inn zawngtunlodger, lessee, a person who rented the houseအိမ္ငွားေနထုိင္သူ။
inn-tualnfrontage of a houseအိမ္ေရွ႕မ်က္ႏွာစာ။ အိမ္ေရွ႕ ရင္ျပင္။
inndana person or family who will take all the responsibility for cleaning and receiving guests on celebration Dayဒိုင္ခံလုပ္ေပး တာ၀န္ယူေပးသူ2.6.1Marriage
inndangvbe living in a sepate houseအိမ္ခြဲေနသည္inndang la tsim?
inndumvcross to the territory of a house to attack or fight without permissionပိုင္နက္ေျမ က်ံဳးလြန္သည္။
inndungnguest (who visits and stays at your house)ဧည့္သည္။