Browse Bolinao - English



HadesHa-disnEngThe name of the place of the dead going to hell.FilPansamantalang lugar ng mga patay.IloHades.Sarba ran nangibwat sa Hades a syay lugar ran nunati ket itaw saran lamang.All of them from Hades which is the place of the dead they were there also.Pending
halublakha-l`u-blakEghollow blockformed cement blocksnEngHollow block.BolSay siminto nin kudrado nin main butbot sa butlay nin man'usaren no mama'deng bali.FilBloke ng semento.IloHaloblak.Say ringring nan bali mi ket halublak.The walls of our house are hollow block.voe1/20Pending
hambah`am-baStudentSpjambajamb, door post nEngDoor or window frame and jamb.BolKayo, pasak o siniminto nin nipalibed sa purta o dudungawan nin pangigaletan tan pangisekean nin sada'.FilHamba.IloHamba.Si hamba nan purta nan sitin kwarto, akitir ya kanya' ya nin silyan.The door frame of this room is narrow so it will be changed.whdudungawanpurtaRel. tomisagraecc11/18; ecc04/20; ecc09/24Team approvedSpch var.amba
hamonha-m`onSpjamón hamnEngHam, smoked meat from the buttocks of a pig.BolKarni a niprisirba a ibat sa laman o kupey nin baboy.FilHamon.IloHamon.Tawayan mayti si hamon; mataway yan talaga.Taste this ham; it's really very delicious.Kasabyan kanen yayti no Abidad.RC91; jcd05/17; ecc04/20; DCC4,20Team approved
hanbagh`an-bagEghandbagnEngHandbag, a woman's bag.BolBag a magwa' nin say usaren nin bubbayi a main nin awiwis nin pamitbitan o isa'lay sa abaya, o bangkwang a usaren nin mamalingki.FilBag; bayong.IloBay-on.Si hanbag na ni inay ket naarkusan yan abaluryo.My mother's handbag is decorated with glass beads.ecc08/18Team approvedSpch var.ambaghambag
hangerh`a-ŋɘrStudentEghangernEngA hanger for clothing.BolPangisa'bitan nin seket tan raruma et ta pigaw madali' nin kumrang, kai nin magren tan makenes. FilHanger.IloHanger.Mabista a hanger nin plastik.Plastic hangers are good.Syn clsbitinGenpamalaybayanRelkatinjcd05/17; ecc10/17; ecc04/20; ecc09/24 Team approvedDer.ihangermaihangerpangihangeranihangerStudent'i-h`a-ŋɘrvinEngTo put clothes on hangers.BolIka' sa hanger a animan nin seket.FilIhanger.IloIhanger.Ihanger kon pirmi a pini'pian nin pantalon.I always put the washed pants on hangers.Mabista a mangihanger nin pini'pian aysing ta mainum'ay akasen. It is good to hang the laundry on hangers since it is easy to bring them in laterDCC5,19; ecc06/20Team approvedActmangihangermangihangerma-ŋi-h`a-ŋɘr*Go toihangervaEngput on hangerIloAgihanger.DCC9,22maihangerma-'i-h`a-ŋɘrvstEngTo have been placed on a hanger.BolMaikwa sa hanger.FilMaihanger.IloMaihanger.Mangawang ka pan saya sa sain say naihanger nin aysing.Please reach for one of those dresses that that are on the hanger.PendingPerf.naihangerpangihangeranpa-ŋi-ha-ŋ`ɘ-rangerEngA place for hanging things on clothes hangers.BolLugar nin pangisukbitan nin hanger.IloPangihangeran.Balaybayan nin tubo a pangihangeran na ni Juan nin gulpin hanger na.Juan's place for hanging his many hangers is a tubular clothes line.DCC11,23Pending
Haponha-p`onStudentSpJapón Japan1nEngThe country of Japan.BolSi nasyon nin Hapon. FilHapon.IloHapon.Daite' yan nasyon a Hapon bale' mayaman ya.The nation of Japan is small but rich.DCC4,19; ecc04/20; ecc09/24Team approved2nEngJapanese people.BolTawo sa nasyon nin Hapon.FilHapones.IloHapones.Gulpin napadpad nin Hapon sa Bolinao.There are many Japanese who have drifted into Bolinao.RC89; ecc04/20Team approvedCfHaponesHaponesapl.Haponesunspec. var.Haponesa
hapsliphap-sl`ipEghalf slipnEngHalf slip.BolIdubli konan yupa' nan aysing pigaw kai maninag.FilHap islip.IloKamison.Sudit-sudit yay hapslip mo.A little part of your half slip is showing.RelkamisonPendingFil inflhapislip
harbisterhar-bis-tɘrEgharvestercombinenEngA machine that both reaps and threshes the rice.IloBulibol.ReltriserPending
hasintoha-sin-toSpjacinto hyacinth nEngA red transparent variety of zircon used as a gemstone.FilHayasint.IloHasinto.Pending
haspehas-piSpjaspe jasperndeepEngJasper, a valuable stone.FilHaspe.IloHaspe.Si syudad ket puro yan balitok nin malino a bilang nin kristal, tan say padil ket baton haspe.The city it was pure gold that was clear like crystal, and the walls were of the stone jasper.Pending
