sulits`u-litStudentnEngA driving eagerness to do or be something.BolPangrarabay tuloy nin magwa' o mangyadi' yaynay sayay bagay.FilKasabikan.IloGagar.Sa sulit na ni Nonong nin rumuran sa tsubibo, nibati' nasaray kalalamo' na.In Nonong's eagerness to ride on a Ferris wheel he left his companions behind.Syn clsamot 3kaapuradwanpangrarabaypasyasuet 2ecc04/16; DCC2,19 eccc10/21Team approvedDer.ipasulitmasulitpinasulitsisusulitsulitansumulitipasulit'i-pa-su-litEngTo bring about eagerness.IloIpasulit.PendingmasulitStudentma-s`u-litEngTo desire something strongly and be eager and enthusiastic about it.BolMasuet o ipasuet a rabay gaw'en o mangyadi'.FilSabik.IloNagagar.Masulit yan mako sa Manila.He is eager to go to Manila.Syn clsmasuetpersistRel. tomapilit 1forcefulReliliwhomesicknessTeam approvedpinasulitpi-na-su-lit Syn clspilitconvincingPendingsisusulitsi-su-su-litEngThe characteristic of having eagerness for something.IloSisusulit.Bale' bana' ta mantaga'nan tamo et in say kai et nin nangyadi', mangitpel atamon tuma'gan nin sisusulit sa sain.But because we are still waiting for that which has not yet happened, we endure waiting for that eagerly.Pendingsulitansu-li-tanEngTo eagerly anticipate or do something.FilNais makamit; pinapangarap makamit.IloSulitan.Rabay-rabay nay sumuso ket si'kamo anamaet, sulitan moyo a mag'adal nin say minsahi nan Dios nin kasan sakalakon nailawok ta pigaw nin tumubo' kamo sa byay moyo nin syay bungan nikaisalba moyo.He strongly desires to nurse and so you as well, strongly desire to study the message of God without anything mixed with it in order that you would grow in your life which is the fruit of your having been saved.Syn clsted'enconcentratePendingAtl. is mansulitansumulitsu-mu-litFilBumawi.Pending
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