purokpu-r`okStudent1nEngA specific area of jurisdiction, a unique division, district or zone of something.BolSaya nin dibisyon sa sayay barangay.FilPurok.IloPurok.Si purok na, itaw ya sa numiro uno.His district is there in number one.Syn clssakop 2sityowhbaranggayDCC1,19Pending2nEngA grouping or area of something marked out.BolNadinep nin bagay a naisyay o dani nan sayan bagay.FilTumpok.IloLasin.Rwa nin purok nin byatbyat a saliwen ko sa palingki.I have two groups of shellfish that I will sell in the market.PendingDer.ipurokkipurokmakapurokmamurokmapurokmipupurokpipurokpurukanpurukanipurokStudent'i-pu-r`ok1EngTo set something apart or separate out for a purpose.BolIsyay yay sayay bagay o tawo konran raruma bana' sa sayay gagara.FilIbukod.IloIlasin.Nipurok rayayna nin mangatua na sin main anan pamilya na.Her parents separated her from their family when she had her own family.Nangipurok ya sa naglaku'nan.He withheld some of what it was sold for.Antipasayamerge into oneSyn clsigagaraset aside for purposeikanà' 1devote s/t toisyay 1separate fr s/tecc11/16; ecc05/20Team approved2EngTo differentiate or treat someone differently.BolIsyay a tawo o bagay nin pamiduma sa raruma sa bakas o kapapa'sar sa byay.FilIbukod.IloIlasin.Ipurok rasara sa panganan a maiidap no main nin ukasyon.They discriminate against the feeding of those that are hard up when there is a function.Mangipurok akon tawo nin amigwen ko a bilang wadi' mainan a tawo.I differentiate the people that I make friends with such as those with means.voe5/20; ecc05/20; ecc01/21Team approvedActmangipurokPerf.nipurokmaipurokStudentma-'i-pu-r`ok1EngTo have been set apart into a special grouping.BolMaisyay yay sayay bagay o tawo konran raruma o sa ka'bawan bana' sa sayay gagara.FilMaibukod.IloMaisina.Maipurok ka sa pamilya mo no main sakit mon COVID.You are isolated to your family if you have the sickness COVID.Rel. topaguran 1blow chaff s/pSpecmatiinskim offvoe11/23Pending2EngTo be able to see the difference from the other things, identifiable or distinguishable.BolMaalilbi' a bakas o nikaiduma nan sayay bagay sa raruma.FilMakita ang kaibahan.IloMailasin.Maipurok koyan tawon mabistay ugali'.I can distinguish a person who has a good character.Syn clsmaalilbi'recognizablemadlawbe discerniblejcd04/17; ecc06/17Team approvedPerf.naipurokImmmangkaipurokmakaipurokStudentma-ka-'i-pu-r`okEngTo distinguish or discern something.BolPakababa' nin ma'kit a pidumawan nan bagay o tawo sa raruma.FilMaibukod.IloMakalasin.Main makaipurok no main subor nan sayay lugar.There is something that can detect if there is a spring in a certain place.Syn clsditiktordetectorvoe3/20Pendingmangipurokma-ŋi-pu-r`ok*Go toipurokEngset s/t apartFilIbukod; Maghiwalay.IloIlasin. Mangilasin.dccPendingPerf.nangipuroknangipuruk-purokIntsmangipuruk-purokpangipurokpa-ŋi-pu-r`ok1rareEngThe process of separating out, sorting into unique groups, or keeping back.BolGawa' nin isyay a raruman bagay sa raruma gaw'en.FilIhiwalay.IloPangilasin.Yupa' sa pangipurok mo nin parti nan kwarta a naglaku'nan mo.By keeping back part of your money from selling.Syn clspamiduma-dumadifferentiation about s/tDCC11,18Pending2EngTo be showing favoritism -in one's choices.IloPangilasin-lasin.Wanin ta main nin awron nitanda' nan Dios, a sitaw si tawo nin pinili' na ket sintinsyawan na li' nin kasan pangipuruk-purok a sarba nin tutawo.Its like that because there is a day God has set that that person whom he chose will sentence all the people without favoritism.PendingIntspangipuruk-puroknipangipurokni-pa-ŋi-pu-rokEngTo set apart.IloPinangilasin.Isalba na yupa' sa nipangipurok na komoyo nin si Ispirito na tan say pammemper moyo sa katutu'wan.He gives salvation by means of setting you apart by his Spirit and your faith in the truth.PendingpangipurukanStudentpa-ŋi-pu-ru-k`anrareEngThe process of separating out to a similar grouping from something.BolPakatandaan nin kasalako o pakadlawan nin ambo' ya nin kapada ran raruma o ka'bawan.FilPag-ibahin.IloPangilasinan.Itaw sa rubari' a pangipurukan mon maata' nin mangga.There on the other side is the place to put aside the unripe mangoes.Antkibagayfit in w/ s/tpiparihwanidenticalDCC11,18; DCC11,20; voe07/24PendingpaipurokStudentpa-'i-pu-r`okfmlEngTo isolate or have something separated from the rest.BolMako sa dayo', kai nin kilawok o kikalamo' sa raruman tawo o sumyay sa ka'bawan.FilHumiwalay.IloPailasin.Paipurok sarayna ta sakalakoynay pamilya ra.They have to separate now because they are their own family.Antkilawokmix in w/ groupSyn clsisyay 1separate fr s/tmakaisyayable to separatepaibukodRC91; DCC10,18; DCC10,20; voe05/24PendingPerf.pinaipurokpakapaipurokpa-ka-pa-'i-pu-r`okEngThe capability or basis of being able to distinguish and so know something.BolPrusiso nin paka'kitan nin kasalako sa raruma.IloPakailasin.Ma'kit