hay-bladh`ay-bladEghigh blood pressureadjEngTo have high blood pressure.BolAta'gay a prisyon nin daya' nan tawo.FilAltapresyon.IloAltapresion.Maidap a main sakit nin hay-blad.To have the sickens of high blood pressure is hard to deal with.voe1/20; ecc04/20Team approved
Hebreohɛ-br`i-yoSpHebreoHebrew1nEngHebrew, any member of a group of people tracing their descendants from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.BolSay tawag konran tutawo a nangibwat sa puri ra ni Abraham, Isaac tan Jacob.FilHebreo.IloHebreo.Sa Ba'yon Tistaminto sa Biblia, main tawon nanurat konran kapada nan Hebreo.In the New Testament in the Bible there are people that wrote to their fellow Hebrews.synIsraelitaJudioRC90; jcd05/17; ecc04/20; DCC4,20Team approved1.1nEngThe language of the Old Testament in the Bible.BolSi upisyal nin sarita' ran Israelita.FilHebreo.IloHebreo.Say ka'bawan libro nan Ma'ran a Tistaminto, naisurat sa sarita' nin Hebreo.Most of the books of the Old Testament are written in Hebrew.Der.nikaHebreonikaHebreoni-ka-hib-ri-yopattEngTo characteristic of being Hebrew.IloKinaHebreo.Ipangaya ray nikaHebreo ra, Hebreo ako anamaet bale'.They vaunt that they are fully characteristic of Hebrews, I am also however.Pending
hehhɘhintrjEngHuh! A sound expressing surprise or unbeliefBolTunoy nan tawo no main nin narnge' nan maidap tepren o kai na tepren.FilHeh.IloAya.Heh!Huh!Heh, maidap nin mamper tampor koni Mars ta main bula'-bula' na.Huh, it's difficult to immediately believe something from Mars for he has lied many times.DCC9,23Pending
hephɘpnEngAn expression of agony.BolTunoy a sinyal main tawo; sinyal a pananadya' ta main lumiwa'.FilUps!.IloAwts.Hep, masakit ya in!Oh, that hurts!Syn clsannayPending
higantihi-g`an-tiSpgigantegigantic, giantnEngGiant, a large person or spirit.BolAlaki tan ata'gay nin tawo o ispirito, miduman sa kapri.FilHigante.IloHigante.Saray higanti, a'nak nasara kano nin alalakin tawo.It's said that giants are children of large people.PendingSpch var.siganti
hiligh`i-ligTghiligHobby, pass timenFilEngAn interest or hobby, such as food or clothing, as a pastime.BolSay rabay-rabay gaw'en, kanen, isulot tan raruma et.FilHilig.IloHilig.Say hilig ko, bayli nin tanggo.My interest is in dancing the tango.jcd06/17; DCC3,20PendingDer.mahiligmahiligma-h`i-ligvstFilEngTo have a hobby.BolPirmi nin man-gaw'en a rabay-rabay nin aktibidad.FilMahilig.IloNahilig.No main binipisyo tan pista ket main pibayliwan ran mahilig mibayli.When there is benefit and fiesta there is a dance floor for those that have dancing as a hobby.Pending
hilikupterhi-li-kup-tɘrEghelicopternEngHelicopter.IloHelikopter.PendingDer.mihilikuptermihilikuptermi-hi-li-k`up-tɘrvrEngTo fly in a helicopter.BolRumuran sa hilikupter no main keen.IloAgilikuptero.Nako ya si Sam sa Ibali ket mihilikupter li' a kasubli' na.Sam went to Manila and then his return later will be by helicopter.Pending
hilmith`il-mitStudentEghelmetnEngA helmet.BolIsulot yayti sa ulo nin gawa' sa ma'get nin matiryalis nin prutiksyon kuntra sa maksaw nin pakaipekpek.FilHelmet.IloHilmit.Matkap a misulot nin hilmit no magmutursiklo.It is a necessity to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.ecc03/17; ecc04/20; ecc09/24Team approvedsp. var.helmet
hohonEngWoooh, a tern used to stop a carabao.IloHo.No tumawag ya komi, "ho!" wana.When he calls to us. he says, "ho!"Rel. tolwawenPending
huldaperhul-da-pɘrnEngA thief that stops someone and steals from them.IloAgtatakaw.Si huldaper, main ga'get nan sukrot.The hold upper is holding a pointed object.PendingCfhuldap
Hulyoh`ul-yoStudentSpjulio Julyn propEngThe month of July.BolSi ikapiton bulan sa sayay taon.FilHulyo.IloHulyo.Marapeg iti sa Pilipinas no bulan nin Hulyo.It is rainy in the Philippines in the month of July.Ordbulan 2EneroPebreroMarsoAbrilMayoHunyoHulyoAgostoSetyembreOktubreNobyembreDisyembreEneroPebreroMarsoAbrilMayoHunyoHulyoSetyembreOktubreNobyembreDisyembreecc08/16; ecc04/20; ecc09/24Team approved
huntahun-taSpjuntaAssemblynEngA board or council of an organization.BolSaray ata'gay a pangulo sa sayay urganisasyon udino lugar.FilHunta.IloHunta.Hunta Municipal; Hunta Probinsyal.Municipal Board; provincial Board.RC90Pending

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