kibselk`ib-sɘlStudentadjEngThe consistency or firmness of a solid object.BolMabugay o malumo nin masibulot nin midyo matib'ey.FilGayot.IloKibsel.Pinasyay anda' kibsel nin laman nin layalay.The consistency of the needlefish meat is very nice.Relmabugaymalumomatib'eyDCC10,19PendingGrefbuselDer.makibselmakibselStudentma-kib-s`ɘlEngFor the texture of food to be cohesive and firm.BolKapapa'sar laman nin sayay ma'kan a ambo' nin mabugay. FilMalaman.IloNakintal.Rabay-rabay kon kunaen a tii ta makibsel a lalaman na.I really like to eat silver perch because its flesh holds together.AntmabugaycrumblyPending
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