a pakapaipurok nin rigalo ran mainan konran pubri.The distinguishing features of the gifts from those that have means from the poor can be seen.Syn clstanda' 1knowDCC9,23Pendingpakaipurukanpa-ka-'i-pu-ru-k`anEngThat which enables a person to see the difference and is distinct and significant; a sign, signal, attribute.BolAniman a magawa' nin kai ra pipadawan nin rway bagay.FilAnumang bagay o ginagamit para makita ang pagkakaiba.IloPagdumaan.Ani a pakaipurukan sa irarate' ni Jesus?What are the signs in the coming of Jesus?Syn clssintumasymptomsSpecmarkaa markDCC9,23Pendingkipurokki-pu-r`okEngTo be separated into a separate location.BolKisyay nin lugar konran raruman tawo o pinarsa.FilMagbukod.IloMakilasin.Kipurok yan idaan na si Sam konran pamilya na no matrangkaso ya.Sam is in a separate room from his family for sleeping if he has the flu.Syn clskibukodget own placekisyayseparate frDCC6,22PendingPerf.nikipurokmakapurokma-ka-pu-r`okEngTo be able to separate something out from the rest and make it distinguishable.BolMakaisyay nin raruman parti nin bagay nin ibat sa gindat nin bagay.IloMailasin.Makapurok yan adubo si Rose konran a'nak na no buklas.In the morning, Rose separates out the adobo for her children.DCC4,23Pendingmamurokma-mu-r`ok*Go topurukanEngseparate outFilMagtabi.IloMangilasin.DCC7,22mapurokma-pu-rokPendingPerf.napurokmapuruk-purokma-pu-r`uk-pu-r`okEngDivide into several groups.BolNatau-tao sa abaw a dupong o grupo. FilNahati hati.IloNalasin-lasin.Napuruk-purok saray tutawo umnoy dupong.The people are separated into several groups.ta pigaw nin say puparti nan lalaman ket kai nin napuruk-purok, no kai edet, mipagawan a saya tan saya.In order that the parts of the body are not divided, but rather the parts, would be concerned about each other.Wanin a lamang no sa sayay pammali o babali ket, mapuruk-purok sara nin miaaway a saya tan saya, misisyay a pirat'anan ra.It's the same way if in a household or a town they form divisions and fight with one another, they will end up separating from each other.PendingPerf.napuruk-purokmipupurokmi-pu-pu-r`okEngTo separate into groups.BolMisisyay nin nadupong o nidinep.IloAglilinnasin.Mu'na-mu'na, naiparate' kongko a no mididinep kamo ta pigaw nin mangrayo kamo konan Dios, mipupurok kamo.First of all, I have been told that when you gather together in order to praise God, you are splintered into groups.Antmadinep 1be accumulatedmadupongassembled togetherGenmisisyayseparate fr each otherPendingpipurokpi-pu-r`okEngTo separate into groups.BolSay sumakalako o kisyay nin lugar o grupo.FilPagbukod.IloIlasin.Pipurok akon kwarto no ma'mot ako.I go to a separate room when I am hot.Syn clspisyayseparation fr s/oDCC12,19Pendingmamipurokma-mi-pu-rok*Go topipurukenEngsegregate s/tIloMangilasin.dccPerf.namipuruk-purokAtl. is mampamipurok1+mamipuruk-purokpamipurokpa-mi-pu-r`okEngThe process of separating out and showing favoritism.BolPrusiso nin pamisyay o pipuruken a bagay sa raruma et nin bagay.FilPagbukod-bukod.IloPangilasin.Nagsikabarang nin tima a nisurat nadti ni Santiago konan sitin surat a bilang say maipa'ka' sa pakasubok tan pakatukso, pamipuruk-purok, pammemper tan mabistan gawa'.Santiago wrote here about various subjects in this letter such as trials and temptations, favoritism, faith and good deeds.DCC10,23PendingAtl. is mampamipuruk-purokIntspamipuruk-purokmapipurokma-pi-pu-rokKai kosara mapipurok a singin ta mibakas saran maong.I cannot distinguish the twins since they look very much alike.Syn clsmaatadobe sliced upPendingIntsmapipuruk-purokpipurukenStudentpi-pu-ru-k`ɘnEngDifferentiate and separate into groups.BolPisyayen a bubagay nin mikakalamo' sa saya lugar o pangwan bana' ta main nin pidumawan sa kapapa'sar o bakas.FilPagbukurin.IloPaglasinen.Ringgasan nayan maong a pangirikan mi'sa pipuruken nay apa tan irik.He will clean the threshing area well and then he will separate into groups the chaff and the strawless grain.Maong saran mamipurok nin sida' mangga sa kai. They are good at separating the ruined mangoes from the good.Syn clspisyayensever fr s/ttaw'enportion out s/tRel. tosapitstraining a liquidDCC12,18; DCC11,20; voe08/24PendingActmamipurok1+pipuruk-purukenpurukanStudentpu-ru-k`anEngTo separate out and put a portion aside.BolMangisyay o irisirba a raruman parti nan saya bagay ta main raruman pangusaran o pigaw main mabati' para sa raruma.FilMagtabi.IloMangilasin.Mamurok ka pan daite' nin kuna'; itra' mo kongko.Will you set aside a little amount of fish; keep it for leftovers for me.Pinurukan kwan ipangan na si Juan ta nabati' ya sa udas nin pangngan. I set aside a portion for Juan to eat since he missed the time to eat.Syn clsbatianleave s/t w/ s/oisyay 1separate fr s/titra'set aside for leftoversvoe09/24PendingActmamurok
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