.Kinayaban nasaran sa'sa-sa'sa a main nin utang konan amo na.He summoned each one individually of those who had a debt with his master.Syn clsmidandanmisunor 1mitataguna'mitutumboksaya-saya 2ECC13Team approved1+sa'sa-sa'saDer.panusa'sasusa'sawenpanusa'sapa-nu-sa'-s`agerBolPangangwa' o pangusar nin saya-saya tamo'.DCC11,23Pendingsusa'sawensu-sa'-sa-wɘn advEngEach one, every one of two or more people or things regarded separately.BolBarang saya main sayay ikon nan naibi.FilBawat isa.; Tig iisa.IloSaggaysaen.Say sinusa'sa kontamo ket mamin tulong konran natyan.Each one of us ought to give help to the bereaved ones.ECC13 RC90Team approvedPerf.sinusa'sa
sa'wetsa'-w`ɘtStudentnEngA sigh.BolAnron sanglap nin siri o minawa nin ararem bana' ta main idap sa nakem o kaingaran.FilBuntong-hininga.IloAgsinnaay.Andi' ka sa'wet anan sa'wet no tawagen may Catawan.Don't repeatedly moan and whimper when calling on the Divine.Syn clssanglapGenminawaRelberengidap nakemDCC7,23; DCC3,24PendingDer.suma'wetsuma'wetsu-ma'-wɘtvchngEngTo sigh or gasp.BolAnunron inanawan ipaluob ba'yo iliwa' a bigra'.FilMagbuntong-hininga; maghimutok; humaging.IloAgsinaay.Kaaram tinmangar ya si Jesus sa langit tan sinma'wet ya tan wana, <<Effata,>> a say rabay nan irgwen, <<Maabryan.>>And then Jesus looked up to heaven and sighed and said, <<Effata,>> which means to say, <<Be Open.>>Suma'wet ya ta mapagal yan ibat nagtrabaho.He sighs because he is exhausted from work.RelinanawabreathingRC90PendingPerf.simma'wetsinma'wet
saas`a-'aStudentnEngBanana sprouts or shoots at the base of a growing plant.BolPuon nin batag nin malago' a timmubo' sa puon nan saya nin matua nin puon batag.FilUsbong ng saging.IloSagibsib.Tepe' Mayo iyalis a saa sa sakalakon lugar.Every month of May, banana shoots are transferred to another place.Syn clsrumsiktubuan 1Rel. topuun-puonRC87; DCC3,24PendingDer.saawensaawensa-'`a-wɘnvoEngTo take banana shoots from the banana stalk and replant them.BolKalapen a ba'yon tubo' o say midyo madidintek nin puon batag pigaw imula sa raruman lugar.IloSagibsiben.Mangusar kami nin barita o barusok no saawen mi a batag.We use a digging bar or blade when we plant a banana shoot.DCC3,24Pending
saadsa-'`adIlosaadstatus, condition, position, situation, ranknrareEngA position that is bestowed on someone.FilKatungkulan.IloSaad.Syn clspusisyon 2pwisto 2PendingDer.isaadmisaadisaad'i-sa-'advinrareIloEngTo determine that something will happen.IloIsaad.Nisaad kona a sya ket magpastor ya.He was predestined to be a pastor.PendingPerf.nisaadmaisaadma-'i-sa-'advstrareEngPredestined, decree beforehand.BolSi nibi nan Dios a gawa' nan sayay tawo ta siin a karma' na.FilPalad; katalagaan; distino.IloMaisaad.Si gawa' nan sayay tawo a naisaad nan Dios kona nin gindat ana.Predistination; fate; God foreordained everything that will happen.Syn clsmaipataoydecreedPendingPerf.naisaadpaisaadanpa-'i-sa-'a-danvacrareEngTo be foreordained to something.IloNakaisaadan.Main kaisipan ran raruma a si Dios main naisaadan na konan sayay tawo.There is a theology of other people that God foreordained people to a certain situation.PendingPerf.naisaadanpakaisaadanpa-ka-'i-sa-'a-d`anvloldIloEngThe capability ofdetermining something specific ahead of time.BolSi gawa' nan sayay tawo a naisaad kona nin gindat ana.FilKapalaran; katalagaan; distino.IloPakaisaadan.Mabista a pakaisaadan nin byay na ni Abraham nin mabasa sa Biblya.How Abraham's life, which can be read in the Bible, was determined is beautiful.DCC9,23Pendingmisaadmi-sa-'advrrareIloEngTo bequeath or promise something for someone, make a covenant.Bolnaisuyo'; maipatawir; tarato; kataratwan.FilNangako.IloAgisaad.Pending
