Browse Vernacular - English



aba gela eda'edanaNP1way to escape2road for running away3run away routeYaubada ha'a eda aba gela eda'edana ya feleda.God has already given us a way to escape.
aba gisigisiNPgrinding milltau~lau~fayofayo waihina aba gisigisi tau~paisowainaThe woman who works at the grinding mill.
aba gogon1place to stay2dwelling place3dormitory (by extension)Egu sikulu aba-gogo, agu an'an yo pelein maisadi ibogu E famaisadi.I had to pay the cost myself, of my dormitory, my meals and my plane fare.
aba gududiNP1blocking them out (a means of)2place of blocking them out3way of blocking them out
aba gwanen1place of singing2place of calling3singing ground for birds[Atai'a] sa laoma doha, ena aba-gwane yai mate, sa ta'i'ili hinaga.[The birds] came like that to his singing ground, and they also went round and round.Used in reference to the place where birds would gather together and sing or make their calls. Not used for a human singing place.
aba hawahawa nuꞌunaunspec.'unaunspec. comp. form ofaba1
aba hininaunspec. comp. form ofhin1
aba husahusaNPcontainer; bagTabu moni aba husahusa, tobo e ahe sumasuma au abidiDon't take a purse (money container) a bag, or shoes.
aba husahusa~gogoNP1bagTabu tuꞌe au abidi yo aba husahusa~gogo, kalahe, o moni, e emi senisi.Don't take your walking stick, or your carrying bag, food, money or your change of clothes.2carrying bag3traveler's bag
aba husa'ina1NPplace for loading things (location)2NPplace into which things are loaded3ncontainer into which one loads things.4nbox or container (generic term for)
aba husanidiger1place of carrying2place of loading
aba ita~lobahidiNP1place of getting understanding<Loholoho yo heyaya aba ita~lobahidi> oyagina uluna, tabu u an,As for the fruit of the tree for "getting knowledge of good and evil," don't eat it,2place of witness; place of testimonyYa famala doha edi (heyaya) aba~ita~lobahi.It becomes their place of witness.
aba ita'itacomp. ofcont. ofder. ofaba1ita-1ita1aba1
aba kamkamnan1place of suffering2place of pain
aba laoman1place where one comes fromantaba laoma 3aba lau 32place of origin3origin pointEm aba-laoma yai agu an'an boludi.Where you come from is lots of my food.antaba laoma 1aba lau 1
aba lauger1place where one's goingEdi aba lau nu'una sa mahano~lau, Yesu bena ya tafo~dalu.They arrived at their destination (LIT: the place where they were going) and Jesus would break away (from them}.antaba laoma 3aba lau 3ov. synaba lauwasi 1aba lauwasi 22course3destinationEma aba lau yai mate, hama edi ouli.At the place where we went the fish were plentiful.Na ema aba lau yai na, Lalasi o hwayahwayau heyayana 'e lobahi.But as we were going we encountered a Lalasi wind, or a bad windstorm.antaba laoma 1aba lau 1ov. synaba lauwasi 1
aba lau leta1NPway to get downov. synaba finafinahe hasa1 2aba finafinahe hasa2aba finahe 1pampe'o 32NPplace of descentYau mate hewa yai E ta'ata'ai mate, egu aba lau leta E fakau.As for me,I was sitting up on top, because I didn't know where to get down.3gerplace to go down
aba lau paleinan1place where one missed the target2place where one missed one's goal3miss one's goal (place where one)
aba laulau bu'agercooking placeYa fafamakano habahim, ya kanene be ya lau Hinau Masali ena aba laulau bu'a afusana. He was being quiet, and he was crawling along and then he went to Hinau Masali's place of cooking fireplace (ashes)
aba laulau bu'a ginaulidiNP1cooking equipment2kitchen equipment3things used for cookingMulina yai mate haba edi aba laulau bu'a lumana kiukiu sa abi, pa'ana haba aba laulau bu'a ginaulidi yo aba an'an ginaulidi ainiya sa ota na sa fapaisowadi.Afterwards they will then make their little kitchen [place where cooking is done] because the cooking things and the eating things stay there, and they use them [there].ov. synaba an'an ginaulidi 1
aba laulau bu'a lumanaNP1kitchen2cookhouseMulina yai mate haba edi aba laulau bu'a lumana kiukiu sa abi, pa'ana haba aba laulau bu'a ginaulidi yo aba an'an ginaulidi ainiya sa ota na sa fapaisowadi.Afterwards they will then make their little kitchen [place where cooking is done] because the cooking things and the eating things stay there, and they use them [there].ov. synbili2 2
aba laulau enoNP1sleeping placesa samonene lau, Saulo ena aba laulau eno.They sneaked up close to Saul's sleeping place ov. synaba anyawasi 1aba eno 1aba eno 4leiyafa 22bedGali sa ginauli ma'udai, doga wa sa fadalolo lidiyen, ena aba laulau eno yai.They finished making the hole (and then) they let the person down on his mat [lit: place where he was lying].
aba laulau-bawaNPplace to sit and visitov. synbili2 2luma tanuwagana edi bili 1luma tanuwagana edi bili 3tanuwagana edi bilitaumana edi bili 1taumana edi bili 1taumana edi bili 2
aba lauwasin1place of one's journeyov. synaba lau 1aba lau 3aba lauwasi 22destination of one's journeySa miya e--, begana haba taumoho wa ena aba lauwasi yai ya fuyoma.Life went on, until it was just a little while before the man would return from the place to which he'd travelled.ov. synaba lau 1aba lauwasi 1