unot'u-n`otStudentnEngThe act of sucking accompanied by small bites while breastfeeding.BolPanepsep ran abing o madidintek nin ayep bilang sa baboy, aso tan raruma et sa suso nan nanay ra nin main kalamo' nin kayat a madidintek.FilUt-ot.IloNutnot.Abaw a unot nan anak konan suso nan nanay na.The child nibbles a lot on its mothers breast.Syn clsmanepsepRelkayatDCC8,20PendingGrefgunotDer.mangunotunutenunutenmangunotma-ŋu-n`ot*Go tounutenvaEngbite & pull s/tFilUnti-unting kagatin.IloAgkunnot.Rel. torangetenget 1gnawing soundDCC7,22Atl. is mampangunotpangunotpa-ŋu-notgerMangkarnge' koy pangngunot nin animan ngaran sa gurot.I can hear the gnawing of something behind the door.Pendingpangngunotpaŋ-ŋu-notgerEngscrapingIloPanagun-unot.PendingunutenStudent'u-nu-t`ɘnvoEngTo bite and pull something piece by piece or aggressively.BolKayat-kayaten ba'yo naya nin guruyen a sayan kanen o si bagay nin iti sa bebey.FilNgatngatin.IloKunnuten.Pirmi yan mangunot a kilaw baka no sumuso ya.The young calf is always aggressively pulling when he sucks.Unuten nan beyek a suso nan takong no sumuso ya.The piglet bites and pulls the nipple of the sow when it nurses.Syn clset'etengnaw s/tkayatenbite s/tRC 87; DCC10,20; DCC10,20; voe11/21PendingActmangunotAtl. is man'unuten

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