saawensa-'`a-wɘnPuon:saavoEngTo take banana shoots from the banana stalk and replant them.BolKalapen a ba'yon tubo' o say midyo madidintek nin puon batag pigaw imula sa raruman lugar.IloSagibsiben.Mangusar kami nin barita o barusok no saawen mi a batag.We use a digging bar or blade when we plant a banana shoot.DCC3,24Pending
sabasa-b`aStudentnEngA variety of a tall banana stalk having short, plump, yellow green bananas with a thick peeling and is almost the same as the urimos but the bunch is not joined together and is cooked in sugar to make a sweet dessert.BolKlasi nin batag nin say bakas na ket annented nin malilimpek tan nidadani a bunga, say puon nan siti ket ata'gay tan alalaki.FilSaba.IloSaba.Say mula nan laking ko, pulos nga'min saba.The plantings of my grandfather is without exception the saba banana.GenbatagRelurimosPending
saba'sa-ba'StudentnEngThe capacity to organize and carry things to completion before the depletion of that capacity.BolMababa' nin yadien o trabawen a nagsikabarang nin gawa'.FilMakayang ubusin.IloSaba.No mangan ka, sitaw tamo' si saba' mo.If you eat, that is the extent of what you can do.Syn clskapasidad 1pakababa'PendingDer.ikasba'kasabaanmasaba'ikasba''i-kas-ba'pattEngTo take on more than what one can handle, overload.BolAkuen yay sayay bagay a masurok-surok.FilLabis.IloNalabes.Pendingkasabaanka-sa-b`a-'anptcpEngThe be depleting the supply of something.BolMababa' nin kunsumwen, kanen o kalapen a sayan bagay.IloKinaanay.Kai kasabaan a bungan mangga komi no bulan nin Mayo.There is no way for us to deplete the mangoes in the month of May.DCC7,22Pendingmasaba'ma-sa-ba'vstEngTo exhaust the supply of something or deplete it.BolMababaan a ma'pos nga'min.FilMaubos; masaid.IloMaibus; masabaaan; mabalinan.Say ado' nan Catawan, kai masaba' sa ka'bwan.The love of God can not be depleted for its abundance.Syn clsma'posbe consumedRC90PendingmasabaanStudentma-sa-b`a-'anvstEngFor the supply of something to be consumed or exhausted.BolPakababa' nin magwa' a bubagay o gawa' bilang wadi' upusen, kalapen o kunsumwen a saya bagay.FilKayang gawin lahat o ubusin.IloMaaramid amin wennu ibusen.Kai masabaan a kuna' no mi'sa no bugabog.In the season of plenty, sometimes the supply of fish can't be exhausted.Syn clsmakunsumoconsumedupusenconsume s/tDCC12,19; voe02/24Pending
SabadoSa-ba-d`oStudentSpsábadoSaturdayn propEngSaturday.BolIka'nem a awro mangibwat sa Lunes o sunor a awro konan Birnis.FilSabado.IloSabado.Kasan klasi ran mag'adal tepe' Sabado.Every Saturday students have no classes.OrdlinggoLinggoLunesMartesMiyerkulesHuwebesBiyernesSabadojcd12/17; DCC4,20Team approved
sabangansa-b`a-ŋanStudentnoldEngThe area on either side of a river opening into the ocean that is usually sandy.BolSay nigmang a bubuyangin sa nigmang rubari' nan ilog a ibat sa taaw.FilTabing ilog.IloIgid ti karayan.Sa sabangan, itaw ya sumrep a ranom ilog a ibat sa taaw.There at the beach is where the water comes into the river from the sea.RC87; DCC3,24PendingDer.kasabangnankasabangnanStudentka-sa-b`aŋ-nanptcpEngThe mouth of a river that has sediment of sand where it goes into the ocean.BolSi lugar a kamainan nin nabunton nin bubuyangin sa rigrig nan luuban sa ilog.FilSabang.IloSabangan.Maputi a buyangin sa kasabangnan sa ilog Balingasay sa Bolinao.The piled white sand along the seashore at the mouth of the Balingasay river is very white.RC90; DCC7,20Pending
