znሰላሳ ሁለተኛዋ የቦርና ፊደልthe thirty-second letter of the Borna language is 'z'Shaashe gitl borni fideliyu 'z' eta etefo.ሰላሳ ሁለተኛዋ የቦርና ፊደል 'z' ትባላለች።
zaanzanበቆሻሻ ስፍራ የሚገኝ ነፍሳትsmall insect with two wings found around dirtHanoke zaanzo aankata.እዚህ አከባቢ ብዙ ዝንቦች አሉ።
zaanzbilanስሩ ከበርበረ ጋር የሚፈጭ ቅመምhot tasting spice with strong flavor comes from the root of the plantZaanzbilo shayiyo shaawushfe.አንዳንድ ሰዎች ሻይን በዝንጅብል ያጣፍጣሉ።
zaayitanበቅቤ ምትክ ለወጥ ማጣፈጫነት የሚውል ፈሳሽheavy liquid extracted from fat of animals or made from certain plants, minerals and other sources, will not mix with water but will burnEeg naari zaayitoneya ito nfiinr?በምን አይነት ዘይት ነው ወጥ የምትሠራው?
záfavላፍ ማድረግtake quickly with forceS'áhu baak na'o záfera.ጭልፊት ዶሮህን ነጠቀች።
zeerowanየቁጥር 0 መጠሪያ ስያሜnothing, no value, absence of everything, void, word for the symbol 0Gitatse gito k'aaweyor oorituwo zeerowe.(2-2=o)ሁለት ሲቀነስ ሁለት ዜሮ ይሆናል።
zermanየዝሆን አፍንጫlong muscular proboscis of the elephant used for grasping and feedingDangésho een zermo detsfe.ዝሆን ትልቅ ኩምቢ አለ።
zeyitoniyanየፍራፍሬ አይነትtropical fruit, may be red, yellow-green skin with pink or creme flesh sweet tastingZeyitoni míto kokeri?የዘይቱን ዛፍ ተከልክ?
zii erkanየሳር ቀለም ያለውcolor in the spectrum between red and yellow, color of grassTmotobilu aro zii erka.የመኪናዬ ቀለም አረንጓዴ ነው።
ziipiyanልብስ ጫፍ ላይ የተሰፋ ጥርስ ያለው ቁልፍfasten with interlocking teeth may be metal or plastic called a zipperZiipiyo taash ic'e!እስቲ ዚፑን ዝጋልኝ!
zik'ink'avየዛፍ ፍሬ ለማውረድ ዛፉን በእጅ ወይም በእግር መነቅነቅto vibrate vigorously, jumping up and down on something forcefully, move back and forth or up and down quickly and with forceMaango worshosh maangoyi míto zik'ink'ere.ማንጎው እንዲወድቅ ሰውየው ዛፉን አወዛወዘ።
zimbimbranመብረር የሚችል የነፍሳት አይነትinsect with hard shell wings that protect the inner soft setZimbibro maaro mááre.ጥንዚዛው ቅጠል በላ።
znzranርዝመትን ለመልካት አውራ ጣትና የለባ ጣትን በመዘርጋትunit of traditional measure for length using the index finger and thumb on the same handznzro jootsi indi k'ac'a.ስንዝር ባህላዊ የርዝመት መሣሪያ ነው።