sinsinStudentadvlizercollEngA relative time marker marking a completed event in the past, at a time closely relating to the subject matter.BolIrgo nin usaren no itambay o ibarita' a panaon o nu'nan awro nin napalabas o no ka'no a nangyadi' yay sayan bagay tan rabay.FilNoon.IloIdi.Sin nu'nan panaon, daite' et a tutawodti sa mundo.In the early times there were as yet few people in the world.Antno 1Syn clska'no 1mu'na 2.1DCC2,19 RC91;DCC2,19 dc90; voe02/22Pending1SDer.bangsinphrsin bangsinStudentbaŋ-s`inconjslgEngBut when. BolPariho a katarusan tan pakausar nan siti sa bale' sin o kaaram sin, nin say man'ibarita' sa sumunor nin grupon susarita' ket surnang sa nu'na anan nibarita'.FilAt nang.IloKet idi.Tinulungan kata intaw bangsin si'koy makatkap tulong kai nako tinulungan.I helped you out back then, but when it was me who needed help you did not help me.RC 87; jcd05/18; ecc09/18; ecc11/22; ecc09/23Team approved

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