sabarsa-b`arStudentnEngA thing or person that blocks the function or interferes with something.BolBagay o tawo nin makasalaban ket makaabara' no main man-gaw'en o kai nin matkap bale' isen ya konan siin nin tyimpo o panaon.FilSagabal.IloSali.Main sabar sa dudungawan mi kanya' kai ya maisada'.There is a blockage of our window so it cannot be closed.Syn clsmakaabara'paedsalabanecc12/22Team approvedDer.isabarmakasabarisabar'i-sa-barvinEngTo put something in a position that would hinder or interfere with movement.FilIharang.IloIsali.Andi' ma isabar sa danin purta a bisiklita mo ta madaragos rayan lumabas.Don't put your bicycle where it interferes with the door for those passing by could brush it.Pendingpaisabarpa-'i-sa-b`arvacEngTo cause an interference with something.BolPaisalaban o paibanlag sa dalanan o mangkimeyan. IloAgpasali.Andi' ka paisabar sa dalan no main lumabas ta akipot yay dalan.Don't cause an interference on the path if someone is passing by since the path is narrow.Antpaipal'ismove awaySyn clspaibanlaghave put crosswisepaisalabanblock s/tDCC8,23PendingmakasabarStudentma-ka-sa-b`arviaEngTo happen to interfere or block so as to prevent the passage of something.BolMakapaed o makasalaban nin bubagay konran mandumalan o mampangimey.FilMakasagabal.IloMakatuben.Si kaminiro, rinarusan na nga'min a makasabar sa dalan.The street cleaner cleaned and removed all the things that blocked the road.Syn clsmakapaedable to hindermakasalabanobstruct s/tmakasbelprevent s/tvoe01/24PendingPerf.nakasabar
sabat2sa-b`at1nEngA knife similar to a bolo with a curved hook on the tip.BolAgamiren nin matadem a bira'mon beneng bale' makubpal tan kinmawet sa parpar na.IloBuneng.Matadem yay sabat na ni Juan ta pirmi nayan iyasa'.Juan's hooked knife is sharp since he is always sharpening it.DCC12,23Pending2adjEngTo be slashed off so as to look neat.BolNaputol ana nin bagay kanya' marimpes anan kikiten.Sabat ana sarban dikot sa dalan sin linmabas ako.All of the weeds along the road were cut down when I passed by.PendingDer.isabat2manabat2sabatansabatènisabat2'i-sa-b`atvinEngcut w/ hooked boloIloItagpas.Isabat may matadem a sabat isen sa didikot. Cut the weeds with a sharp hooked bolo.Pendingmanabat2ma-na-batvasabatansa-ba-t`anvlEngTo cut something specific with a curved tip bolo.BolPutulan o tagaen a raruman bagay nin usar a beneng o tabas.IloTagpasan.Sabatan anay dikot nin gulpi sa libed bali.The amount of weeds that were cut around the house were massive.DCC3,24Pendingsabatènsa-ba-t`ɘnvoEngTo cut plants with a curve tip bolo.BolTagaen o putulen a raruman bagay nin usar a beneng o tabas.IloTagpasen.Say dikot nin sabaten ra a panakeb mi nin uring.The weeds and grass they cut is what we are covering the charcoal with.Si Dan ket manabat yan dikot sa rigrig nin gagawa'.Dan was the one that cut the weeds around the field.Syn clstagaenslash s/tGenputulencut s/tDCC3,24PendingActmanabat2Perf.sinabat
sabatansa-ba-t`anPuon:sabat2vlEngTo cut something specific with a curved tip bolo.BolPutulan o tagaen a raruman bagay nin usar a beneng o tabas.IloTagpasan.Sabatan anay dikot nin gulpi sa libed bali.The amount of weeds that were cut around the house were massive.DCC3,24Pending