wnሰላሰኛዋ የቦርና ፊደልthe thirtieth letter of the Borna language is 'w'.Shaashl borni fideliyu 'w' eta etefo.ሰላሰኛዋ የቦርና ፊደል 'w' ትባላለች።
waavሌላ ቦታ ቆይቶ ወደነበሩበት መመለስto move toward, expresses desire for one to join in a particular placeAwure n waa?መቼ መጣ?
waac'iranየድምፅ ርብሻunwanted sounds, any sounds, unpleasant soundsWeeratsi naana'i waac'irosha et nababo maawuro.መንገዱ ላይ ያለው ጫጫታ ማንበብ ከለከለኝ።
waaka1nበዝናብ ወቅት ጫካ ውስጥ የሚበቅል ጃንጥላ መሰል የፈንገስ አይነትfungal plant, fleshy cap on a stalkWaako tarotse daatsre.እንጉዳይ ከእርሻ ውስጥ አገኘሁ።
waaka2vበውሀ ላይ መንሳፈፍ መቻልmoving about in water, propel self through water unsupportedAats waako falfe.መዋኘት እችላለሁ።
wáákatavሁል ጊዜየለም ማለት ወይም ችግር መናገርdeliberate telling an untruth, intent on deceivingWáákato iik'oke sheengatse.ማማረር በእግዚአብሄር ዘንድ ጥሩ አይደለም።
wáálanየጅራት ጭራtail which is used by old people to chase away fliesEenasho wáálon zaanzo giishere.ሽማገሌው በጭራ ዝንብ አባረረ።
waamicanየሚበላና የሚጠጣ ነገር በማዘጋጅት ሰወ ጠርቶ አብሮ መብላትany type of getting together for acknowledgement of, a happy rememberance such as weddings, funerals, birthdaysWaamico git bal asho s'eegere.ለሠርጉ ሁለት መቶ ሰው ተጠርቷል።
waanc'anከቀንድ ወይም ከቅል የተሰራ መጠጫvessel used for drinking anything not hot or alcoholicWaanc'o taron batat waare.ዋንጫውን ከማሳ ረስቶ መጣ።
waarsanየወንድም ሚስትthe wife of your brother /the brother of your husbandT wars jám aawo tindntona bfayefo.ዋርሳዬ ሁልጊዜ ከእናቴ ጋር ትጨቃጨቃለች።
waat'avአንድን ዛፍ ከመሬት ወስጥ በጉልበት ስቦ ማውጣትpull up by the root, removal of the roots from undergroundMááyotse bodo waat're.አረሙን ከእርሻው ላይ ነቀለ።
waaz doogaadjጆሮው የማይሰማunable to speak or hearB' shuweyor waaz dooga b'tesh.ደንቆሮ ሆኖ ነው የተወለደው።
waaza1nድምፅን ለመስማት የሚያገለግል የስሜት ህዋሳትorgan of body that hears soundsAshan waaz k'áwúla..ድመት ወደ ላይ ቀጥ ያለ ጆሮ አላት።
waaza2adjጆሮ ጠቢperson who explores unknowingly, secretly finding out informationWaaz teshts asho detsdek' ud'ere.ሰላዩ ተይዞ ተገደለ።
waazi fos'anየጀሮ ቆሻሻsoft sticky substance in the ear canal to protect it from unwanted objectsWaazi fos'o waazotse bi'ayiyal waazo miid'o falituwe.ኩክ በጆሮ ሲጠራቀም ጆሮ ሊጎዳ ይችላል።
weebanለአንድ ክስተት ምክንያት ማስቀመጥthe cause for doing something, the purpose for, the why for doingWihi máátsush keenihi k'iro weeba.ለሰነፍ ሴት የባሏ ሞት ማማሃኛ ነው።
weed'eyavሌላው ይስራ ብሎ መተያየትa competition among the lazy not to perform any taskEs' moots fiiniru naana'ots es'i taha masho weed'erno.አልጋ ክፍል ሰራተኞች አንሶላ ለማጠብ ተያዩ።
week'avማፈስ (ለጭቃ ነገር)to dip up, to gather up, to take up with a toolAkafon tok'o week're.ጭቃውን በአካፋ ዛቀ።
weepanከቆዳ የተሰራ የቀጥቃጮች እሳት መንፊያcompressible tool used for blowing extra air onWeepon tawo fugre.እሳቱን ለማንደድ በወናፍ ተጠቀመ።
weer worshanሌላ ሴው የሰራብህን አፀፋ ሰርቶ መመለስretaliation, to give hurt and harm for, getting even for harm done to themTmishi b́ ud'tsotse bweer worsho geefe.እህቴን ስለገደለ ልበቀለው እፈልጋለሁ።
weeranለጉዞ የሚያገለግል መስመርpassageway used for travel from one place to anotherWeeri gúúrats bewo shunfe.መንገድ ዳር መቀመጥ ይወዳል።
weeri kaatanሁለትና ከሁለት በላይ የሆኑ መንገዶች የሚገናኙበት ቦታroad that crosses over another, point where two roads intersectWeeri kaato nk'ut'or korde.መስቀለኛ መንገድ ስታቋርጥ ተጠንቀቅ!
wééshaadjህመም፥ በሽታhurt feeling after being wounded such as beat,cut or sickT túfi gaawo wééshre.የእግሬ ቁስል አመመኝ።